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The World was Fair, the Mountains Tall - Part Five

Posted on Wed Mar 18th, 2020 @ 3:27pm by Post Captain Hannah Mueller & Post Captain Plataea "Phantom" Lasky

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1400Hrs - June 25th, 2393

Captain Hannah Mueller smiled as she thought about the evening activities she would soon be enjoying. The tall red-eyed human female smiled as she looked over at the backpack she had brought with her, as she was going to enjoy swimming the sixty lengths that she wanted before she would do some diving, she was a woman who greatly relished her time in the pool and anyone who knew her, knew that little detail as it would shape all of her activities. Mueller was so well known in the starbase pool that some nicknamed it 'Mueller's poolhouse.'. Mueller spent on average of four hours in the pool every single night and she loved it.

The doorbell beeped at the tall human female as she blinked, the moment over as she had to shift her attention. "Es ist offen!" she called out, right before the translator kicked in. "It's Open!"

The door opened and in walked the pregnant Halanan female, she held a PADD in her left hand. "Hey, Hannah. I think we have a problem."

"Ein Problem?. Was passiert jetzt?" Once again the translator did its work. "A Problem?. What's happening now?" the red-eyed human female inquired as she regarded the Halanan before her. She thought that Captain Lasky looked quite fetching at the present time. Mueller paused as she pushed the thought away with a helpful shove as she didn't need the distraction. She would attend to her own concerns later.

Lasky regarded her, she had caught the thought of pure lust that had been directed square at her, in truth, she felt flattered that Mueller wanted her like that as she had no idea that the human across from her was bisexual or even a lesbian. "Yes, we might have a problem." Lasky felt it best to keep to the trouble at hand rather than have the chat go sideways into territory that Mueller was not or not prepared to explore yet. She presented the PADD which she placed ever so lightly onto Mueller's desk before she pushed it across to the human female.

Mueller regarded the other woman as she picked it up, in silence she began to read the details. She continued to hold her silence as she reread the PADD three separate times to be sure. "Bist du dir Sicher?" she asked before the translator went to work. "You are sure of this?"

"I am sure of that. My aide has a class Alpha five rating in computer sciences. I trust him." Lasky explained as she shifted her position in her chair.

Mueller was not a happy woman, it showed too. "Okay. Nun, wir gehen am besten zum Admiral und zum Kapitän. Der Captain und Celeste werden auch dafür da sein wollen." Mueller hielt inne. "Außerdem. Dein Ehemann wird auch dafür da sein wollen," she explained in German, Lasky understood as the translator took care of the language barrier for her. "Okay. Well, we'd best go see the Admiral then and the skipper. The Captain and Celeste will want to be there for this as well." Mueller paused. "Also. Your husband will want to be there for this too."

"Indeed," Lasky answered. "Still, we have an idea as to who it might be and its most certainly not my husband." the pregnant female answered.

Mueller sighed, she felt that the other woman didn't trust her to keep a lid on things. "Sicherheit ist meine Domäne, Captain Lasky. Warum bist du nicht zu mir gekommen??" as she shifted, waiting for the other woman's answer. "Security is my domain, Captain Lasky. Why didn't you come to me.?"

Lasky knew that this meeting was going sideways. "It was never about causing problems, Hannah. I wanted to deal with this quietly, I didn't wish to cause problems if none existed. If Tom was lying to me, I wanted to be the one to deal with him, myself between husband and wife. Rather than make this official."

"Aha," Mueller answered quietly. "I see." the translator added with its usual polish for Lasky's benefit.
"Also, welche Beweise hast du?" Mueller added. "So what evidence do you have?" the translator tossed at them both helpfully.

"Its all on the PADD before you. My aide thinks the main issue is coming from the skipper of the USS John Paul Jones, he's used Admiral Lasky's clearance twice for a consignment of luxury goods for the crew of his ship and the second time was to arrange payment for several Orion slave girls, again for his crew."

"So ist der Skipper von John Paul Jones ein verdorbener Fick. Das erklärt, warum du nicht zu mir gekommen bist, bevor du von der Platte geschaut hast. Ich müsste es melden und er würde Mustang gehen. " Mueller explained with a heavy sigh. "So the skipper of the John Paul Jones is a corrupt fuck. That explains why you didn't come to me before you looked off the record. I'd have to report it and he'd go mustang." the translator added a moment later. The human female sighed softly while she shook her head gently. "Es tut mir leid, ich hätte warten sollen, bevor ich Dinge annahm." as the translator who was really starting to feel like a third person in the room, added. "I'm sorry, I should have waited before assuming things."

"No its fine, Hannah. Had I came to you, right away, several hours ago." Lasky paused as she sighed. "I would have been breaking the rules either way. I decided not to ask you to sully your self-respect by asking you to not report this until after I had the hard proof."

"Ich verstehe" Mueller smiled, as she suddenly found herself wishing that her future husband or wife was half as capable as this woman before her, she also realized that she envied Admiral Lasky.

Lasky smiled despite herself, that thought of lust was back, along with some envy, she quickly realized that Mueller wanted her and envied her husband at the same time. "Well, sooner or later, we'll nail this guy." as soon as she said it, she quickly realized that it was the wrong thing to say as she had a vision of Meuller pinning her and taking her right here on her desk. Lasky blinked as the raw power of the emotion momentarily overwhelmed her psionic defenses. "Mmm. So can we go brief the Admiral?" Lasky inquired.

"Mmm ... Ja, wir können die Leute informieren, die es Wissen müssen." the Germanic female answered as she rose to her feet. "Mmm... Yes, we can brief the people who need to know." the translator added in a helpful tone of voice. Lasky tapped her combadge and requested the various people gather in her office as soon as possible.


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