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Ambient Wonder - Part Two

Posted on Thu Mar 19th, 2020 @ 3:46am by Commander Ethan "Hardcase" Duval & Post Captain Hannah Mueller
Edited on on Mon Apr 6th, 2020 @ 2:02am

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1000Hrs - July 10th, 2393

Commander Ethan Duval smiled to himself as he felt a spring in his step that he had not felt in a very long time. He gently tapped his combadge. "Duval to Gaarni.?"

"Go ahead skipper?" came the voice of his first officer, Lt Commander Bridette Hanson. "What can I do for you?" she asked

Duval slowly moved down the hallway as he had intended to report in, then he would handle the paperwork that had accumulated over the previous evening, it would be three PADD's that he would have finished in twenty minutes. "I'm just checking in number one. I'm going to take from now until about fourteen hundred off, I'll check in with you again at about that time. If you wanna send members of the crew ashore, you can do that too."

"Yessir, I'll pass the word along. I'm sure the crew won't mind the day off." came the response.

"Sounds good. I'll talk to you at about fourteen hundred hours then. Duval out." and with that, he lightly tapped his combadge, to close the channel before he turned around, while mentally selecting a new destination, the quarters that he maintained on the Starbase.

Duval retrieved the items he knew he would need before he headed out, his next stop was the Starbase Recreation center, a place he had heard of but he had not visited yet. He entered a few minutes later and went into the changing area, he emerged into the pool area about five minutes later as he instantly noticed a human-looking female do a triple rotating flip off of the top diving board and into the pool.

"Impressive," Duval commented aloud.

"That's Captain Hannah Mueller." one of the lifeguards explained with a smile. "She spends more time here than anywhere else save when she's on duty or asleep. I think she's chasing the Olympics but that's me."

"Its always good to have things to chase." Duval agreed with a nod as he watched the good looking female haul herself out of the pool, her golden colored one-piece bathing suit did not hide anything of her figure, he smiled as he watched her quietly.

Hannah Mueller smiled as she proceeded to adjust her suit so it wasn't so painfully obvious that she was female. She smiled as she looked up at the board as she waited for her results to be posted. A moment later the numbers came up. A three-point six which was better than her average of three point four. "Nett," she said, the translator did its thing. "Nice," it added.

"Captain Mueller." a male voice addressed her, she turned as she found herself face to face with Commander Ethan Duval, finding him here was a true mystery.

"Commander Duval, was? Warum bist du hier?" Mueller asked as her combadge went to work, "Commander Duval, what?. Why are you here?"

Duval shifted his attention from her to her combadge which was sitting next to her bag. "You don't speak English as your first language.?" he inquired quietly.

"Nein. Ich bin nie dazu gekommen, es hat mich alle meine früheren Beziehungen gekostet. Was, ich komme damit nicht mit vielen aus. Sie können nicht damit umgehen, dass ich Deutsch als meine Muttersprache spreche und mein Ansatz funktioniert für mich. " she responded as the translator went to work. "No. I never got to it, it's cost me all of my previous relationships. What, I don't get along with many because of it. They can't handle the fact I speak German as my first language and my approach works for me."

"Fair enough," Duval answered with a smile. "I don't have an issue with any of that. What?." he commented evenly.

"Oh, das habe ich nicht von dir erwartet." Hannah Mueller explained evenly. "Oh, that's not what I was expecting you to say." the translator explained evenly.

Duval regarded her with a smile. "Don't worry, I tend to get that a lot," he answered with a smile. "Don't worry. I can tell you are a woman who knows about what she wants to do and what she loves," he commented with a nod.

"Gut. Ich tue was ich kann. Sicherheit ist mein Tagesjob, aber Ich Liebe es im Pool zu sein, ich finde es entspannend." Mueller answered with a smile. The com system translated what she said into English. "Well. I do what I can. Security is my day job but I love being in the pool, I find it relaxing."

"I believe it. You have a talent, are you chasing the Olympics?"

Mueller paused as she regarded Duval. "Ich hätte nie erwartet, dass ich den Olympischen Spielen hinterherlaufen könnte. Ich komme nur hierher, um mich zu entspannen und Stress abzubauen, da mir Wegen meiner Deutschheit kein Mann in die Hände kommt." as the com system again, went to work. "I never expected that I could chase the Olympics. I only come in here to relax and burn off stress since no man will come near me because of my germanness."

Duval grinned at her. "Well, most men are weaklings." he regarded her. "So... you going back up the board?"

Mueller regarded him with an impish look. "Tatsächlich" she responded. "Actually." The combadge translated as the German female reached over, she gently picked up the combadge before she affixed it to her chest before she turned back to face him. "Ich möchte in einem dieser Whirlpools sitzen und mich entspannen. " she regarded him, a sly smile on her lips. "Willst du mitkommen?." as her combadge went to work on her most recent pile of words. "I want to sit and relax in one of these jacuzzi's." before there was a pause. "do you want to join me?"

Duval paused as he smiled a moment later. "Sure," he answered.

Mueller proceeded to pack up her items. "Sollen wir?" she inquired. "Shall we?"

Duval smiled. "Yeah. We shall." and with that, the two went over to one of the jacuzzi's that were not used. Mueller smiled as she slid her form into the pool, feeling the hot water wash over her legs, thighs, her abdomen, chest, and breasts. She let out a long sigh as she did so. "Also, erzähl mir Jefferson, über dich ...? " she inquired while her combadge. "So, tell me, Ethan, about yourself..?" she inquired.

"Well." Ethan smiled. "It's like this.." as he regarded her with a smile.

As Ethan began to speak, the German woman gently took his hand in her own before she gently guided his hand to her pussy, as he gently began to run her soft womanhood through her suit. "Mmmm..." as she smiled.


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