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Arrival of Fairchild

Posted on Sat Feb 29th, 2020 @ 4:52pm by Admiral Jake Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 33: Losing the Peace
Location: Various Locations - USS Fairchild / USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1000Hrs - May 13th, 2391

Jazon sat in the command chair on the bridge of his warship. Of course Starfleet called it a heavy escort but Commander Stone knew better than that. The big powerful ship was designed to destroy ships much larger then herself and that in his mind meant the Fairchild was a warship. Unlike most ships the bridge of the Fairchild was a combined bridge and TIC, tactical information centre, this meant that before him was a large holographic display, which at the moment showed local space.

"Commander, we are dropping out of warp at the edge of the engagement zone for the Roanoke and Captain Tane is requesting your presence" this from the Second Officer who sat on Jazon's left.

Nodding he got to his feet and turned to the XO, "You have the ship, i am sure I will be back in due time." Not much else to say, a little banter about search parties and such and he was gone heading for the transporter room while his command team brought the ship into formation with the small but powerful task force.

Twenty minutes later he was standing in front of the doors to Tane's ready room having just pressed the button, he had never encountered this captain before but he had heard the rumours, and promptly dismissed them as unimportant.

"It's open," Zara called out from her desk chair. Jake was on the couch.

Rear Admiral Jake Yamaguchi was wearing civilian clothing as he was clearly comfortable on the sofa, he polished off his drink as he rose to his feet so Zara could greet her guest. "Commander." he addressed the visitor by rank and not by name as he didn't know the man.

"I assume you know why you're here?" Zara asked the newcomer.

"Admiral, Captain." He said in formal greeting standing at ease. "No, I was assigned to your task force by Section Chief Munroe of Starfleet Intel. I assume I am meant to keep an eye on you." he was an honest man and disliked being sent on this kind of missions. "However I feel that there are better missions for me and my ship which do not include sitting astern of your ship waiting for you to do something that the Deputy Director doesn't like for me to report on."

He shrugged and waited for one of his senior officers to speak. He was master of his ship, but not its missions.

Jake Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow. "Section Chief Munro?, I've never heard of him.. but why is a guy in Intell giving you orders?" he inquired, as he suddenly had alarm bells ringing in his head. "Maybe I'm suddenly being paranoid.... but... I feel I must ask.."

"I suggest you don't report on anything," Zara spoke gently and pointed to Jake. "He's my boss and has given me full control of this task group. So you can understand why Jake's concerns are being fielded."

Yamaguchi nodded. "I'm actually on leave at the present time.." as he decided he needed to lay down some contingency plans.

Jazon nodded and took a step forward. "You don't know me, I am an unknown quantity so your questioning of my integrity is understandable." There was no anger or annoyance in his voice, only understanding. "I get that as you don't know me. You do not know if you can trust me or not. I am a starfleet officer first. Munroe is a dick spook who seems to think that I owe him for screwing up an investigation 15 years ago. So he says," He gestures to one of the chairs, "May I sit Captain?" he asks.

"Yes," Zara insisted as she bent down to her drink cooler under her desk. "What's your poison, Stone?"

Yamaguchi waited for the other guy to sit down as he made a couple of decisions regarding the matter at hand. True Stone was right, Jake didn't know him but that didn't mean Jake should relax just yet. He wanted to get to know the man first.

Jazon headed towards one of the chairs, "Would you happen to have a bottle of 2203 Scotch Whiskey? If so two fingers over ice would be great." He took the chair that allowed him to see the door, the Captain and the Admiral without too much movement. "Admiral, I have been given the heads up that the Fairchild will soon be moved to JSOC. Personally I hope that this will mean that Munroe will no longer be a part of my life, However experience has shown me that my hopes don't often come true."

"If you can keep your friend out of our business, I don't mind you here," Zara spoke honestly as she began to pour. "This task group is devoted to training the colony worlds up, Building training centers and bases so that when shit hits the fan and Starfleet can't get to them fast enough? They can at least hold the line until we get there."

Jake regarded the other male officer in the room. "I should also make mention.... I'm here on vacation. Zara here however does answer to me but I am presently on leave.."

"By vacation, he means screwing his wife - my XO," Zara teased Jake. "That, and taking care of two cute twins."

Jazon smiled unsure how to reply, instead he said, "Your goal here is worthy Captain. The Fairchild is here to support. We are a warship... Well Heavy Escort according to the Federation, but I have enough firepower to take on a cube and with good changes of success as well." He wasn't smug or over confident but he did carry a handful of the torpedoes that Voyager came back with. "Of course I wont be unless it threatens a high value or civilian target. Fleet doesn't want the Borg adapting to their new toy."

Zara looked a bit skeptic of the boast, but did not question it. "We haven't seen the Borg in a long time. And I hope we never do."

Jazon smiled, "Okay so not a cube, maybe a Sphere or a Tactical Scout. The point is that I wont always be with the Task Group. The Fairchild will be off on our own a fair amount."

"Fair enough..." Jake responded. "But... as far as you're concerned in regards to your chain of command, you are part of the Roanoke's battlegroup which means.... you answer to Zara here and to me. You okay with that?" Jake inquired.

"Admiral, Captain. As far as I am able to follow your orders i shall do so. But you must understand that I am an attached unit not a member of this Task Force?"

Jake raised an eyebrow. "Which begs the question. Why are you here.... other then dealing with a section head from Starfleet Intelligence."


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