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Save the Last Dance - Part One

Posted on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 @ 1:48am by Commander Telios Wintersnow

Mission: Mission 38: Last One Out, Get the Lights
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 0800Hrs - July 28th 2391

Commander Telios Wintersnow tapped her fist against Zara Tane's door to her quarters, she sighed softly. "Zara?" she inquired. "You in there?"

"Suppose," Zara called groggily. "What ya want?"

"Its Oh eight hundred... time to get up.... up an at em!. Shit and shave!" Telios Wintersnow smiled.

"Go... away," Zara growled as she turned her head away from the light.

"Get up." Wintersnow smiled. "You are late for work Zara,.... and I honestly should not be in here picking up after you."

"You're XO. You're supposed to do my job when I don't," Zara moaned groggily. "Now go away, Ponytail."

"Yeah. I didn't sign on to be your babysitter.." Telios sighed. "Now either get your ass out of bed or I will drag you out of bed..." the female Draenei growled. "How the fuck your last Exec tolerated this shit is beyond me.."

"She liked doing my job," Zara pointed out and fought hard to grab for her knife under her pillow. "Now go scoot. Shoo!"

"Get up!" Telios snarled loudly. "Computer. lights up full.... god you behave worse than an infant... get up!" Telios sighed as she grasped Zara Tane's foot as she almost physically hauled the smaller woman out of bed and she held her up as she smiled. "ARE YOU AWAKE NOW!" she screamed into Zara's face. "I do NOT like doing your job... I am NOT your babysitter"

"Put-me-down," Zara growled very clearly at her counterpart. "I am not going in today."

"You are getting your ass...and the rest of you... out of bed." Telios showed no sign of backing down. "Let's go." and with that, she carried her off to the bathroom.

"If you don't back off and put me down, I will tell your mama on you," Zara threatened at the top of her lungs.

Telios laughed as she held Zara over the tub. "Mom would complain that I didn't seduce you." before she let her go before turning on the water. "How did your last first officer tolerate you..."

Zara sputtered water out of her mouth and face. "Why can't you meet with whoever's on the docket?" the Trill evaded

"Because you are the Commanding Officer and because my mother is busy fucking some guy... so that leaves me... and you."

"You aint my type," Zara pointed out with reproach. "Who is on my docket this morning?"

"The governor, his commander of the planetary defense force and the major of the city." Wintersnow responded. "Gonna be a busy day before we have to get underway later today."

"I hope he's not on about giving me the key to his planet or something," Zara spoke in a grumble. "I keep telling him I don't want parades."

Teval and Rykar where both walking by, and noticed the open door, Both of them poked their heads in with Teval asking, "Um' whats going on here."

Wintersnow turned. "She is behaving worse then a fucking infant." she paused. "Y'know... I thought the reports were just stories... I see now they were all true.." she sighed. "No wonder Commander Yamaguchi went insane..."

"I"m clean now... you can go," Zara insisted with incredulity on her face.

Teval and Rykar looked at each other, then looked back to Telios, with Teval saying," Um, Telios, why don't you head up to the bridge and let us handle this."

"How the fuck did Torilla tolerate this insanity?". the taller Dranaei female before she turned and stomped off, steam coming out her ears.

Teval and Rykar both just let Telios storm by, then they entered the room, with Teval saying, " Zara, can you please come on. This is your moment where you get to claim you actually accomplished something. Besides, this is all you have to do today, once this is over, you get the rest of the day off, I'll see to that. Hell, maybe we can even arrange another dinner date with Tom tonight."

"If he gets out of the brig," Zara spoke with annoyance as she rinsed herself off and started to dress. "Could use a cuddle session too."

"I think that can be arranged," Teval nodded, " And yes if you want to pet me and cuddle with me, I'm fine with that too."

Rykar just gave an amused smile, "Well you are adorable Teval."

"So is the colony figure heads coming here? Or am I coming to them?" Zara asked as she began to dry off. Then she went to her closet to pull out her dress blacks.

"We are coming down to them," Teval replied. He himself had spent a fair amount of time cleaning up his fur, and making it look nice and shiny.

"I don't like the new XO. I want my old one back," Zara spoke with annoyance while she quickly put her hair up and buttoned her jacket.

Teval nodded, "Yeah, well, its not much longer now."

"Let's do this, I suppose," Zara finally spoke with loathing as she finished brushing off her dress uniform. Then she walked out of her quarters. "I should get even with Ponytail at some point too."


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