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Last Act in School

Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 1:29am by Saki Yamaguchi-Cullen & Ryuujin Duval

Mission: Mission 54: Where Snow Meets Sky
Location: Various Locations - USS Dreamcrusher
Timeline: 1430Hrs - December 20th, 2391

Saki Yamaguchi smiled as she knew that school would be getting out soon and that this was the last class of the day, when suddenly she felt something impact her in the face, it exploded on contact, as she let out a loud scream.

The teacher sighed as she spun. "Bloody hell Saki. What is it now!.... What the hell is that all over you."

Several snickers could be heard in the corner as a newcomers voice spoke up. "Prehaps Ms Guijan, things could be helped along?"

"Yes Mister Duval?" the teacher inquired with a soft huff. "What is it with you?"

"I saw what happened." the nine year old responded simply. "Those two in the corner threw the ink-bomb at Saki." he added bluntly, when suddenly one of them snatched a textbook up and threw it at him. Duval only smiled as he snatched it from midair and fired it right back at the offending children in question, however the wind caught the pages as it hurtled across the classroom for the second time but it rapidly lost speed and it fell to the deck with a thud. "Next person who throws something at me. I'm gonna keep it."

Saki smiled. "Wow..." she whispered. "Impressive." she added a moment later.

"Go to the office you two." the teacher demanded off the people who threw the book.

Both students began packing up their stuff as the teacher growled. "Leave it... you can come back after school and pick it up then." she indicated the door with a pointed finger. "Now get out of my sight..."

Duval meanwhile had moved himself, his chair and his stuff to sit back to Saki, he had also produced a box of tissues from somewhere as he was helping her to clean her face. "Easy." as he wiped her face clean over the course of a few minutes.

Several students began chanting their names in that ancient song. "Ryujin and Saki up a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G!. First came love, then came-"

"Okay thats enough." the teacher interrupted with a loud growl. "Its thirty minutes until the class ends and your parents come to collect you... Do try and behave... because if you can't then I have no problems kicking students out of class... and you can redo this entire class after school in detention."

With that said the class felt silent as Ryujin finished cleaning Saki's face. "Yeah... your shirt is a write off I think."

"Thanks...." Saki responded. "Still... that was a nice catch."

"Thanks.." Ryujin responded. "My dad has been teaching me martial arts practice.... Its nice to have m,y family around... I didn't even know Dad until a year ago.. when mom died."

"I'm Sorry." Saki responded after hearing that little detail.

"Don't be, it was a year ago and while Dad did not have to take me in, he did so and respect him for his sacrifice."

"Sacrifice?" Saki inquired.

"Yes.. He had plans for his career, things he's had to cancel now because of me."

"He is your dad." Saki responded softly. "I am sure he does not hate you for it."

"He doesn't, he's said so... many times." Ryujin explained softly. "Still... I can't help but-"

"Don't do it." Saki responded. "I've had to remind myself about my own dad... Who met my mom a year ago." Saki explained quietly. "My story is actually quite complicated and I don't understand it all."

"Thats fair." Ryujin responded with a smile as the two turned their attention back to the class at hand.


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