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Roanoke's Finest

Posted on Thu Feb 27th, 2020 @ 9:00pm by Commander Tienn Iteela & Director Tienn Gyce

Mission: Mission 26: Points of Divergence
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1400Hrs - February 16th, 2391

Ensign Tienn Iteela was walking down the hallway, her medkit bundled under her right arm. She was heading for lunch as she watched another Bajoran woman walking down the hallway with a cane in her hand.

Tienn watched her walk as a frown marred her face. "You okay?"

"I'm fine," Gyce insisted, then taped her right on her right thigh. "It's nerve damage from an old injury. Flares up when I walk too much."

"Okay." Tienn paused "Can't anything be done for it?" inquired Tienn.

"It was a bio-weapon the Cardassian's let loose on my resistance cell," Gyce noted quietly as she moved over by the wall beside of Tienn. "There is no cure. Only methods to cope with my pain, that rarely involve the opiates."

"I assume you hate hoverchairs?" Tienn commented evenly, in truth Tienn could see why.

"I start using one, then I start losing what little movement I still have." Gyce shook her head savagely against the entire notion. "I've lived my life with a cane for so long, I've accepted it. Because it's the lesser of many evils."

Tienn nodded. "Fair enough." she sighed. "can nothing be done... at all?"

"So far as the Vulcan Research Hospital knows, no." Gyce paused as she recalled her fellow Bajoran. "You were the only nice naked woman in the bunch to me."

"Well... I'm surprised you remembered me.. considering most of the medical staff was rounded up for that... Some cultures have a nudity taboo and others.... don't." she shrugged.

"You were the only one that picked me up off the ground when that rage case Sullivan punched me," Gyce noted with a bit of embarrassment. "I still don't know why she did it. Tane's listed the event as a PTSD episode though. Thus she's not letting me prosecute."

"She's pregnant." Tienn answered simply. "Would prosecuting her be of any worth to you?" she inquired.

"It would make me feel as if I was not weak," Gyce admitted lowly. "It's bad enough people look upon me with sympathy because of the cane. Now I have to prove I'm not a weakling to be tossed around, without taking a Klingon approach."

"Thats one's ego talking... Phoenix spends her time sleeping or staying in bed.." Tienn responded. "You're revenge would serve no purpose."

"Prophets may just smite me for being snippy about it," Gyce frowned. "I'm not proud of it. But it's not easy for someone like me to wear a gold shirt.. Feels like Phoenix has shown to everyone that it does not take much to overpower me."

"Because you were muscling Siaxx around." Tienn commented evenly. "You had your hand on her arm... Phoenix took that badly.." Tienn explained. "I'm not condoning it... I'm saying that threatening Siaxx tends to bring out the beast in Phoenix."

"Well I'm Gyce," the older Bajoran spoke as she held her hand out to the other. "Suppose it best to start fresh, given several bad first impressions with many folks."

"Yes, I heard all about it.." Tienn commented. "I'm Tienn.." and with that, she shook hands with the other woman. "You didn't really offend me... Though I heard horror stories about you."

"I'm a detective, so it comes with the territory of people being skeptic," Gyce spoke with a wry smile. "I suppose you might say the only issue I don't bend much on, is in the areas of the law meant to protect children... And regrettably, that had to be the first issue Roanoke knew me from, personally."

"Roanoke doesn't have many children." Tienn explained. "We have maybe a dozen..." the younger Bajoran sighed softly. "Skeptic isn't the word I'd use... I would use the word hate...A lot of people hate you aboard ship for that fiasco.." she then shrugged. "Personally.. too many people see black and white when there are more than just two shades of grey.."

"I am glad I have at least one ally here then," Gyce noted with ease. "It's not often I see, much less speak, with someone of our race either."

"Not many Bajorans tend to join Starfleet these days... and those that do, tend to avoid assignments like this one... I came here because I was assigned here... and not because I'm a screwup."

"I am sorry you're here, regardless. A woman with your healing touch should be noticed for her gifts," Gyce spoke honestly. "You having lunch soon, by any chance?"

Tienn regarded the other woman in silence. "Lunch is good." she responded evenly. "Why?" she inquired. "You hungry?"

"I was headed to lunch anyway. Figured I'd ask you to come along," Gyce admitted with a smile.

"Alright.." Tienn answered evenly. "Hopefully.. Lieutenant Kurzkai will not be there... I hate that thing.." her anger coming out. "We don't need Cardassians in Starfleet.."

"I agree," Gyce spoke lowly as they headed to the mess. "But we have to work with her, regardless, unfortunately."

Tienn regarded the other woman. "After all those things did to me... my sisters and my friends growing up... I'll never trust them or like them... I hate them..." she hissed.

"I'm shocked that not many others that share Phoenix's views, have tried to attack Kurzkai," Gyce admitted with surprise.

"Attacking this particular Cardassian would serve no purpose." Tienn admitted almost hesitantly. "Did you fight during the occupation?"

"I fought in the resistance. That's how I lost a great deal of function in this leg," Gyce answered quietly. "Did you fight too?"

"I spent time dealing with Cardassians..." Tienn sighed. "I was present when a Cardassian Guard raped my eldest sister and tried to rape me... I was six at the time... I killed him... I had to."

"It's a wonder people like us don't crack up," Gyce shook her head with sympathy. "I am glad to see you found a way to make a life for yourself."

"Well..." Tienn paused. "I sometimes wonder..." she commented. "I grew to enjoy the company of death.... and yet my siblings all grew up to be normal women.... Ezas especially."

"It took me a long time to let go of that mentality," Gyce nodded in realization. "Some of our kin never do. Others find joy in the unlikeliest places."

"Some of us adjust... like Ezas..." she sighed. "I never did... neither did Nerra."

"It sounds as if you're tired of being the way you are," Gyce noted very sagely.

"I don't know.." Tienn admitted. "I got so used to it... I almost enjoy it.."

"So hate is something that fuels you?" Gyce asked with intrigue.

"Yes.." Tienn admitted honestly. "It goes me focus..."

"Do you ever have a moment where you just relax?" Gyce asked gently. She did not want to intrude on the older woman's life, afterall.

"Relax?" Tienn commented. "Never needed to bother with it really.."

"So why don't we, after shift, get some holodeck time. I know some great comedy holoflicks that you might enjoy," Gyce offered. "We can even invite some of your friends in medical, if you like."

Tienn thought about it. "Everyone from medical already has plans... " the younger Bajoran responded. "so... it'll be you and me... unless you have someone you want to bring along.."

"I haven't made any friends yet," Gyce admitted with a frown. "So it would be me and you, if that's all right?"

"I don't mind..." Tienn slowly smiled. "So... what movie will we be seeing... something good I hope.."

"Down Periscope," Gyce smirked. "A lot of people compare this ship to that movie. So I figure why not watch it."

Tienn regarded the other Bajoran. "Never heard of it.." she commented.
"What time should I be at whichever holodeck for this?"

"When you get off shift. Unless you want to eat first, and then go out?" Gyce offered.

Tienn paused. "I'm Alpha watch and I never took lunch earlier." she commented. "so I'm off watch in an hour or so."

"Then I shall meet you at holodeck two after shift," Gyce promised.

"Sounds good but... you mentioned lunch.." Tienn responded evenly. "So.. lets go eat.."

"I believe the mess is serving beef bouillon with mashed potatoes," Gyce pointed out in full agreement. "We can do that, or I can replicate us some hasperat with iced jumja tea."

Tienn considered it. "I've not had a good hasperat in far too long.." the smaller woman admitted. "the ships replicators make it too bland for my tastes.."

"That's why I put a little more seasoning on top of it," Gyce smiled. "Helps a lot, and the seasonings aren't hard to get from home either."

Tienn nodded. "Sounds good... lets head over to your place and have a real Bajoran meal."

"You want a private lunch then?" Gyce asked with a hint of surprise in her voice.

"I thought that was what you were offering in the first place." Tienn responded, her dry wit coming out. "Dinner and a movie..." she paused. "Not that I'm against the idea.."

"Dinner and a movie it is then," Gyce agreed, and turned back toward the lifts. Her limp was heavy but otherwise she seemed relaxed.

Tienn followed the other woman. "Here... lean on me.."

"All right," Gyce nodded with much reluctance. She did not like having to rely on others to help her move about.

Tienn gently held onto the other woman. "You push yourself too hard.."
she commented. "where we going?"

"My quarters," Gyce spoke as they headed to the lift. "I'll have to dig out my spice rack from one of my crates though. Haven't really unpacked much of my things."

"When was the last time the medics checked you over?" Tienn inquired.

"About six months ago," Gyce shrugged off. "I experience pain all the time, Tienn. This isn't something out of the normal for me. Especially walking across a massive ship all day."

"Come on in tomorrow.... you'll want to see Lieutenant Sokanon. Her rather then me... as I'm only a Nurse, she's a full blown Doctor. I will let her know that you're coming... so she'll be expecting you."

"I don't see that she can fix this," Gyce noted with surety, "but I shall. Not sure you why you care so much about a gimp's pain."

"Gimp...?" Tienn commented. "You work in security with a disability.."

"I'm a detective. I don't guard anything. I look into things the guards normally have locked down," Gyce explained. "That, or I shoot from range."

Tienn nodded her head. "I prefer long range... they can't get to me.."

"You did sniper training too?" Gyce asked with intrigue.

"I used to be certified.." the smaller Bajoran responded. "I'm considering going for my certification again."

"I could certify you if you like," Gyce offered as they went into the turbolift. And once she ordered the destination, the lift moved and she continued with, "That's if you don't mind. It's a lengthy re-certification test, mind you."

Tienn walked into the turbolift, the other Bajoran woman on her arm. "No... I don't mind... we have few decent instructors on this ship...and I don't feel like getting taught by a lunatic.."

"I suppose we can meet up at the range after your shifts then?" Gyce asked. "Not tonight. Tonight is for relaxing and having fun."

"We'll do that tomorrow night.. I get to shoot things and you get to teach me, I can't see the downside in that." the younger Bajoran responded as the turbolift doors opened. "which way?" Tienn asked softly.

"Right. Third corridor, room 12B." Gyce bit her lip as she fought for those few more steps left to her quarters. "Probably shouldn't of walk so damn much around the ship past few days."

"Alright.. here we are.." Tienn commented softly as she came to a stop at the requested door. "as requested."

Gyce fairly quickly unlocked the door and moved inside, then turned around and moved aside so that Tienn could come in to her quarters.

It was sparse. An olive drab couch with a matching chair in the sitting around. Crates sat under the window. There was really no hint of individuality, given the fact Gyce had little time or energy to unpack.

"Should not be too long," Gyce smiled as she limped to the prep island of the kitchen area. A tall cooling unit stood beside a cooking unit. No oven, but a nice heating source surrounded by granite.

"My spices should be in the bottom crate on the right pile. if you don't mind fetch them for me?" Gyce asked as she pulled some noodles from a cabinet, and then a package of meat from the cooling unit.

Tienn went over to the crates as she selected the one she wanted, she knelt down as she pulled out a few small jars. "these them?"

"Yes, thanks." Gyce then put a pot of water on the heating source, and a pan beside of it. Once she was set, she sat on a stool and began to season the meat in a bowl. "You want anything to drink, Tienn?"

"I'll just have a coke-cola. Its a human drink but the girls in sickbay like it.." she explained. "or a root beer... something Siaxx introduced us all to."

Gyce smiled, washed her hands in the sink, and then went over to the replicator. Moments later she brought back a cola over ice, for Tienn and an iced jumja tea for herself before she went back to prepping the food.

"You ever cook much?" Gyce asked as she started to chop the meat.

"No..." Tienn admitted. "I never found the time to learn how to cook..." she explained.

"I used to cook with my mom, back when we lived on the family vineyard," Gyce smiled bitter-sweetly. "I was about six when we were forced into the camps, but much of what my mom taught me then, I still know now."

Tienn opened her mouth to ask what happened but she stopped, as she realized she didn't want to know. "Fair enough." she commented quietly, as she sipped her drink. "you kept your skill up?"

"I try to. I don't claim to be a chef, but I did remember a great deal of my mom's recipes." Gyce dropped the noodles into the water, after putting a few daps of oil into the pot. "Maybe I'll visit the old place at some point. Granted I haven't been to Bajor since before the Occupation ended."

Tienn didn't trust herself to speak as she mentally collected herself. "After what the Cardassians did.... I couldn't bring myself to go home... the Cardassians glassed my home... my family and a few others escaped... but.. many did not.."

"You're safe to speak your mind in here," Gyce told the younger woman. "I will never judge you for being honest... And it's good to talk about it on occasion."

Tienn paused as she absorbed what the other woman was saying to her as she calmed and relaxed in a way she had never really done before, she placed her glass of soda onto the table before her. "I don't know what to say..." she admitted. "seeing my home.... as a glassed and charred landscape.."

"Much of Bajor has been fixed due to the Federation's soil reclimators," Gyce pointed out gently for she recognized this was shaky waters for Tienn. "But the Provisional Government would not let me join the militia, once I was able to walk again. Not even as an adviser. So I myself have been away for various other reasons as well."

"Dad is still there.. My Mom... disappeared at the end of the occupation... We don't know whart happened to her.... but she was serving as a ...." Tienn paused. "a Cardassian comfort woman." Tienn admitted. "My brothers also remained on Bajor as well... they all have families but all my sisters are out here, among the stars."

"I had an uncle left. But he lived on the other side of the world," Gyce admitted with a half-grin. "Never knew him. I suppose he's running the farm now. But I can probably go to Bajor with you at some point, if you like. See if my parents' wine collection is still there."

"Going back to Bajor.." Tienn admitted. "I never thought about it... I'm not sure I want to go... home."

"You don't have to go back if you don't want to," Gyce corrected. "But if you do, I can go with you if prefer to go with friends."


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