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Time to Leave

Posted on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 @ 1:53am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Commander Moni Nasao PhD

Mission: Mission 51: Warchild
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1200Hrs - November 22nd, 2391

Teval watched the situation unfold on the planets surface. Once all the federation people where gone, he then turned to Lasky, not caring that Zara and Blon where absent. "Well, looks like its time for us to leave this dump."

Lasky nodded in agreement. "Rykar. contact the other ships with us... inquire about their status and ask them for their casualties and losses please?"

Before Rykar could really reply, the ship got hailed by the planet. "Governor boner-head wants to talk to us."

Lasky paused as he almost came out of his chair but he managed to restrain himself right at the last second. "I need a drink.... preferably something stronger then Mikes Hard Lemonade. "Anyone want anything?"

Teval seriously considered dropping a quantum torpedo on the governors palace, especially once Seykai came on the bridge and delivered a report. Taking the PADD, Teval's claws started coming out once he read it over, prompting him to say, "Lasky, your going to want something especially strong after reading this."

Lasky gently accepted the PADD, he gave it the once over quickly before he slowly re-read it. "Oh wow.." he said quietly as he regarded Teval. "Think they'll mind if we... separate every atom in that city from every other atom in that city?"

Moni Nasao regarded him, with a soft huff. "Sir?"

Lasky handed her the PADD, she spent a moment reading it as she handed the PADD back to Lasky, her claws clacked against the console as she sighed. "Why are some people such assholes?"

"Good question." Lasky responded. "Here's another... What do we do now?"

Teval looked at Rykar. "Is douchebag still trying to hail."

Rykar nodded," Still trying."

Teval sighed," Fine, put him on screen."

John Boehner came appeared. "I demand an explanation for what the fuck happened down here." he growled. "Either you give me one... or else!"

Lasky regarded Teval. "Well... I think this is about to get interesting?"

"I believe someone in the crowd fired an explosive round," Bree explained mildly, which was technically true. Roman candles did explode out of their shells.

"Really..." Boehner eyed the Trill woman in a tone that said he didn't believe her. "There were no weapons present..."

Teval this time, couldn't hold himself back, " Just like how you were not inciting riots and creating anti federation propaganda because you don't want to further your own power and wealth by not riding on the backs of your people. You know I really hope you are ready for the fact that your planet is in no where near ready enough condition to go independent and that you are about to see one hell of an economic depression. and probably within a years time, the populace will be breaking down the gates to your palace, wanting your head on a silver platter."

Boehner regarded Teval as if he was a mere irritant. "Silence your house cat Captain."

Lasky smiled. "Wrong answer... Moron..."

"What did you call me!" came the angry response.

"Oh. I'm sorry... did I stutter.?" Lasky responded. "Skipper... Tell him how you really feel?" as Lasky grinned before moving a foot further away from Teval.

Teval's claw's came out at the racist remark. But he at least looked calm and simply commented, "Moni, can you beam Mr. Boner to my ready room real quick, and shut off the security recordings too."

Nasao nodded her soft furry head. "Can I have my way with him afterwards?" she inquired. "Don't worry... I will be... gentle..." as she grinned. "He is in your ready room." as the governor dematerialized on the screen. "and the system is now... off." as her grin widened. "Save me a leg will ya?.... I want a chew toy."

Lasky smiled. "I'll look after things out here..." as he settled into the command chair with a rather evil smirk on his face. "I think I'm going to enjoy this assignment with a little more relish than usual."

Nasao blinked her eyes. "We have incoming mail... I'm sending to various people's databases." she commented. "Commodore... Elizabeth says hello."

Teval casually walked into the ready room, then sealed the door behind his, staring at Boehner.

Boehner regarded the smaller being. "You have kidnapped me... I will be pressing... charges against you for this outrage.. yes yes... I will be... I demand you release me this instant!!!"

In an instant Teval appeared directly in front of Boehner, Landing an energy manipulator enhanced punch to his face, sending him backwards. Not relenting, Teval kicked the plump man in the stomach, several times, then several more kicks to the groin. Once Boehner fell to the ground, Teval dragged him over to the toilet, shoved his head into it then flushed a couple of times, then he smacked Boehner with the lid repeatedly. Teval then grabbed a rope, and using his powers to levitate himself up to the light fixture, tying the rope to the light fixture. He then lifted Boehner up and tied the other end of the rope to his foot, then left Boehner dangling by his foot from the ceiling, upside down. Teval then went face to face with the man, saying," So learned your lesson yet, or are you going to continue to be a racist prick."

"I demand you out me down!. Ho- How Dare YOU!" Boehner screamed loudly. "I will have you up on so many charges that you'll be a bizzillion years before they let your ass out of a slammer."

Teval went to his old intel kit and rummaged around, then he pulled out a small device," Actually, no you wont." Teval looked down at the device then showed it to Boehner," You know what this little guy is."

"I am going to have you skinned and become a throw rug on my office floor.... you little runt.." Boehner yelled at him.

Shadow lifted her head as she peered up at him before she took a swipe at him with her claws, she caught him right on the edge of his nose with her claws as blood began to drip down onto the floor. Boehner screamed loudly. "Get the fucking cat out of my face or I'm going to fucking kill it"

Teval gently grabbed Shadow who meowed in protest, while he pulled her away before putting her in the other room, then walked back over to Boehner," No you wont, because you will have no memory of these events. This, is a short term Memory Eraser, depending on how I set it, I can erase up to the past ten minutes of your memory, and the effect will continue for a few minutes after i Flash you, so you wont remember the next few minutes after i use this device. Instead you will find yourself hanging upside down in your office, without a clue as to how you got there."

"You..." he paused. "How... dare... you!" Boehner growled. "You little bitch!"

Teval simply pointed the device at Boehner's head and pulled the trigger. A Brief white flash and Bohener was little more than a dazed, drooling moron. He then put the device away and walked out of the ready room, first walking over to Moni," Moni, if you will be so kind, beam Bohener back to his office, However, bean the rope too, and make sure it is tied to the highest light fixture in his office, if you don't mind."

Nasao nodded. "It'll take me a moment to get things set up.." as she went to work. Lasky regarded Teval "Everything get sorted out nicely then?" he inquired with a smile. "Are the cats alright?"

Teval nodded," Yeah, they're fine, Shadow got a few swipes in, that's all. Boner didn't do anything to her, and he wont because he will have no memory of the events that occurred here."

"Ahh so Shadow is being herself then." Lasky responded with a smile. "And... how did you erase his memory?" he inqured

Nasao lifted her head. "Transport is complete... I hung him from the crystal chandler in his office... but I .... made a small error and lost his clothing.... Sorry Teval."

Teval simply smiled saying. "Trade secret. Speaking of, I take it no one here is going to say anything to the Ambassador right."

Various people began trading looks around the bridge as an Ensign turned. "Sorry Skipper.... I wasn't paying attention.... and neither was anyone else."

Nasao smiled but she didn't say anything. "I wonder if we have any cargo containers we're not using.."

"Moni." Lasky responded. "What'cha doing?"

Teval shrugged," Alright, well then, shall we take our leave then."

Lasky nodded. "Sounds great to me." he paused. "Moni contact the rest of our ships, tell them to prepare to get underway and inform us when they are prepared."

"Willdo Commander."

Meanwhile John Boehner slowly blinked as he woke up. "Wait... how did I.... What happened..." he tried to think back and the last thing he recalled was that he was sitting in his chair wearing clothing but someone clearly snuck up on him and ambushed him before striking him up here without clothing. "Okay!" he shouted loudly. "Get me down guys!...." he screamed.


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