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I'm just the Messenger

Posted on Thu Feb 27th, 2020 @ 8:40pm by Commander Siaxx Warfield & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Lieutenant JG Rachael "Ripcord" Yamaguchi-Cullen & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi
Edited on on Sun May 16th, 2021 @ 1:22pm

Mission: Mission 26: Points of Divergence
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 0800Hrs - February 12th, 2391

Ensign Elizabeth Yamaguchi smiled as she placed the chart in the slot next to Recovery Room One which was off limits to everyone except Siaxx and a dozen or so others.

She turned as she plucked her medkit from where she had left it, She went into the main sickbay area as the door opened and in walked Zara Tane.

Elizabeth smiled. "Captain... what brings you to my abode?" she inquired with a grin, the relationship she had with the Captain was a rather strange one and it showed most days. "What can I help you with this time?"

"Headache, again." Zara rubbed her temples. "I can't get any work done with so much stupidity going on around the ship."

Elizabeth regarded the other woman. "Well. Come on over here.... I got something for you that could assist...." she commented

"Ah. Good," Zara smiled to the idea of relief.

"This is a little something a friend of mine made for me.... it was going to be a gift for a certain someone....for her birthday..." she commented. "Its a small cattle prod." she commented as she opened her medkit and produced the small item. "So.. next time someone pisses you off or hurts you in any manner... use this."

Zara actually laughed at the idea. "It's a sweet idea, Elizabeth. But it's not my style. Knives are my thing."

Elizabeth smiled. "Well... let me check you over.." she commented with a grin. "Have a seat..." she added.

Zara did so, and fidgeted a bit nervously. "So... how crazy has Phoenix gotten?"

"She's doing alright.." she paused. "she's not suicidal... but she spends her time looking out the viewports or she's asleep."

"Stoic behavior like that'll get noticed, if we're not careful." Zara whispered lower, "We don't want inspection teams knowing she's here if they come to look at Sickbay."

"Siaxx and I have already taken steps to ensure that she's not seen. Recovery room one is marked as 'Uninhabitable and off limits to everyone except myself, you, mom, Siaxx, Rachael, Doctor Furban and Commander Saint."

"I'd probably go in and check on her, except that she isn't all that keen with me," Zara frowned. "It's funny how the bitch annoys me, but I still do worry about her."

"I'll let her know that you dropped by..." Elizabeth smiled. "Also... let me cure your stress headache... I'm going to give you a mild painkiller... it'll dull the pain but won't numb you. I don't want to medicate you and leave you high..." she produced a hypo as she gently injected it into the side of Zara's neck with a delicate grace that only the most experienced medics could acquire. "it should last about twelve hours and it 'should' cure you.... if you have any more problems.... I'm part of the decorations around here."

"I'll have Furban lighten your workload if you like," Zara offered. "Taking care of Phoenix can't be easy for you, on top of other things."

"Would you mind terribly?" Elizabeth smiled. "I've got a fair bit on my plate.... what with mom losing it and all..." with that, the taller woman let out a soft sigh. "At least she's with Dad..."

"Want to talk about it?" Tane offered gently.

Elizabeth paused before she nodded. "Sure.. but not here... its a private matter and I don't want it becoming public.." she turned as she went over to one of the duty medics. "El Tee.. I'm going to go on break... there isn't anyone here.."

Sokanon curled her ears towards the taller Ensign who stood before her as she nodded her head. "Of course Ensign. We are in space-dock after-all. No need to hurry back.."

"Thank you." and with that Elizabeth secured her medkit and when she went back over to Zara. "Lets go somewhere quiet.... "

"So what's going on in that mind of yours?" Zara asked as she walked with Elizabeth down the hall.

Elizabeth paused as she regarded the smaller woman walking beside her. "Well... Mom is drowning in her pain.." she sighed softly. "She misses her babies... as she'll never get to carry them and give birth to them..."

"If it'd been a telepath carrying them, I surmise it would not be so bad," Zara agreed. "Phoenix can't communicate with them telepathically and as much time as she sleeps and mopes to herself, I don't think that helps your mom either."

"Its not." Elizabeth responded. "I can feel mom's pain.... like a warships searchlight.... its always there.... her rage and pain." she paused. "I heard what she did to you.." the taller woman sighed. "I'm sorry for what happened.."

"Well maybe those two moping together will bare something fruitful," Zara shrugged. "All I know is that my patience with your mom is reaching thin, with her misdirected anger towards me."

Elizabeth regarded the smaller woman. "I will speak with her." she said softly. "Mom needs to realize that she can't go smacking her friends around like this..." she sighed. "This... is intolerable."

"She's inconsolable, Elizabeth," Zara spoke sympathetically. "Her babies were ripped from her. And then put into someone we know isn't fit for motherhood. And that makes her pain even harder for her to bare."

"Yeah.." Elizabeth answered softly. "I don't know how I'd cope.... if I were in her place." the taller woman admitted. "Even though she knows that had she kept them... all three of them would be dead now... But I know it doesn't help her." she looked at Zara. "How would you her place, that is?"

"I would probably go the route Phoenix has gone... Become a hermit loner," Zara admitted. "Which is funny when you look at it. I'd expect Phoenix to be the rage case, and your mom to be the loner that wallows in self-pity."

"I know..." Elizabeth listened to the smaller woman's explanation. "Yet mom's the rage case and Phoenix is drowning in misery." she paused. "I've seen mom in many states Zara..." she admitted. "I've seen her happy beyond measure and saddened beyond words.... I've seen her high on drugs and sleepy on medication... but I've never seen her go mad like this... Its... intimidating.."

"I wish I knew how to help her, but I don't, sadly." Zara sighed.

Elizabeth turned her head. "I know..." she slowly smiled. "I hope she comes around..."

"Know that you're not alone in this," Zara told her. "Lots of people care for her and if you need an ear, find me."

Elizabeth and Zara reached their destination. "Thank you... I do appreciate that.. more then you know." she paused. "How are your tattoo's doing?" the taller woman inquired. "are they bothering you at all?"

"Arm's a bit sore, but nothing like before," Zara shrugged aside. "Still am a bit... embarrassed bit it."

"Do you want me to take a look at it?" Elizabeth inquired.

"If you like," Zara nodded. "You decided one the specialty you want to go into yet?"

"After lunch then... we'll head back to sickbay and I can medicate you again." as the two women arrived at the Green Dragon. "Lets eat.." Elizabeth commented with a smile.

"Oooh. Drugs. Fun," Zara smiled brightly. "Opiates are what I do."

"Oh I got far better than Opiates..." Elizabeth commented with a smile.
"But in all honesty... I'll tend to your shoulder first.."

"Thanks," Zara nodded appreciatively. "Anything in mind for your eats? Or do you want to come to the captain's mess and have a nice steak?"

Elizabeth paused. "Mm... now that sounds lovely... I'd be delighted." she responded. "Then I'll tend to your shoulder... tattoo's still bugging you?"

"I just answered that," Zara spoke and stuck her tongue out as she lead Elizabeth down to the Captain's Mess.

Huge, comfy room that had cushy high-back armchairs for seats around a sturdy oval oak table that could seat about fifteen. Zara sat down at the head of it and pointed for Elizabeth to sit at either side of her.

"Bigger ships get bigger facilities," Zara explained. "In our case, means a much larger Captain's Mess... Should probably hold a lunch meeting in here every now and then with the senior staff. Or maybe the senior members of the highest-performed department."

"Wow... this room is comfy." Elizabeth then sat down to the Captain's right. "Definitely make one feel appreciated..."

"So what's got you so bothered that you didn't want to speak openly in sickbay about?"

"I'm worried about my mother.... I don't think she's going to bounce back from that.." she paused. "Also... you've been in her quarters... did you see the picture on her desk?" Elizabeth sighed. "the one she unpacks first and packs last... I don't think she knows if she's coming back.."

"What do you mean?"

"That picture... she took it with her.."

Zara grew quiet a long moment. She wanted Torilla back, but she also wanted Torilla right in the head first.

"Maybe if we can get Phoenix to come out of her hidey hole, and out of her funk, she'll allow Torilla to see her babies aren't in danger." It was a huge guess on Zara's part. Then she continued with, "But until then, she's left with thinking we picked the wrong host, and as much as she likes Phoenix, I don't think Torilla feels this was the best choice."

"It makes sense." Elizabeth agreed. "If I wasn't here... I suspect mom would be losing her mind right about now." the taller woman sighed. "how do we get Phoenix out of her funk.... any ideas?"

"I've no idea. I don't even know what sort of thought-loop she's got herself so caught up in to keep her like that," Zara shrugged in defeat. "But she needs to do something other than laying or sitting around in that room."

Elizabeth nodded her head in agreement. "Yeah... I know Siaxx spends time with her, as does Rachael. I too visit from time to time, my work permitting of course." she then sighed. "Mom... she's just too insane.."

"She's got your dad with her. So maybe she'll mellow some," Zara spoke hopefully.

"Well... we can hope Zara." Elizabeth answered softly.

"Hope is all one can have in times like this," Zara pointed out.

Elizabeth sighed softly. "We've been through so much over the last little while.... Rachael being pregnant, same with mom before losing her babies..." the taller woman sighed.

"They aren't lost though. That's something we have to keep reminding her of," Zara prodded gently.

Elizabeth shared a look as they nodded. "Yeah.. " "Phoenix is the pregnant one.." she sighed "She seems content to sleep and lie around a lot."

"That's not good," Zara concluded with a frown. "I'll mull over a way to get her out of her funk."


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