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A Moderate Dispute

Posted on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 @ 4:53pm by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky

Mission: Mission 52: The Astral Winds
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: Dec 3rd 2391

"Well maybe you should try talking to him, he isn't that bad."

Niva was again pestering her brother about talking to Teval, and finally this time around, Cyrin seemed to be somewhat agreeable, though he still complained on the matter. so he went up to Teval's office, though Niva had to accompany him.

Meanwhile Teval was busy talking to Lasky. "So, given how poorly our last mission went, what kind of event do you think we can organize for the crew."

Lasky paused. "A good dinner party.. or another fancy dress ball." he paused. "A weeks leave would help afterwards." he added with a smile.

Teval sighed, "Well we may not be able to get a lot of leave time this time around, I got the word, that a new mission will be coming up very soon, so we have maybe a week or so, before going out again, if that."

"Alright... I'll see to it that people will get a little more leisure time should they need it... besides we got all these other ships around... which is a nice change.."

"I'll host a rodeo round-up. Ship versus ship tournament," Zara spoke spiritedly.

Teval shrugged. "I guess we can do that, though I'm not really familiar with rodeo's." He then looked at Lasky saying. "Go around and ask the department heads what they think, see if they have any suggestions, see what events or games they can come up with, I'll go talk to the captains of the other ships."

Lasky nodded. "Sounds good. I'll get back to you." and with that he turned and went out the door.

"I'll organize a scavenger hunt of legendary value," Zara smiled and left to go plan in her office. Her steps were animated.

Teval nodded and pulled up his computer, but before he could start talking to the other captains, he heard the door chime go off. Looking up at the door," Come in."

The door opened, and Cyrin shuffled in, with Niva trying to encourage him. Teval looked up at Cyrin, not expecting him to come in at this time. For that matter, he hadn't seen much of Cyrin outside of staff meetings. "Cyrin, what brings you up here."

Cyrin had an irritated puffed up appearance, and Teval was quick to pick up on that, prompting him to ask," Is there a problem, or did ryuukei ask to take your measurements so he could make a plushie of you."

The comment caught Cyrin off guard," Um, well, yeah ryuukei asked to take my measurements, but that's nothing to be upset about."

Teval sighed," Ok then what is it."

Cyrin took a moment to work up the nerve to ask," Teval, during the hangar fire, why did you knock me out and pull me out, I was still standing and capable."

The question caught Teval off guard, given that it had been months since the event, but he answered as truthfully as he could," Well, lets face it, we aren't very big, your 134 centimeters in height, your not big enough or strong enough to really carry anyone whom was injured, and neither did I for that matter."

Cyrin gave him a look," so you think that because I am small i am helpless is that right."

Teval tried to respond to that statement, but the realization came on him that he walked right into that one.

Cyrin decided to continue, letting it all out," You think because you have special powers that others cannot have, that you can dictate who can do what. your just like everyone else, thinking that because i am small and lack those super special powers that I am helpless and cant do anything. You know, maybe if you had just decided to let me try, maybe we could have had one or two more people survive, but noooo, you had to take all the glory didn't you. tell me, where you trying to get all the glory so you could get that christopher pike medal."

Teval felt the sting from that one, he was left completely speechless. after a minute of staring at empty space he came up with probably the weakest excuse he could thing of, even though it was the truth. "Well, I was just worried about you, you where a friend and I didn't want to see another friend die."

Cyrin looked even more infuriated," So instead, you want to save your 'Friend', you choose to sacrifice others that I could have potentially saved, yeah, that is such a wonderful call Teval, your such an objective decision maker aren't you."

Without waiting for Teval to respond, Cyrin simply turned and left the room, leaving Teval alone in his ready room, and now feeling worse than ever. All he could do was sit here and lay his head on his desk.


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