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Sleepless Nights

Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 2:53am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky

Mission: Mission 57: The Northern Lights
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 0800Hrs - December 26th, 2391

Zara had not slept, ate very little, and most importantly avoided everyone. Zara was so consumed with guilt that she chose to put every ounce of energy she had into her work. To fix the problem. Make a better bridge.

Already she designed four concepts, taking careful measurements from the topographical maps. Two of the bridge concepts had built-in pedestrian walkways. And while all of them looked great and like winners, none of the finished projects truly made her feel any better.

Thus Zara looked at even better ways to improve said bridge. Though by new she looked a wreck, with a downtrodden expression and dark eyes.

Lasky came over to where Zara Tane was sitting. She didn't look like herself but then everyone involved knew why. He gently placed a mug of Klingon coffee before her. "You look like you need this.." he commented as he sat down across from her. "What'cha you working on?

"Bridge concepts," Zara sniffed as she erased a long line with her digi pen. She took the cup and slowly drank on it. "What's this?"

"Rak'tijino." he commented. "Double sweet." he added. "Well... Saki is awake... have you visited her yet?"

"No..." Zara had a massive knot in her throat when she answered. "I was told not to go near her."

Lasky nodded his head. "Rachael.." he sighed. "At least she's not teaming with with her pregnant sister who still has issues with me."

"After my stupidity, I'm amazed I haven't been shot yet by that clan," Zara spoke darkly.

"Well I talked to Torilla last night. She is going to keep out of it and let Rachael handle things... Jake too. Elizabeth... Well she doesn't want to talk to me... and as for Gabriel Yamaguchi... He doesn't want to get involved either."

"Suppose that's something," Zara shrugged and continued to draw. "...Never meant to get her hurt. Never meant to wreck the tank... And now Saki pays for my stupidity."

"Saki will be fine." Lasky responded. "How are you going to handle her hothead of a mother?"

"I'm not," Zara answered in a defeated tone. "I deserve to be punished for putting her kid in danger."

"My father once had a saying.. " Lasky commented. "Looking for trouble means you'll find more then you wanted."

"I want to apologize, but saying Sorry doesn't really make up for it," Zara confessed.

"Then let it go for now.." Lasky responded evenly. "Let it sort itself out."


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