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Your Not the First Ones

Posted on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 @ 4:13pm by Commander Shireen Stark-Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 53: Last March of the Enterprise-E
Location: Akurian Minor World Kosklova
Timeline: 1100Hrs - February 17th, 2392

Director 1st Class Ayusskei of the Military intelligence service stepped through the final wormhole gate, arriving at planet Kosklova's fighter corps command center, which was on the Baseship orbiting the planet. The Sehkeen Leokuri female walked over to the Fighter Force officer whom called her. "So we have a UFP federation ship arriving here.?"

Sky Master 2nd Class Yozor, an Atergis Ankuri nodded," Yep, its confirmed, the vessel is from the UFP." He pointed at the tactical display showing the whole system, "Their ship is in the process of docking with the baseship right now, we have a klingon ship being pulled in as well, it was disabled by one of our fighter patrols."

Ayusskei looked at the tactical display, thinking, then she gave her orders out quickly. "Alright, have a full company of Military police in full tactical gear ready to board the Klingon ship with a large contingent of Combat robots and FSW robots. But the Military police are only to keep the Klingon's from boarding, we will board their ship with robots only until we have secured all the engine spaces. These ships use antimatter power plants and they are quite volatile, the Klingon's may attempt to self destruct their own ship in the boarding attempt. Also mobilize our own fighter force units and conduct a through search of the area, there may be more of those ships out there. They may be no threat to our military craft, but they can threaten civilian traffic. Also alert civilian authorities of the situation."

Yozor nodded, Puzzled about his orders but he proceeded to carry out Ayusskei's orders, then he followed her to the docking station where the Mohawk was being docked, arriving there in a matter of minutes. Then when they reached the Airlock, they waited, along with several military police officers, whom in order to remain non threatening in appearance, they where only in their normal duty attire, a light vest and their service sidearms.

On the other side of the airlock, aboard the Mohawk. Commander Shireen Yamaguchi and her first officer. Lt Commander Darnell Hammond regarded his commanding officer with a measured look. "Do you think they will be hostile?"

"I have no idea Darnell." Yamaguchi responded quietly as the airlock's connected and pressurised. "Well... We are about to find out." as she tapped the display next ton the airlock, it said that the seal was 'good' and the system was'100% pressurized'.

Ayuuskei stood their calmly while the door opened and introduced herself as soon as she saw the federation personnel. "Director first Class Ayusskei of the Akurian Military intelligence service, welcome to Kosklova and the Akurian Confederation."

"Commander Shireen Yamaguchi. USS Mohawk." Shireen regarded the two beings before her, one of them was easily four times her size and mass and the second was shorter then she herself was. "We come in peace." she added a moment later. "I have many questions and I assume you do as well. I apologize for the state in which I greet you but we've been at war with... them for the last few years.." she indicated the D7 that was in the next slip to her own ship, at the same time Yamaguchi also noticed the large numbers of the military personnel present. "Are they for my ship?" she inquired.

Ayuuskei looked over at the group of MP's assembling in full tactical gear. "No they are preparing to board the Klingon vessel. The Klingon's attacked our fighter patrol, so we intend to arrest the entire crew and impound their ship."

Shireen smiled. "Okay by me.. Serves them right.."

Darnell Hammond meanwhile looked around. "Impressive.. Captain their construction methods indicate they are far more advanced then us."

Yamaguchi nodded in response. "I sincerely hope so." she added before she noticed something. "Wait... Have you met these guys before?"

Ayuuskei nodded. "Yep, not the first time we have dealt with them before, anyway, if you need medical assistance, we can provide that, as for your ship, Well I'll be honest, I wouldn't put to much effort into repairing it, even if we were to establish regular contact with your federation, your ship is hopelessly obsolete even by their standards now, let alone ours."

Yamaguchi paused. "The Mohawk has only been in operational service for.. about four years..." she paused as she turned to Hammond. "Sir. its possible that our trip here from the Sherman system had an unintended side effect... time dilatation."

"Lovely.. and Sherman planet is... what?"

"About a hundred and fifty light years from here."

"So... Wait... explain this so my weak mind can comprehend?" Yamaguchi responded. "I'm a MD, not a PhD." she then shrugged her shoulders in a manner that indicated helplessness rather then indifference.

Ayuuskei then explained the situation. "The first federation ship we have had show up in our space was a constitution class ship known as the USS Boston. That was 120 years ago, and according to their logs, when they got here, it was 2271 by their year. The next ship to arrive happened 27 years later, an excelsior class in their year of 2298. I have familiarized myself with what federation records I have been supplied with from the 14 vessels so far that have ended up here, but of all of them, your ship is by far the oldest, which leads to two things. One you suffered a time dilatation incident, or you hit a temporal anomaly on your side of the wormhole, seeing as your universe seems to be less temporally stable than ours. However the latter scenario has only happened once, while every other vessel has so far never encountered such incidents. I'll have to check your logs to be sure."

Yamaguchi shared a look with Hammond. "Is a temporal event possible?"

"Yessir. It is." Hammond responded evenly. "It was a possible side effect of our effort to get here."

Yamaguchi paused. "Alright.. pass the word to the crew... Tell them that we are among friends and that .... Have then pack up their things... The Mohawk is a write off."

"We still need a ship.." Hammond responded

"We won't need to worry about that.. We're among friends.." Yamaguchi responded. "Darnell... If these guys were honestly hostile.. Do you think they would be giving us a chance to have this conversation?" the small woman inquired. "Exactly."

Ayuuskei then added. "Also it is preferable you bring your crew to our medical bay. As for your ship, we will just put it in mothballs with the other federation ships we have, we also have an aide program to help your people find employment if they wish and allow them to relocate to a planet of their choosing. To be honest I am not sure if we will ever be able to establish contact with the federation so let your people know to prepare for that possibility. I can get you in contact with other former federation people that are scattered across the OISU, most are still alive today, but we haven't kept tabs on everyone."

Shireen nodded her head slowly, what she was hearing as the second ultimate nightmare scenario. "Alright.. I'll go speak with my crew and let them know the situation."

Ayusskei nodded. "Very well I'll leave that to you, however if you don't mind, We would like a copy of your ships historical database."

Yamaguchi paused. "May I ask why you want our database?" she inquired. "It'll take my guys awhile however.. our computer was damaged in that last attack."

Ayusskei shrugged," Mainly for historical value. We aren't interested in any classified or military info, lets face it, your ship is so hopelessly obsolete all your database is good for is historical data anyway, that's pretty much why.."

Yamaguchi turned to her exec as she nodded. "See to it Commander." she responded as another person emerged from a nearby room and came over, the female looked rather young as she smiled before she quickly came skidding to a halt. "I don't believe it.." the female muttered, too softly for most to hear but too loudly to be kept to herself. "Ayusskei.." she announced herself. "I have the report you asked for.." as she came to a stop next to the Akurian she had been working with for the last while.

Shireen Yamaguchi regarded the female before her. "Who are you girl?" the small woman regarded the woman who she recognized but it had to be impossible.

"I am Ashley Yamaguchi... Your great granddaughter. Your son John is my grandfather."

Shireen paused. "My great daughter... Last time I saw my children.. John was fourteen."

"I know... He spoke of you... He never stopped believing you were alive.." Ashley paused. "It seems his faith was vindicated, after all I mean..."

Ayusskei thanked Ashley and took the report and gave it the once over, then handed it to Shireen," Alright, this tablet contains all the information we have regarding federation personnel and ships that have ended up over here, and it contains the location of where some of these people have settled, but I will warn you, many akurian worlds don't keep a real good census, so not all the information in here may be accurate. It also holds what information we have regarding federation history since your departure."

Yamaguchi gently accepted the item in question. "Thank you." she responded with a smile. "I'll have my guys look this over and we'll get our records over to you when we get our systems working again."


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