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Remember Reach

Posted on Sun Mar 1st, 2020 @ 10:24pm by Commander Tienn Iteela & Commander Cressa Stevens

Mission: Mission 36: The Crusade Against the Infidels
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 0900Hrs - July 4th, 2391

Ensign Tienn Iteela was sitting on the floor. She had her legs curled up as she was still writing in her book, oblivious to the fact that she had a visitor.

Cressa wanted to observe mostly, but also to understand. Iteela had a history of outbursts on Roanoke, but this attack was different than the last. Yet the woman was calm in her cell too.

"How are you fairing, Ensign?" Cressa asked to the young Bajoran as she held a tray of cookies and milk.

Iteela blinked as she shifted her attention from what she was writing in Bajoran script to the human woman. "I'm doing fine. thank you.... what can I help you with?" as she closed her book before setting it aside.

"I asked the chief of security to give us some space in Interrogation Room 2, actually." Cressa motioned to her tray. "I'm the new counselor and I was assigned to assess you. Though I wanted you to come to my office. Commander Dvald however felt that given the climate right now with the crew, it would be best to confine your movement to the security halls."

Iteela shifted her attention from the human woman to the closed door and back again. "It matters not where I am caged, only that... I am caged." she responded. "All of this started around breakfast with Gyce two days ago... I don't remember what pissed me off though..."

Cressa hit the call button to summon the guards, who let the field down so Iteela and Cressa could walk down the hall.

"Why the need to be locked up?" Cressa asked out of curiousness, and motioned for Iteela to walk with her.

Iteela slowly unfurled her legs as she retrieved her book. "Because the Yamaguchi clan aboard ship want my head.." she responded. "and because .....actually.. I have no idea."

Cressa handed Iteela a sugar cookie and began to walk with her. "You do... Take a calm breath and listen to what your heart is saying."

Iteela ate a chunk of the sugar cookie. "No.. I know why I've been locked up in a cell.... there are many distractions for me out here... things that can distract me from whats important." she explained. "Inside... there is nothing to separate me from myself." she hefted the tome. "I've been writing about it."

"When people do things they did not know they were capable of, it can scare them. More so when the action is adverse in nature," Cressa explained. "You want to be in there because you seek to punish yourself."

Once inside the interrogation room, Cressa sat the tray of cookies down on the table, and then handed Iteela a glass of milk.

"I am guilty." she shrugged. "Why would I not seek punishment?" Iteela inquired as she lifted a cookie. "Oh they tell me I can get off because of the fact that someone spiked my drink.." she shrugged. "It's unimportant, it's also irrelevant.. I hurt Ensign Yamaguchi... I shattered her knee with my foot..."

"A five year-old is playing with a set of oven mitts that look like hand puppets," Cressa began sagely. "Its baby brother suddenly cries, but its older sibling is too busy to notice. So the five year-old goes to console the baby. Only to never realize that covering the baby's mouth suffocated it to death... Is the baby's death the five year-old's fault?"

Iteela raised an eyebrow as she sighed. "No." she responded quietly. "It was an accident but it still doesn't help everyone involved."

"Exactly... What you did, while very terrible, was an accident. And everyone tied to you and the other victim are just as effected with what happened," Cressa explained gently.

Iteela sighed as she set her drink down on the table before her. "My drink was spiked... and I didn't know.. and someone else paid for my mistake."

"Why is it a mistake, when you did not know the drink was spiked?" Cressa asked encouragingly to Iteela.

Iteela sighed. "Because I didn't taste it... I just saw red when something that someone said which annoyed me and Elizabeth... she paid for it."

"You just admitted it," Cressa pressed gently. "You never tasted it. And there are many drugs, that you as a nurse should know, would never be detected by normal senses."

"I know.." Iteela sighed. "People keep telling me that what happened wasn't my fault but it was still my fault because she nearly lost her baby because of me."

"Not your fault, but tragic, just the same," Cressa agreed. "It is good that you want to acknowledge how bad the attack was. And I think there is possibly one thing you do want to take responsibility for, that frightens you... which is the level of violence you are capable of, drugged or not. You don't want to be like that again, yes?"

"No I don't..... but... the worst part of it all... which is what I've been trying to get through to everyone." Tienn sighed. "I enjoyed beating her."

"Why do you think that was?" Cressa asked as she sat back and ate on her cookie.

"I honestly....dunno." as Tienn took a bite of her cookie. "I mean Elizabeth and I never had issues....until now."

"What would you say is the cause of all this pent up anger?" Cressa continued to press gently.

"I keep having to deal with stupid shit... last assignment it was because the Chief medical officer wanted me... I said no."

"Did you tell anyone about it?" Cressa asked with concern.

"No.." she responded. "The CMO was best buddies with the skipper... so it would have done no good." she shrugged.

"Do you feel unfairly treated here, as well?" Cressa asked as she took out a PADD to write some notes down.

Iteela raised an eyebrow. "I would say no... I've not had anyone try muscling me around or treat me poorly.."

"Is it a behavior you expect here?" Cressa asked while she began to analyze what was already said.

Iteela raised an eyebrow as she considered her response. "Well considering this crew, their history and the makeup of mostly screw-ups who mouthed off the wrong person." the Bajoran responded. "I sometimes wonder."

"Are there any shining moments you have in this posting?" Cressa gently.

Tienn lifted her cookie to her lips as she gently took a small nibble, pondering the answer. "Gyce.." she answered softly. "I am content to be left alone and be ignored... because I do not care for anyone who is not kin..... Gyce showed me without showing me anything that my attitude was wrong..."

"Is she a friend, or something more?" Cressa asked casually.

"At first, she was a friend... but now... she is something more.... and while our relationship is still new and fresh..." Tienn explained quietly. "I want the chance to explore it... and when they find whoever slipped me... whatever it was... know that I will stand outside their jail cell and laugh at them."

"I encourage you to explore that particular source of joy," Cressa agreed. "But I also want you to try to find at least four other things you like about this ship as well."

"I will consider it... Once these charges get quashed and I have my freedom restored."

"I want to also challenge you to make a new friend in this posting, once these charges get fixed," Cressa added.

"Alright... I accept your challenge..." Tienn responded.

"We need to build a circle of trust and support for you," Cressa explained. "Once you get to a point of feeling safe and are ready to trust, then will you start to heal."

"Well... We will see how that goes.." Tienn responded.

"The point is for you to try. And know you have people to talk to, if things do not go well," Cressa assured.

"Well I appreciate that... we will see how this goes..." she paused.

"My file says you have issues with close spaces," Cressa read. "...Wanna talk about it?"

Tienn raised an eyebrow. "Whats there to discuss... I hate confined spaces.." she paused. "no?"

"My job is to eventually rehabilitate the soul," Cressa told Tienn. "Would you like to be able to no longer feel uncomfortable in small spaces?"

Iteela regarded Cressa skeptically. "How are you going to accomplish this minor miracle?"

"I'd like do to it in the manner we are working now... Through careful analysis into whatever trauma caused it. And then trying to confront the fear in a rather controlled environment, so you don't feel you're in danger," Cressa ensured.

Tienn raised an eyebrow as she finished her cookie. "Okay... Well.. it can't be worse then the last guy who tried... and almost locked me in a metal box.."

"How old were you when that happened?" Cressa asked with concern.

"I was ten." Iteela's mind went hurtling back through space and time as she found herself in a Cardassian prison camp because she had been out after curfew. "I'd been caught outside after curfew... it was a simple mistake... at least... I thought so." Iteela seemed to almost go into a trance as she explained. "A Cardassian guard didn't have anywhere to put me so he opened a large metal storage crate. It was ... I wanna say three by three. He opened the door, grabbed me and threw me in..." she sighed. "he left me there all night and into the next morning... it wasn't until someone else opened the door that I realized I wasn't dreaming.."

"So when you write in a journal, that helps you cope with the closed spaces?" Cressa asked.

"It does..." Iteela's eyes did not refocus. "When the guard let me out the next morning...all of my muscles had cramped up... and the guard beat the other one with a rather large hammer.. telling me it was okay.." she paused. "I think he was serious.... I don't know... because Cardassians like to play one side against the other.. fucking with their prey... in this case.. me."

"What would you say to those men who harmed you, if they were here now?" Cressa pressed gently.

Iteela blinked as she came back to herself. "I wouldn't waste my breathe on them... hell... I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire... I'd let them burn.."

"How would you view your stance on the Cardassian government wanting help from the Federation?" Cressa continued to press gently.

"We should be helping our own first... the Cardassians helped to kill millions during the wars we fought with them... they kill our men, abuse our women and children because they can and that... will never stop.... because they... will never change.."

"Fair enough," Cressa agreed, then filled Iteela's glass again. "Would you mind if I read some if your writings when you finish?"

"Not at all." Tienn responded as she regarded the older woman before her. "Its meant to be read by others.."

"I say we mark that for next session, if you're willing?" Cressa asked politely.

"I'd like that..." Iteela responded quietly.


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