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Honor's Song

Posted on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 @ 9:34pm by Lieutenant Commander Monique Deepshadow & Commander Noq't, Son of Gedlr
Edited on on Thu May 27th, 2021 @ 4:10am

Mission: Mission 48: The Third Pineapple Incident
Location: Various Locations - USS Dreamcrusher
Timeline: 0800Hrs - November 6th, 2391

Lt Commander Monique Deepshadow came into Engineering feeling a lot better then she had in a long time but as she regarded her boss and what had happened between them yesterday, she wondered if it changed anything between them. "Mornin' skipper." she greeted him.

"Good morning." Noq't answered. "Although I thought Skipper referred to a ship's captain."

"I do wanna compare notes with you on something else... in your office when you get a moment to yourself." she commented

"I am not busy now." Noq't replied and with his hand motioned to his office.

"Oh... Okay." she responded as she went over to the Chief Engineers office, the two of them entered. "Sir... we must talk... considering what happened between us yesterday.... I need to know where you stand.."

"That experience was beyond anyone's control." Noq't told her. "I consider the matter closed."

Monique felt somewhat embarrassed but she looked up at him since he was much larger then she herself was. "Oh.." she paused. "I did not expect that response, considering Klingon traditions and everything else.." she paused.

"Please take a seat and relax yourself." Noq't suggested while taking his own chair. "You seem to be a little upset."

"No.." Monique answered. "I'm sorry skipper... its just that I read up on Klingon culture when I heard I was going to be working with a Klingon engineer and the man I'm working with doesn't fit what I expected..." she smiled. "Which is good and bad In various ways I guess.."

"I would hardly be a typical Klingon." Noq't told her. "I am glad you are concerned enough to do cultural research on your fellow crew. It shows that you care."

Monique agreed with him. "I found that out the first day we worked together." she responded. "I was expecting you to be the typical Klingon, mindless and angry all the time..." she paused. "the kind who likes to abuse people with painsticks... so I did research to clear up various issues... and then I find you're.... well... your different then the average."

"Thank you for noticing that I do not share the shortcomings of the rest of my species." Noq't joked. "Now back to you, Commander. You are a young and handsome woman. You deserve a young mate."

Monique smiled at his words. "Well... I wanted to get your perspective on yesterdays events before I resumed my hunt for a young mate." she responded. "Considering... well it was great... If one can call random sex great." she sighed softly. "I felt respect should be paid."

Noq't laughed. "Well I did keep the more pleasant aspects of my people. You will make some lucky person a good mate. I am glad to have you serving in my department."

Monique blushed a deep chocolate brown. "Well... Ummm... thank you for saying so." she responded. "You are too kind skipper." she paused. "I'm glad I'm working here too.. "

Noq't let out a sigh of relief. "Good, now that has been taken care of is there anything else you need?"

"No... But I noticed you don't use the term 'skipper'." Monique explained. "I use it because we Engineers know who the real Captain of the ship is... Fleet Captain Zuko is just the shipmaster... your the real skipper."

Noq't had a wide grin on his face. "Alright, we won't tell Zuko though. It would bruise his ego."

"Tell who what?" Monique's grin widened until it threatened to split her face in half. "Nah. We don't need to share that with the Shipmaster."


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