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Sing a Song of Sixpence

Posted on Tue Mar 17th, 2020 @ 4:44am by Chief Warrant Officer Courtney "Warhowl" Yamaguchi & Lieutenant Commander Kameron "Foehammer" Solusar-Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Science Labs - Starbase Vanguard (47)
Timeline: June 11th, 2393

Lieutenant Kameron Solusar-Yamaguchi, still carried the name 'Foehammer' everywhere he went on assignment as he still wore his wings but these days it was only for sentimental reasons. Kam had settled into the assignment on the base but it was slow going and he had no assignments or projects in the works. Fardreamer had been giving him administration details to work on instead but Solusar-Yamaguchi knew why it was because Fardreamer wanted Solusar-Yamaguchi to feel valued and worth something, rather then feel like he had been demoted from the Chief posting on a ship to a nobody on a Starbase, that by itself sounded rather insulting and Fardreamer had gone to great lengths to ensure that Solusar-Yamaguchi had felt welcome, his skills were in demand and it wasn't through anything he had done wrong on the Dreamcrusher.

Solusar-Yamaguchi sighed softly before he moved into one of the labs, to be greeted by a loud screaming sound that lasted about a half second, he jumped as it had the double effect of startling him and waking him out of his fatigued state. "What the heck was that!?" he said out loud.

Master Warrant Officer Courtney Yamaguchi was presently working on research as another series of loud noises screamed from the speakers. She smiled. "Oh. Hey skipper." as she regarded her former boss with a look akin to affection. "What's up?" she inquired but one look at his face indicated that many things were on his mind, all at the same time.

"Okay, umm. Wait, what are you working on?" Solusar-Yamaguchi inquired of the older woman who had followed him to Vanguard from the Dreamcrusher, while another serious of loud screams echoed through the com system.

"Computer, halt playback," Yamaguchi spoke while the older female sat up. "I'm working on developing some understanding of the Whale Probe that menaced the Federation a century ago. It's something of a personal project," she explained while she regarded him with something of a critical eye. "Kam, are you alright?" Yamaguchi inquired as she sat forward in her chair.

"Robert is being overly demanding of me and his mom. Elizabeth is wanting child number two and I keep trying to get her to delay it." Solusar-Yamaguchi explained with a sigh. "It's not working and I'm tired. To make matters worse. I'm not a morning person." he then left out a sigh as he took a seat, sitting down.

Yamaguchi regarded him in silence, compassion shining in her dark eyes. "Come on, my work can wait and you, young man, need to get some food in your system."

Solusar-Yamaguchi did not protest, seeing it as a waste of his energy, he decided instead to follow the older woman out of the lab, into and through the main science labs and out into the hallways of the base. Yamaguchi led her young friend and boss down the hallway and into a turbolift. "Kam. I am concerned about you." Yamaguchi stated with a good dose of motherly concern in her tone of voice.

"Join the club Court," Solusar-Yamaguchi answered with a gentle sigh. "Even after having that week off. I still feel like a zombie. Rob isn't as bad as he used to be which is good. But he's still demanding of his mother and me and we're trying to get him to sleep during the night. I'm surprised that Elizabeth hasn't gone insane yet, she gets less sleep then I do and she does more work then I do." Solusar-Yamaguchi went with the older woman down the hallway when he stumbled. Yamaguchi wrapped an arm around his back, just under his shoulders. "Okay, slow down big man, take it one step at a time. Commander Fardreamer can wait. You need to eat."

Solusar-Yamaguchi's only response was a loud groan. "What I need is uninterrupted sleep."

"No, you need a break from the caring and demands of infants," Yamaguchi answered in a quiet tone of voice. "Isn't your parents assigned here, same as hers?" the older female inquired of him.

"Do not remind me. My mother is assigned to some new project in the system. I don't know what and Dad is here too." Yamaguchi-Solusar answered, anger in his tone.

"Don't you have issues with them?" Yamaguchi inquired with a gentle smile on her dark lips.

"Mom and Dad blamed me for my brother's death by drowning," Solusar-Yamaguchi answered in a flat tone of voice.

The turbolift doors opened and the two emerged. as Yamaguchi answered his statement with one of her own. "Wow. The level of ego there is truly mind-numbing." Yamaguchi answered. "Can I go yell-" she started before Solusar-Yamaguchi cut her off, midsentence. "No. Leave it be Court. There is no fixing that rift." Solusar-Yamaguchi answered with a tone of finality in his voice.

Yamaguchi regarded him with a quiet look in her eyes. "I never told you what happened to me when I was still Captain Yamaguchi. I was raped for being the Captain of a ship packed wall to wall with monsters, evil and twisted reflections of the people here," she explained. "I was not a good Captain and they were, in turn, a very poor crew." she sighed softly. "Of some of them were good crew but the system over there abused its people rather than elevate and encourage them." she paused again. "I forgave him for what he did to me because I can't let vengeance be a part of who I am," Yamaguchi answered.

"About my parents, It does not matter," Solusar-Yamaguchi responded.

"Is there no space in your heart for forgiveness?" Yamaguchi inquired a soft look of sadness in her eyes. "None at all?" she asked, a gentle whisper in her voice.

"Alright..." Solusar-Yamaguchi gave in as he sighed. "I'll consider it." Solusar-Yamaguchi added, defeated.

"That's my boy." Yamaguchi suddenly answered. "Come on, the messhall awaits. We go at once!" she added before she led him down the hallway.


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