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Sic Transit Tienn

Posted on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 @ 11:43pm by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Commander Tienn Iteela

Mission: Mission 49: The Stars Look Down
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 0800Hrs - November 12th, 2391

Commander Tom Lasky was worried, it showed in his mannerisms, his body language and it was on his face too. "Dammit Elizabeth. Why do you cut this crap so close?" he sighed softly as Elizabeth had over stressed herself as a result of the pineapple incident almost a week ago and now she was having a rather serious issue with her pregnancy.

"When I get my hands on Gunnery Sergeant Odessa Martel. I'm going to assign her the worst punishment detail I can dream up..." he regarded Teval who was nearby. "I'm going to have her ..... Oh I don't know... assign her to Zara as her new lackey... I'm going to request Aryssa Sullivan as my yeoman rather then Zara's." he smiled as he tapped his combadge. "Lasky to Tienn. Please report to the Captain's ready room."

Tienn Iteela was presently on deck twelve, heading back towards sickbay, a consignment of medical supplies in hand, she heard the summons as she came to a stop, she blinked as her left hand almost of its own volition, tapped her combadge, affixed to her chest. "Tienn here. I'm on my way sir."

She meanwhile kept walking as she went into sickbay before dropping the supplies off with the person who had requested them, a Lieutenant Ouros Unal who was nearly identical to Elizabeth Yamaguchi in more ways then one, it was eerie at times working with this strange woman as she was so like Elizabeth and so unlike her in various ways. "I'm wanted in the skippers office, you gonna be okay with this."

"What did you do?" Ouros inquired as she regarded the smaller Bajoran who shrugged. "Beats me, I ain't got a clue.." she paused as she thought about it. "I've been gone... off the ship for almost a month now.. I've not had time to get into trouble.."

"Alright... Well.. I got this, you'd best go see what they want you for..." and with that Ouros started breaking down the consignment that Iteela had brought for her

Two minutes later Tienn Iteela gently bit her lip as she tapped the door chime, while her thoughts and nightmares went to war for her body.

Silversnow meowed loudly at the door, which caught Teval's attention more than the door chime, "You can come in."

Tienn heard the statement so with her right hand, she tapped the door release button on the small cluster of buttons, the door slid open and she entered. "You wished to see me Captain?" she inquired formally.

Silversnow looked up at Tienn and gave off another meow, while Teval replied," Yes, your here for your promotion, don't worry you can relax, and you don't have to call me captain either."

Silversnow began to rub up against Tienn's leg, purring, prompting Teval to add. "And yes you are free to pet her."

Tienn raised an eyebrow as she looked down. "Helloo kitty..." before she ever so gently picked up the cat, before gently cuddling kitty in her arms. "How are you doing?" Tienn inquired. "I suspect you wanted to see me for something... else?"

"We did. yes." Lasky responded, sitting back in his chair with his feet up on the table. "Don't worry, you're not in trouble... At least, if you are then I missed the report." he shrugged. "Teval, you wanna do the honors?" he inquired.

Teval looked up at Lasky, saying," Well, I'm not really tall enough to reach, so its kinda up to you."

"Alright." Lasky picked up a small black box as he shifted his attention back to Tienn. "Ensign. I am hereby promoting you back to Lieutenant junior grade." as he gently shook her right hand before placing the small box into her left hand.

Tienn smiled. "Thank you sir.." as she gently gave the kitty a kiss on her nose. "Well sweetie. as much as I'd like to take you home with me, I doubt my girls would like it... and I think the skipper would demote me for my transgression." as Tienn gently lowered Silversnow back to the deck, she lifted her head as she regarded Tienn before letting out a loud wail of a meow.

"I know... I'd like to play with you some more... but these two guys got business to do and... well I'll get in the way." as she gently pet the kitty between her large fluffy ears, the cat purred at her as she stood up. "Thank you." as Lasky nodded. "You're dismissed."

Tienn nodded before she turned and walked out the door. Silversnow blinked her large eyes as Shadow peered at the door before she too, meowed softly.

Teval called Silversnow and she quickly came to him, jumping on to his desk, purring. He gave her a pat while adding," Well I think Silversnow just made a new friend."

Lasky smiled. "I didn't think Tienn was a cat person... I'll have to keep that thought in mind." he responded as Shadow turned her head while blinking her yellow eyes.

Meanwhile Tienn opened the small black box, as she gently picked up the small rank pip in her hand, she lifted it to her eye, it was the single black pip circled by a golden exterior and it marked her as a Lieutenant Junior grade, her rank had been returned to her as she gently pressed the rank pip onto her collar next to the one solid one that was already there.

With her right hand, she snapped the small box closed before she departed and went about her merry way.


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