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Ro'Cholk's Dark Deeds - Part Four

Posted on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 @ 4:35pm by Lieutenant Commander Selgae It'kla & Lieutenant Commander Tanya Stevenson & Master Chief Petty Officer Uldyssian Davis & Grand Admiral April Yamaguchi & Colonel Brianna Hobbs & Zuko Omakan
Edited on on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 @ 4:36pm

Mission: Mission 42: A House Divided
Location: Various Locations - Starbase 12
Timeline: 2000Hrs - September 2nd, 2391

Fleet Admiral April Yamaguchi was standing around the Operations Table in the center of Ops. "Talk to me Goose?" she inquired.

"Plainclothes Officers and Uniforms are moving through he Starbase now, critical points are secured, all hangers and airlocks are secured and we're still securing the various transporter rooms now.." Pasha Andreyev explained.

"Do we know who comitted the assault?"

"The lab is still processing the tests.." came the response as April sighed. "Get me the Klingon Commander... I want to speak with him."

"You got it Admiral." Pasha went off to arrange it as April tapped the display before her. "Captain."

"Admiral. What do you want?"

"A Klingon male is at large after having committed a sexual assault." April explained. "I have three Klingon Starfleet Officers on and around the base but I'd like your cooperation in eliminating your crew. I just want DNA samples from them for comparison."

"I see... If the accusation is to be made against a member of my crew, I would have you make it to me."

"I have no trouble with that Captain... I only wish to ensure this goes smoothly.... I happen to like you Captain so I'd like to make this quick."

"Very well... I will have my crew submit to this.."

"Tell them its to preserve their honor and clear their names from suspicion of a crime." as she smiled.

Meanwhile Lieutenant Selgae was busy briefing her personel as the results came in. Tanya Stevenson came out of the lab. "Skipper?" she peered up at Zuko. "The results." as she handed him the PADD. "Your attacker is Major Ro'Chok."

Zuko nodded and tapped his combadge, "Zuko to April Yamaguchi, the perpetrator is Major Ro'Chok, a marine form the USS Argonne."

April heard the com system beep at her as she was still on the com with Captain To'Duk. "Captain, you can stand down.. we know who committed the attack and its not one of your guys.." April explained. "His name is Major Ro'Cholk... and he's one of mine..." April then paused before she shrugged. "Well he was one of mine."

Meanwhile, Ro'chok had removed his combadge and anything else that would give away his position. He made his way to Base engineering. It was a large enough area for him to hid in. All the different energy signatures would make finding him with a sensor sweep difficult.

As Ro'Chok rounded a corner an engineering tech was working at a conduit. "Sorry Sir." She addressed the Klingon. "You can't be in..." She never got the chance to finish her sentence before Ro'chok broke her neck and left her body on the deck.

Another luckless tech saw what happened and made a run for it. Before he made it ten yards Ro'chok was on him. The tech tried to use his combadge but Ro'chok crushed the badge and his hand at the same time. The tech cried in pain. Ro'chok slammed the tech's head into passageway wall repeatedly until the tech fell limp. He then headed off deep into engineering.

Meanwhile on the Dreamcrusher, the security personel went into action looking for the marine Major. "Don't take this guy lightly, move in teams of four and everyone stay with everyone else, the target will be armed and exceptionally dangerous.. so watch yourself, take him alive... if you can but if not, then kill him." the Caitian explained. "The base is being locked down so... he isn't going anywhere.." she found herself looking at Hobbs. "Major. walk with me." she said to Hobbs.

"Alright." Hobbs replied. "What do you need?"

"I need you're help... a lot of my guys are inexperienced... would you mind helping to hunt this... criminal down?" she asked. "Don't worry about the Commander... she'll be looked after."

"I'll organize the marines from the task force." Hobbs told her. "Keep the Argonne segregated. Ro'cholk has allies on that ship and they don't need to be involved."

Selgae nodded her head. "I'm going to have that ship locked down. on suspicion of helping a fugitive." and with that she smiled. "I hear that Colonel Nye is an asshole... he starts.. I'll simply have his ship disabled... with my weapons and if that doesn't work.. then I'll simply beam a nuke onboard and demolish her from the inside out."

"Try not to do that." Hobbs replied. "Cooler heads on that ship will keep Nye in check."

"Roanoke's Marines and the Marines on the Dreamcrusher are already being mobilized for this mission... would you mind coordinating with their various commanders... Major Daisy Rohr and Captain Tienn Nerra are their commanders." she explained.

"Yes, I know the two. I'll send them the information on where I need their teams." Hoobs replied.

Meanwhile in the Starbase, Abbado, Cyrin and Uldyssian Davis where looking at one of the new fighter engines in the workshops when they heard the security alert go out throughout the starbase. Cyrin was the first to Remark on it, "Great, we have a crazy murderer on the loose."

"Lovely." Davis responded as he regarded Abbado. "Thin we can take him?" as he looked around for a weapon.

Abbado didnt even look up from what he was doing, "Eh, I got my Bowie knife, I'm good."

Ro'cholk watched from the shadows. He didn't want to fight these three here. The Klingon went to a power cable and ripped it from its mountings. The end was sending sparks and bolts of power out. He then shoved it into a control panel. There was a series of explosions as Ro'cholk melded into the structure.

Davis turned his head. "Company." he commented as he picked up something akin to a pipe wrench as he could hear the confusion in engineering. "Davis to Security, you're man is down here. send in the cavalry. pronto."

Selgae's voice came back. "Deploying our teams now... sending in the troops..." came the female voice.

"Understood." Davis replied.

Several security and marine teams had already deployed a perimeter and sending in teams of four.

Selgae watched from the mission Operations station on the Dreamcrusher's bridge. "Team two move into section nine, teams nine and ten, support them." she commented into the com system.

"Copy, moving in."

A team of four security personnel from the star base moved in. They had there weapons drawn as they entered some reinforced structure. Ro'cholk was watching from above in the structure. As the four passed below Ro'cholk jumped.

The Klingon landed on the security guard in the back. His neck and back were crushed instantly. Ro'cholk jumped up in a flash and rammed a pipe in another guard's neck. The man fell to the deck trying to stop the terminal loss of blood. As the two front guards spun around to face him, Ro'cholk did a leg sweep and knocked the two off their feet. Ro'holk then stomped his heel into a fallen guard's face and smashing it in. The female guard fired her phaser at Ro'cholk but missed. In one motion, Ro'cholk picked her up and slammed her into the structure. He put her neck onto a pipe and punched her neck repeatedly until she was dead.

As the four guards lay dead Ro'cholk grabbed two phasers and put them in his belt. He then climbed back up into the structure. He was ready to strike again.

Cyrin with his excellent hearing could hear the dull thuds, prompting him to comment," I don't think this guy is far off. "

Abbado readied both a Monkey wrench and his Bowie knife, then said to Cyrin," You have a good sense of smell dont you can you smell him."

Cyrin moved cautiously around the room and then he hard sparking cables. he could faintly smell a klingon," Yeah, he is definitely near by."

Hobbs and three other marines in her team moved on. One of the marines alerted Hobbs. "Sir, we have bodies up ahead." Slowly the marines approached the four dead security guards.

"That explains what happened to Team 8." Hobbs replied. "Hobbs to Selgae: We found Team 8. They are all dead. We are continuing the search."

"Confirmed." came the response from the Caitian. "I'm routing more people to your area."

The marines moved forward. Ro'cholk was watching them. His heart burned with rage as he spotted Hobbs. Attacking the marines would be risky but Ro'cholk didn't care. All he wanted to do was kill Hobbs and make it painful and slow.

Ro'cholk bellowed at the top of his lungs as he emerged from the shadows. One marine was disintegrated when the Klingon hit him with a phaser. The others shot but missed the swift target. Ro'cholk was among the rest of them. He grabbed the assault phaser away from another marine and broke it over his head. Hobbs and the other marine didn't shoot in fear of hitting the wrong person. Ro'cholk picked up the last marine and tossed him upon some exposed pipes. The impaled marine lay still.

Hobbs smashed her assault phaser into Ro'cholk's head. The Klingon buckled and Hobbs hit him again and again in the back. Ro'cholk regained himself and slashed her shoulder and face. Hobbs tried to strike Ro'cholk again but he grabbed her weapon. The two struggled for a moment but Ro'cholk was just too strong and pulled the weapon free.

Ro'cholk tossed the weapon aside. "Now human, you suffer." He told her. He then grabbed and twisted Hobbs' arm. She screamed in pain as the sounds of her bones snapping could be heard. Ro'cholk smiled a toothy grin. "I enjoy your pain." He then grabbed her throat with one hand and pulled his dagger with the other. "Now, I'm going to skin you alive."

Abbado managed to approach without Ro'Cholk noticing, and smacked him hard in the back of the head with the wrench, he then hit Ro'Cholks knife hand with the wrench, sending the weapon flying.

Davis appeared as he charged into Ro'Cholk moments after Abbado.

Ro'cholk registered the new threat and spun around, landing a hit square in Abbado's face, knocking him back into the wall. He, then made a move for the Phaser he had, pulling the weapon from his belt.

Davis kicked the phaser away from the Klingon's feet before he too went flying into the nearest bulkhead, except he was able to brace himself in time.

He turned as he went for the Klingon again, the Klingon smiled as he waited and then he began grappling with the large human. "I would almost enjoy-"

"Oh shut it already.." and with that Davis headbutted him before the two began grappling as Davis proceeded to gouge out his left eye with his thumb, he was rewarded with a roar of pain from the Klingon.

Ro'Cholk headbutted Davis back, hitting him hard enough to knock him back, when Abbado jumped back into the fight, hitting Ro'Cholk with the wrench several times. Ro'Chock caught the wrench the fourth time, and yanked it out of Abbado's grip. Ro'Cholk then attempted to hit Abbado with the wrench, but Abbado managed to dodge long enough to kick the wrench free. Ro'cholk then pinned Abbado to the wall and pulled out another knife.

Hobbs moved up behind Ro'cholk. She then cut the muscles in the back of the Klingon's knees. He dropped Abbado as he screamed and dropped to one knee. He turned around to punch Hobbs in the face and the marine sprawled on the deck.

Determined to finish Abbado off, Ro'Cholk brought his knife down on Abbado, whom managed to catch his arm just in time. Abbado then pulled out his own knife and went for Ro'Cholks throat, but the massive klingon managed to dodge the attack, he then hit Abbado's hand and sent the knife flying away, landing near Davis. Ro'Cholk then went for Abbado again, but a shout form Cyrin slowed him down enough that the small Mazeri caught up to them, grabbed Ro'Cholks arm, and bit down as hard as he could. The Klingon roared loudly, dropping the knife. He then punched Cyrin in the stomach as hard as he could, sending the diminutive Mazeri flying, he then picked up the fallen knife and threw it at Cyrin, striking him in the stomach. The Klingon then turned his attention back to Abbado and resorted to trying to Choke him with his bare hands.

Davis came in, silently from the side and behind the Major, as he thrust in with the blade, he raked it across the Klingons throat and he watched as a cascade of magenta colored blood washed down his uniform front as he stabbed the Klingon once then twice and then three times, the last one went through his heart. "For my brothers... who you murdered.." Davis whispered as he stabbed the Klingon a forth and final time in the gut. He then pulled the blade up as he performed the Japanese rite of seppiku on the Klingon before him.

Then he dropped the blade and snapped the Klingon's neck, he watched in silence as the Klingon dropped to the deck, a large pool of blood began to spred from the Klingon's massive wounds.

He snapped out of it as he heard someone trying to get his attention. "DOWN HEREE!" before he tapped his combadge. "Security?" he sounded like he had aged ten years

Selgae's voice came back. "Security here. go"

"The Klingon is dead... send medics and securty to my location. I jhave multiple wounded... I also have four dead.. five is you count this piece of garbage." as he anger and rage suddenly fused white hot before he kicked the Klingon's body, football style. "I couldn't have been at a barbecue... you Klingon dog.."

"Sir?" called a voice.

"IN HERE!" he yelled at the top of his lungs before he went over to the diminuative officer. "Hey,... the medics are coming." he said to Cryin as he checked the small being over. "Don't try to move.."

"I need to check on Hobbs... You okay with him?" Davis said to Abbado.

Abbado pushed the body off of him and picked himself off the ground. He too was covered in blood from Ro'Cholk, and he had a growing bruise across his face and a nosebleed going.

"Damn that was one tough bastard. "Abbado kicked the body once then went over to Cyrin.

Davis went over to Hobbs. "He's dead... how are you doing Colonel?" he addressed the female Marine. "Don't try to move..." he added. "The medics are coming."

"Thanks Davis." Hobbs said while prone. "I need to get back to the Dreamcrusher. Celeste must be worried by now."

Abbado looked over Cyrin, the knife had gone into his gut but he was still conscious. Abbado Swore, "Dammit little guy, I said it want a good idea for you to get involved."

Cyrin gave Abbado a painful look, "Yeah, but you would be dead otherwise. Why does everyone take me for being weak and helpless."

Abbaddo wasn't able to answer the question.

Davis regarded the Colonel. "Yeah, you're going back to Dreamcrusher alright... as her patient." he sighed softly.

Hobbs nodded at Davis. "As long as I go back alive."

A half dozen security officers and a medics came over. "Easy... let me have a look at you." as he quickly gave Hobbs the once over. "So... thats the piece of shit that raped Celeste?"

Davis saw red as he drove his boot into the chest of the Klingon, the flesh gave way with a soft mushing sound.

The Medic watched him in silence as a soft sigh escaped her lips as she went back to work, she called for an evacuation of Hobbs, Hobbs was beamed out then she went over to the others, eventually she was left with Uldyssian Davis.

Abbado calmly sat down on one of the beds in Dreamcrushers sickbay. He wanted to light off a cigar but refrained form doing so. Cyrin held back from screaming, as the Klingon knife was still lodged in his gut as the nearest medic started to tend to him.

Uldyssian looked down at the knife in his hands as he tried to wipe the blood off of himself, all he did was smear it around. "I'm... I'm gonna go... clean up.."

"You need to go get checked out sir."

"I'm fine... no thanks to this bastard.." before sighed softly as he let the medic tend to him, before she decided he needed to be beamed over to the Dreamcrusher to join the others.

The Medic then sent the Klingon Marine's body to the morgue on the Dreamcrusher, where Lieutenant Elizabeth Yamaguchi was waiting for it.

Once the body reached its destination. Elizabeth smiled. "Now... Mister dead Klingon.. Thanks.." as she began to cut its head off, a few moments later she removed the head and stored it elsewhere before she operated on the body.

"Where's the head?" The medical examiner inquired.

"Don't know.. nor do I care really." Elizabeth answered. "I'm going to process this guy or what remains of him before I call it a night."
the taller woman answered as the examiner nodded. "Okay."

Meanwhile in sickbay. Tanya Stevenson regarded Brianna Hobbs. "Easy Colonel." she admonished her parent. "Celeste is asleep, I'm going to cut her loose in the morning... bloody hell... you find him or something?"

"No, he found me." Hobbs replied dryly.

"Alright... Let me tend to your injuries.." as she went to work on the Colonel. "The Commander is asleep... I'm going to send her home when she wakes up.. do you want to go wake her?"

"No," Hobbs told her. "Let her rest. We both need rest."

"Alright... You're wounds, while serious are easily treatable... I'll cut you both loose in the morning."

Meanwhile Shorin was tending to Cyrin. "Easy." she commented as she administered a painkiller. "This could get painful." she was dealing with the knife before she gently removed it, before tossing it onto an evidence tray nearby.

Davis regarded the handsome Bolian woman as she did this, he reached over and snagged the knife before moving along. The Bolian meanwhile was gently tending to Cyrin. "Easy little guy... aww you are so adorable.."

Cyrin just gave Davis a look, not really sure what to say. With the painkillers taking effect he started to calm down somewhat, however he was now bleeding quite profusely with the knife removed. It didn't take long for him to get lightheaded.

The medic was trying to slow the bleeding as she ran a dermal regenerator over the wound, it slowly slowed the bleeding as she cleaned the large wound as it filled with blood, she then filled the wound with plenty of soft wool to soak up the blood while she could slow the bleeding.

Cyrin just laid there not saying or moving much, trying his best to remain calm.

Zuko, Teval, and Ra'Vak walked in, with Teval and Ra'Vak heading over to his people. Fortunately Cyrin, Abbado and Davis where all lying in Adjacent beds. With Cyrin being tended to by other medics the two went to Abbado and Davis first. With Teval asking, "So how are you two holding up."

"I'm alright... Klingon Bastards.." Davis growled softly.

Ra'Vak looked at Davis, saying, "No your not alright."

"Well the bastard is dead." Davis growled softly. "We lost at least six of our own to him...and I feel...ringing." he growled softly.

The Nurse looked at him. "Easy Master Chief, come on over here and let me look at you."

"I want to... Hate him and all of his kind.." Davis added quietly.


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