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Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 4:35am by Fleet Captain Vrr'Srhann'rr 'Siranna'

Mission: Mission 61: The Blood-Dimmed Tide
Location: Niven system
Timeline: 1030Hrs - January 24th 2392

Teval immediately caught the familiar scent of a Klingon ship as the four feline individuals materialized in the Klingon transporter room, only instead of a Klingon operating the transporter, it was a Ferasian.

The Ferasian looked at the four, commenting "Uzara is waiting on the bridge."

Teval nodded and lead the way to the bridge. Immediately he could tell the ship was absolutely overloaded with Ferasian's. The corridors where lined with Ferasian refugee's. The vast majority where malnourished to some degree, and some where wounded, but the immediate problem Teval noticed was the ships desperately overloaded condition. And he didn't miss the fact that not a single Ferasian had a single scrap of clothing on them. A few had weapons on them but most where unarmed.

Siranna regarded them as she walked behind Teval in silence, wearing naught but her fur, a short time after they arrived they reached the bridge, the scent was heavy of unwashed bodies and stale air as the ship was clearly overloaded. However she kept her thoughts to herself.

Teval immediately found Uzara, recognizing her by fur pattern," Uzara, I'm Teval."

The cheetah like Ferasian Uzara looked down at Teval, a little surprised by his short stature. "Oh, I though you where caitian."

Teval raised an eyebrow," No I'm akurian." He then motioned to Teyo and Sirrana, those two are caitains, myself and Nevanzi are Akurians."

Uzara nodded and then got straight to the point," Well as you can see our situation is pretty desperate."

Teval looked around the bridge, which had three times the normal bridge crew present," Yeah I noticed, well first priority is we get the wounded off the ship and get them medical treatment, then we move however many off these kingon rustbuckets as we can to prevent the life support systems from failing due to overload."

Uzara was a little surprised that Teval didn't even try to turn her down.

Siranna nodded. "Also we will supply food, water and medical aid as well.." she added softly. "Then we need to find a good location to settle these people... and then we build a colony.." she then shrugged. "One planet here is heading into an ice age with two other mars type rocks nearby...." she sighed. "not my preferred place of setting up shop."

Nevanzi offered up a suggestion," Well we can always try and settle your people on Zekarria. We are currently setting up shop there but there isn't a lot of us, plus we won't have your people waiting in refugee camps for months on end like with what could happen with the Federation."

Uzara though about it, then asked," So you Akurians would accept us with not real problems."

Nevanzi nodded," Yep, we would be happy to take you in. Mind you we dont have much set up on Zekarria for ourselves but it wouldn't be a real problem."

Teval then added," But first we deal with the wounded."

Teyo and Uzara both nodded "agreed."

Teval then asked. "So I take it you also have ships from house Tekevek chasing you."

Uzara slowly nodded," Yeah, that is a distinct possibility."

Siranna blinked. "We should contact our ships... inform them we might be seeing hostile ships."

Nevanzi wasted little time pulling out his communicator and contacting the Ryazar's shield," Ryuukei, I need you to contact the fleet. Tell them to send over any ship that isn't busy over to the Niven system. Its an emergency, and tell them to bring as many medical people as we can spare. Also put the ships that are here on high alert."

Teval also contacted the federation ships and ordered them to go onto high alert, then he asked Nevanzi," So what is your fleet strength looking like."

Nevanzi put away his communicator, then replied. "Well of the fleet that is here, in federation territory, we have 2/3rds of our fleet. Of the ships that we have managed to contact, we have regained comms with all of our battleships, battlecruisers and fleet carriers and all but five cruisers and fifteen escorts. So ships still missing and unaccounted for is 20 ships. But the remaining ships should be here within two weeks and I will have available practically the whole taskforce."

Uzara blinked in surprise," Well I wasn't expecting you to act so promptly, but then again I guess I don't know what to expect from the federation, I know so little about it."

Siranna blinked as she regarded the feline before her. "You've probably been lied to about the Federation..." she spoke quietly. "Your strength will be helpful." she added as she looked at Nevanzi

Teval nodded and added. "Yeah, you can say that again, The Klingons are far from honest about the federation to their subject species. Its done deliberately to discourage runaways."

Siranna regarded the smaller being before her who was the same rank, she slowly blinked her eyes which was a sign that she was extremely angry however she did not give voice to her anger. "Alright... We can transporting these people over to our ships and give them a decent meal for a change." she paused. "What about these... ships?"

Something then occurred to Nevanzi, and he asked Uzara," How many of your people are on these ships and how many ships."

Uzara answered as best she could," 40 ships, and approximately 2 million of my people."

Nevanzi avoided showing his considerable surprise, but he asked next," And how many of your people are still enslaved by the klingons."

Uzara sighed, and replied," Approximately 8 billion."

Nevanzi, already formulating a plan in his mind about what to do, answered Siranna. "These ships, we are going to need them."

Siranna regarded him. "We are?" she inquired before she stopped. "We can use them to cause problems inside the empire.." she then smiled maniacally. "I like it.."

Nevanzi nodded," But in the mean time, our immediate priority is evacuating most of these people form these ships and start transferring them to ours." He then looked at Uzara," Have all the ships in your group move over to one of the moons, and the ones that can cloak, keep them cloaked, we will form up our fleet around yours and keep up around the clock patrols."

Uzara nodded," Alright sounds good, willdo."

Siranna "I'll talk to my guys... see if I can't get some additional assistance out here for this."


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