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On Silver Wings

Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 3:52am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar

Mission: Mission 57: The Northern Lights
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1500Hrs - January 12th - 2392

Commander Tom Lasky regarded his new son as he gently finished changing him, one thing that Tom had to quickly get used to was the stench of fecal matter as his son was still only a week or so old, his relationship with the woman who had given him birth was complex, to some that was a major understatement.

"its okay Kurt.." Lasky said with a smile. "There you go... feeling better now?"

The child almost ignored him as he was content to simply lie there.

Lasky wrapped up the diaper before he placed it into the replicator to be disposed off, then he took a cloth and wiped it down because he could sometimes be paranoid as he got his food from the same place.

"How's he doing?" Zara asked with concern.

Lasky smiled. "Kurt is or rather he was trying to sleep." he commented. "He looks... so much like Torilla... Don't you think?" he inquired.

"He does... And he looks like you too," Zara spoke with a bright smile.

Lasky smiled as he turned to Zara with an affectionate grin. "I'm glad I was able to get engineering to install a second replicator in this place. One for baby and the other for everything else." he gently picked up his son who cooed in response. "You feel up for another nap son?" Lasky inquired. "We can keep you in your bassinet while your mom and I chat k?" he smiled as he gently placed Kurt into his small bassinet which was located on the coffee table. Shadow peered at the small child as she regarded it with her yellow eyes. "Merrroow." she commented as she remained motionless.

Lasky gently ran his fingers over the cats face and after that, he scratched behind her ears, she responded with a soft purring sound.

"You're a good dad," Zara remarked with envy. She would of liked to of had a dad as good as Tom.

"Its only been a week or so sweetie." Lasky responded with a smile. "You should give yourself credit... you spend more time in one day with him then I have in three..." he added. "Plus... you have a hell of a singing voice."

"I don't normally sing in front of others," Zara blushed.

"But you enjoy singing to Kurt." Lasky smiled down at her.

"Yeah... don't tell anyone though," Zara spoke mock-threateningly. "What did you want to talk about anyway?"

"Well... I've had to adjust to a lot very quickly... I'm not sure if I want to bother with command anymore.." Lasky admitted.

"If it's what you want, I don't see why I can't take a more active role, in order for you to study," Zara offered as she smiled down at Kurt.

"I need to think about it some more." Lasky admitted. "I mean I just got my... I mean our child... If you want to be his mother.."

"A month ago, I might of panicked and said no..." Zara laughed a bit before she shrugged the thought aside. "He gives me joy... You do too, but I don't think I'd ever think about being a mother, if not for Kurt."

Lasky regarded her. "You just needed someone to care..." he paused. "We've all been through a lot in the last year... You more so then most.."

"You complete me Tom. I hope that never changes," Zara spoke with earnest.

Lasky smiled as he regarded her. "You make all of it worth it." he responded. "I never thought..... I'd have someone in my life... let alone a son.."

"I hope that never changes," Zara spoke very hopefully. "I know I'm not perfect, but I do try to be a better person."

Lasky regarded her. "You are getting better Zara.... I like you sober... Besides... you've always been too hard on yourself."

"I'll try not to be so hard on myself in the future," Zara promised lovingly.

"Alright... Thats... all I ask.." Lasky responded with a smile. "So... Elizabeth is coming over later to babysit for us.... You still on for dinner?"

"Oh yeah... So long as I don't cook," Zara laughed.

"No... We're gonna get Duval's lackeys to handle it for us." Lasky responded. "We're going to the Green Dragon for dinner."

"That's my favorite place," Zara spoke with a massive grin. "Maybe they have the bull fixed."

"Maybe.." Lasky responded evenly as the door beeped. Lasky answered it as he found himself looking at Elizabeth who was about his height. "Ahh... come in."

Elizabeth regarded Lasky then she regarded Zara. "Is everything good?" she inquired. "Where is Kurt?"

"He's presently asleep in the next room, being watched by a holonanny." Lasky responded.

"Okay... I'll look after things.... anything special I should know?"

"Not that I can think of.." Lasky responded. "Zara?"

"If he runs out of formula in the cooling unit, look in the cupboards for the canister," Zara told Elizabeth.

Elizabeth paused. "Well my body thought is would be nursing a child.." she paused as she sighed softly. "Would that be an issue?"

"Only if you're comfortable with it," Zara spoke with great caution and respect to Elizabeth.

"I'll be alright." Elizabeth smiled evenly. "Go on you two... have a good time."

"Thank you Elizabeth," Zara smiled, hugged the taller woman, and left the room.

Lasky regarded Elizabeth. "If anything comes up... gives us a call alright?"

"I'll try not to." Elizabeth smiled. "I'll look after the little one. Go on already." as she shooed him out, before she went back to check on Kurt.


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