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Far Over, The Highland Mountains, Cold - Part Two

Posted on Wed Mar 18th, 2020 @ 3:15am by Fleet Admiral Heather Duval & Commander Ethan "Hardcase" Duval

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Deneva - Highland Mountains
Timeline: 0930Hrs - June 17th, 2393

"T'Nae. I don't understand. She's a real sweetie." Duval answered, confusion written all over her face.

"Then he is most fortunate. I was married to a woman named T'Nae and I'd bet highly that it was the same woman... In my former reality" he deliberately avoided using the word 'home' or 'original.' Heather took note as she listened. "-She was .... unkind." he sighed a third time. "and that's putting it very gently." Duval looked down. "She was a Vulcan and she overpowered me easily. She was a vile woman, now that I look back on what she did to me."

To Heather Duval's ears, this tale was a major shock. "I see.." she answered simply. "I'm sure you have no wish to ever meet the T'Nae that's native here?"

"I would prefer not to," he answered in a quiet tone. "I do not wish to cause... problems.." Ethan added a moment later.

"I understand," Heather answered. "Since we're just meeting and I honestly shouldn't even be trying." the older woman added with a soft sigh. "It's just that in all my time knowing T'Nae. I've always really liked her. I think... You might be surprised by her."

"Unlikely," Duval answered quietly. "She, the other T'Nae that is, from my original reality that is," he added in the sentence to separate the two women. "She was badly abusive to me, she blew hot and then cold, all because she wanted my families fortune."

"Fortune?" Duval inquired, an odd look in her eyes. "Wait. What?" Heather commented, suddenly confused.

"Yes. My parents are still alive, last I knew.." Jefferson explained.

Heather's shock was so sudden and so complete that she missed her step and nearly fell off of the mountain had Duval not spun and caught her arm with his hand. "Heather... the trails are a dangerous place for the unwary. Come., We should rest for a time." as he gently steadied her. "I would hate to tell your children and husband that you died on my watch."

"Right.," Heather responded. "Err... yes," she added a moment later before she followed him over to a large open area, complete with several boulders for cover and a space large enough for a tent that could house any four people. "Mom and dad are.. alive in your reality?" she inquired as her brain caught up with her. "Wait. How did you know I was married and had children?"

Ethan regarded her. "Your wedding band on your hand is guess number one," he responded. "Former reality... Yes.. But they hated Starfleet and wanted nothing to do with it." he paused. "I was an only child as mom didn't feel she needed any more."

"Oh. So... No Heather Duval then?" Duval inquired of him, an oddly sad look in her eyes.

"No. She died when she was an infant and mom tried once more. I came along two years later and she never tried again." Jefferson responded to her question.

"Oh." Heather paused as she sat down on a boulder. "In this reality. Mom died when Jeff and I were children. It was Sakuro's disease, they discovered a cure for it. Dad followed her to the grave, of a broken heart. There is no family fortune here to speak of... " she sighed as she breathed out, a great plume of heated air emerged from her mouth as she smiled. "Other than me and Jeff and our various families." she decided on something else. "I can see the appeal of this place, however. It's simple but rugged and beautiful." Duval added, changing the subject while they walked.

"Much like my former home once was.." Duval answered with a smile.

"Once was?" Duval regarded him as she perched herself on a rock. "Do I dare ask?"

"The Federation is locked in a state of war with the Romulans. Deneva was glassed in a Romulan attack several years ago, my home and everyone on it was obliterated." Jeff responded in a quiet tone of voice.

"Oh," Duval responded, taking a moment to process the news. "So.. Now that you're here, what will you do now?"

Ethan regarded his new older sister. In truth, he had no idea whatsoever. "I don't know, to be honest.," he admitted. "One thing I do know is that I do not wish to serve in Starfleet."

"Why not?" Duval inquired as the two of them started off again, she remained walking beside him, her footfalls leaving a crunching sound as the two of them walked over rocks. "Starfleet has a lot to recommend it."

"If it's anything like the Starfleet I left behind then I want no part of it."

Duval regarded her companion in silence as she nodded. "Considering you were facing something like an all out, no shit fuckfest by the Romulans. It's no wonder why you won't serve, considering that both sides were glassing worlds owned by either side." she regarded him. "You had to do some ugly things.. Didn't you?"

Ethan kept walking as he regarded her, splitting his attention between her and the pathway before the two of them. "That's one way of putting it. That Federation is crumbling under the pressures of two major wars at the same time on two opposite sides of the Federation."

"Well. That'll do it." Duval answered with a nod. "So.. Democracy is outlawed and the strong rule then?" the older woman inquired.

"Something along those lines," Ethan answered softly before he let out a sigh. "I see the same people in this reality and most of them are good and decent people, in my original reality, they have been warped into monsters and dark reflections of what they are here," he explained. "Do not misunderstand me, my Federation was once like yours.. before the Leyton coup which succeeded and the civilian government over overthrown by Starfleet which became a military dictatorship."

Duval nodded, processing what he was telling her as she walked beside him. "So, this is clearly a better reality than the one you left behind then?"

"Oh, most certainly. Without any question." Ethan responded quietly.


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