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All My Deeds Remember'd

Posted on Sun Mar 1st, 2020 @ 10:23pm by Commander Tienn Iteela & Jillian "Phoenix" Sullivan & Lieutenant Colonel Tienn Nerra

Mission: Mission 36: The Crusade Against the Infidels
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 0800Hrs - July 4th, 2391

Tienn Iteela was sitting on the floor, her eyes closed and her legs crossed, she was clearly meditating as Captain Tienn Nerra stood before the forcefield. "I had no idea that you were going to be in here sister.."

"Nerra." Iteela didn't open her eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"Seeing if the rumors were true.... seems that they are." Nerra responded.

Iteela sighed softly. "You shouldn't listen to rumors.."

"They say you beat a pregnant woman... I'm-"

"Save it... if you came here to bitch then you can leave now." Iteela responded. "GUARD!" she yelled.

The door opened and in came a brig guard. "Ensign?"

"The lady is finished with me. I'm trying to meditate and pray on my actions.."

Nerra had never seen this side of her twin before so she left without protest, she passed the Wing Commander, a human woman who was coming in as she was leaving.

"I normally just bounce a rubber ball in these cells ta pass tha time," Phoenix noted calmly as she stood outside Iteela's cell. "Never liked closed spaces... Only tha vibrations of tha engines in my fighter, blocked out tha sickenin' feelin' in my tummy when I fly for four hours."

Iteela looked leery at Phoenix. "Uhh... Hi Colonel." she paused. "You're not here to... hurt me...?" she asked softly. "I hurt one precious to you.... and I can never atone for it... even if I save her life ... I can never be forgiven for what I did."

"I beat my wife to near death, back on 400," Phoenix spoke with quiet remorse. "...I still don' get why she loves me, even after that horrific day. But she does. An' I aint tha same, cause I learn from my mistakes."

Iteela regarded the other woman, compassion in her eyes. "I didn't know." she paused. "I'm sorry." she added quietly. "how do you go on?"

"For one, I got my kids," Phoenix pointed out with a small smile. "Secondly, I got friends 'at care 'bout me.... An' I noticed ya aint seen many folks aside your advocate an' your sister. So I'm here ta tell ya, that I know your pain, an' ya need friends an' family ta get through it."

Iteela opened her mouth to respond and then she closed it again. "Thank you Phoenix.." she responded. "I don't know why Sheridan gives a damn... I beat the living crap out of a Yamaguchi... the clan is going to want my head..."

"I aint happy with it either, as they see me as part of their clan too," Phoenix admitted with a shrug. "But not a lot of folks were happy when I hit Siaxx either. An' 'at clan forgave me over time... If indeed you are sorry, they will come to see it an' forgive."

Tienn regarded the other woman. "We'll see Phoenix... We'll see.." she paused. "even if they were able to do it.... I could not forgive myself.." she sighed. "I do not deserve it."

"I don' deserve forgiveness either... But I can' stop people from ignorin' tha monster inside me," Phoenix shrugged. "All ya can do is keep the memory close so as ta learn not ta do it again."

Iteela nodded. "Yeah..."

"You're a good Kid, Iteela," Phoenix pointed out gently. "You protected Captain Tane. An' 'at right there tells anyone the moral fiber of your character."

"I protected her when Siaxx lost her mind that night..." she responded. "I'm surprised you've not come after me for that."

"She, like you are now, was in a bad spot... I can' fight all her battles, and she knew she crossed a line that day," Phoenix admitted none-too-proudly.

"Siaxx gave me a second chance.." Iteela sighed. "I doubt it'll happen now..." she regarded the other woman. "I'll be surprised if they let me remain in Starfleet."

"Feds like ta keep me here, regrettably. But at least now, it's a fight I can agree on," Phoenix spoke with slight envy. "My point, however, is that ya don' need ta think badly. If ya wanna remain here, then fight for it."

Iteela gently placed her hand on the large tome next to her. "I've been writing on the subject." she responded before she added. "I can't fight this battle.. but the evidence thats been uncovered will fight it for me...


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