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Removing the Snakes head - Tanks roll out

Posted on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 @ 2:30am by Colonel Marc Krueger

Mission: Mission 61: The Blood-Dimmed Tide
Location: Zh'kuar system
Timeline: Feb 11th 2392

30 kilometers away from the city, Landers and heavy shuttles began to deploy their armored vehicles while aircraft screamed overhead heading to their objective. No Klingons where present to contest the Akurians landing.

First Colonel Kin Liku, commanding the Armored regiment observed his regiment deploying from his Command vehicle, a Super heavy battle tank. In the tank also was the Federation Colonel, Marc Krueger.

The plan was relatively simple, 2/3rd of the artillery vehicles would remain at this position and fire at the city, while the tanks with the remaining 1/3rd of the artillery along with the mechanized and Motorized regiments would head for the city as fast as possible. The engineers regiment would set up a limited number of 20 cm towed artillery pieces here as well, but not too many.

Colonel Marc Krueger held his silence as he watched the display before him, he assumed it was for the tank commander and the gunner but he was sitting back and taking notes with a PADD in hand. "Anyone know any good songs... something rousing!?"

Kin wasnt sure what to say to that, focusing instead on Directing hi regiment," Alright, Artillery units stay near the LZ and provide fire support, the rest of us, we spearhead the assault on the city."

All of the battalion commanders acknowledged and the super heavy tanks, including the one Kin was in, led the other tanks forward. Sith General Vellirun was also present for the battle and he directed the Mechanized Infantry Regiment to follow the armored, with the Motorized regiment following up the rear.

The local terrain surrounding the city consisted of Tropical Savannah and tall grassland. The air was warm and the reports indicated this region of the planet was in its spring season to early summer. As Kin looked up at the sky however he could see dark clouds building. There was the possibility that it would rain soon. However the terrain was also hilly and this slowed the tanks progress. they could not safely make more than 50-60 kilometers per hour.

Only 10 minutes into their journey towards the City General Vellirun announced over the Comm," Troops, we need to pick up the pace, it turns out there was a lot more Tekevek soldiers present than we have accounted for, most of the assault regiment is pinned down."

Kin growled. "Eh figures, intel always misses something huh.

Krueger slowly smiled. "So... We go and make Tekevek bleed for it then... Okay." he was still making notes. "Line abreast, three rows deep.." he muttered to himself.

As the tanks broke through the next tree line, Kin observed the wildlife starting to scatter. Most of it appeared reptilian, some of them as large as elephants. Others where clearly mammalian but all of them scattered at the sight of the large metal monstrosities that was the Akurian tanks.

"Interesting wildlife.." Krueger noted the strange beasts running before him. "Mmmmm six legged lifeforms..I seldom see that anywhere else..." he commented. "Wait... are those... Dinosaurs..?" he inquired a moment later. "Wait... Thats a Scutosaurus over there.... well it looks close enough anyway..." when suddenly a massive reptilian lifeform roared loudly as Krueger turned his head. "Oh wow.... that's a Gorgon."

Kin wasnt sure as to what species he was referencing, instead he simply replied," Well, maybe we can revisits this planet later on."

Krueger smiled. "It'll be nice... I'd like to study these species...after we take the planet of course."

Most of the animals fled away from the tanks. A few stayed put and the Akurian tank drivers simply drove around them, keeping a little distance. After just over 20 minutes of very rough driving the Tank regiment got within range of the city itself. The city was completely walled off though Kin could see smoke arising from multiple area's of the city, no doubt caused by the fighting. The Cities front doors where sealed shut, prompting the Tank commander to comment," Well looks like they locked the doors."

The gunner then replied," Well good thing we have a universal door opener."

Krueger chuckled softly. "Can't go wrong with large door openers... Especially if yo ask politely."

Kin then gave his orders to a nearby Super Heavy tank Destroyer armed with its 28.5 cm cannon,"Lieutenant Mietnez, Unlock that door if you will."

Mietnez acknowledged and gave his own gunner the order to fire. The 28.5 cm gun made a deafening sound as it fired its projectile at hypersonic speeds. The front door of the city was no match for the projectile as it got blown off its hinges with the first shot.

Krueger chuckled. "Did the round detonate on impact or go through the door?" he inquired.

"That was an Armor piercing round," Kin answered." AP round will penetrate armor then detonate on the other side, or will detonate inside the material depending on how the fuze is set. HC rounds will detonate on nose impact though, however HC can also be set for proximity or timed detonation as well."

Krueger quickly jotted down notes. "Useful to know." he commented in response. "My R&D are going to be busy for months when I drop my formal reports their way." he indicated his PADD.

Kin then pulled himself inside the tank, closing the hatch an then ordered the unit forward. There where klingon warriors at the gate and they open fired at the tanks, however with the super heavy tanks leading klingon weapons fire just bounced off their shields while the tanks secondary weapon mowed them down. One klingon even attempted to jump in front of the leading super heavy tank and stop it with a grenade, however the leading tank simply ran him over, with the grenade harmlessly exploding underneath the tank.

Krueger watched in silence before commenting once. "Impressive." he muttered softly. "So.. what... barge in and shoot everything in sight?"

Kin nodded, "that's the idea."

The Super heavy tanks immediately fanned out after passing through the gate, focusing on clearing the immediate area around the gate to allow the smaller tanks to get through without difficulty. The klingons failed to offer much resistance, due to the air assault drawing most of the warriors towards the city. Kin looked in the direction of the city. knowing that a super heavy tank was unlikely to maneuver very well within a city he then directed most of his regiments AA tanks to lead the assault on the city itself, with some tanks following and most of the mechanized regiment. The rest of his regiment as well as elements of the mechanized and most of the motorized infantry regiment would secure the surrounding fields and rescue the ferasians in the process. However he did send three Super heavy tanks to break the palace doors.

Krueger watched the battle unfold and continued taking notes. "I look forward to seeing the sensors recordings from this battle.... At great length and in precise detail... I have a feeling I will find them to be most fascinating."


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