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Siren Song

Posted on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 @ 3:27am by Admiral Jake Yamaguchi & Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Division Admiral Elizabeth MacKean & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 40: Thirty Pieces of Silver
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 0800Hrs - August 5th, 2391

Rear Admiral Jake Yamaguchi regarded the object of his contempt and seemingly never ending rage as he sat in Zara Tane's chair. He had already kicked Zara out of her ready room sop he could use it for this meeting.

"Admiral Yamaguchi to Ensign Yamaguchi and... Mister Lasky... please report to the Captain's ready room... on the double.." there was something dark in Jake's tone of voice.

A few minutes later everyone was assembled as Elizabeth stood near the door, she did not like seeing her father this angry as she could feel the siren song pouring from his mind. "Mister Lasky.. Do you know why you are standing before me today?"

"No... I have a feeling you are-"

"A simple No... would suffice Mister Lasky." Yamaguchi growled ever so softly.

Elizabeth could feel the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end as while her father seemed to be controlled, from her point of view, he was like a supernova with his rage. "Y'know Teval, he handled your case already.... he considers the matter with you... Closed... I, however... Want to have my say... on the matter before I close my judgment on this matter.."

Lasky sighed. "Admiral-"

"SILENCE!" Jake roared with such force that Elizabeth actually jumped in fright. "I DO NOT GIVE YOU LEAVE TO SPEAK!!!!" Jake roared at the top of his lungs.

Elizabeth stood in silence, she didn't dare speak but she decided to consult with the expert on such matters. 'Mom. Help!' Elizabeth thought to her mother.

Torilla was sitting in her office, down on deck two as her head swung to the left, upon hearing her daughter's distress call. 'Hold on sweetie. I'm coming!' and with that, Torilla hopped to her feet and out the door she went. 'What's going on?. Is it Fives....?'

'No. It's worse... Its Dad... I've never seen him so enraged... you better get up here mom.'

'I'm on my way.' Torilla answered.

Meanwhile Jake was laying into Lasky good. "The rules have to be enforced otherwise they are not worth having.... and while Commander Teval has settled it... You are on notice, starting now... That if you screw up... one more time... and I don't care of the offense... I will have you chartered out of Starfleet in disgrace."

Just then the door beeped. "Doodle Deep."

Jake raised an eyebrow. "Yes, By All Means, Its Open!".

The door opened and in came Torilla, she blinked slowly as she looked between the assembled people in the room before she regarded her husband. "Jake... what's the matter?" she asked quietly.

"Come in Torilla..." Jake responded quietly. "This concerns you too."

Lasky stood at ramrod attention, not saying anything as Jake turned his attention back to him. "Now... I spoke with the Ensign at the back of the room... and after what you did... I'm surprised she will even tolerate you...But then she is carrying your kid."

"My child." Elizabeth spoke. "Until I decide otherwise... This child is MINE!" she growled loudly. "That... does not give you the right to come into my house and threaten me under my roof... and then there is what you did to my mother...."

Jake nodded his head, he raised his hand for quiet. "So... the question becomes Mister Lasky... I don't know what to do with you... Considering a good chunk of my family is here... and I don't trust you with their safety. Considering what you I'm going to say my piece and then it be.."

Lasky spoke, the first words he said for over twenty minutes. "Yessir."

"Mister Lasky, I don't know what is going through your head... But you have lost your way... You have become a walking rage case and your usefulness is pretty much over." he sighed. "What Phoenix sees in you... I cannot begin to imagine... But... I've known you for over fifteen years now..... and... You disappoint me Fives.."

Torilla regarded Lasky as she didn't pity him. Her dark eyes hid much as she slowly smiled. "You tried to kill me... You would have succeeded..." she sighed. "I hope you're happy with your actions... as you have made an enemy because of them."

Lasky could say nothing for there was nothing to say.

"Remember what I said... You screw up again and I will deal with you as you deserve... Now... Get. Out. Of. My. Sight. Mister Lasky.." Jake took care to enunciate each and every single word as Lasky did an about-face and marched out the door. Jake raised a hand indicating he wanted silence. "Okay," he said quietly. "Torilla I didn't want you present for this... as I was considered-"

"That I might strangle him from across the room." Torilla Yamaguchi answered her husband's statement with a statement.

"Yes.." he paused. "I do have a few bits of news and they directly concern you two... And me as well..." he paused. "Elizabeth, you are finally being promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade. I know Its stupidly overdue but there it is... Also, your internship is over... You from what I hear will become a full-blown Doctor."

"Nice.." Elizabeth responded. "I'm gonna stick in a request for reassignment.. preferably to the Dreamcrusher. I know Kam stuck in a request too to drive the Dreamcrusher."

"That bad?" Jake inquired as Torilla took a seat to sit next to her daughter. "He's lost his edge.. His relationship with Commander Lasky did more damage then even I would care to admit... they were the best of friends.... Now they are the worst of enemies and Kam wants off this flying circus." Elizabeth sighed quietly. "and honestly... so do I."

"I can't say I blame you..." Torilla answered with a smile as she gently rubbed Beth's shoulder.

"Torilla." Jake turned to his wife. "Zara is being promoted to Fleet Captain... She is taking over command of this battlegroup... As a result, I have to leave... I'm going back to Watchman Station.. If you're okay with it. Ill take the twins and the cats with me.."

"Alright Jake, They'll be safer with you anyway..."

"Watchman should be finished in the next year and I'm going to stick your name in as her permanent commander. If.. that's what you want."

"I do... Yes." she responded. "If things go my way. I'll be gone in a few days... I'm taking over as Exec of the USS Lethal Shadow... The Highlord made me an offer I simply wouldn't refuse."

"Oh.. I didn't know."

"I was going to tell you tonight.. over dinner... but now is as good a time as any."

"So... How long before our transfers take effect?" Elizabeth inquired.

"No idea.. I'm leaving things with the office of Starfleet Personnel." he rose to his feet. "Come on... Lets get out of here... I want to go eat a meal in Dreamcrusher's lounge... and you two are invited."

"Sounds good Dad." Elizabeth responded as the three of them departed.


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