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Calling Home

Posted on Thu Feb 27th, 2020 @ 4:57pm by Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Grand Admiral April Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 23: Foundations of Stone
Location: Various Locations - Starbase 12
Timeline: 0800Hrs - January 22nd, 2391

Sitting in her office on Starbase Twelve was Fleet Admiral April Yamaguchi who had her uniform jacket draped over the back of her chair as she wore the uniform tank top and her skirt rather then the pants.

She was also barefoot but that was because of her personal preferences when she was on the job, if she had to go anywhere then she would tug on her boots and then go to wherever she needed to go.

She sipped her drink as she picked up a PADD, on it was a letter from her eldest daughter as a smile graced April's face when suddenly the doorbell beeped.

April set down the PADD as she blinked, normaly her yeoman would stop anyone from just banging on her door but April had left a list of people who were to be admitted no matter what. Her husband and a few specific people were on that list. "Its Open!" April called

April quickly found herself looking at Aerin Ranval and Karryn Azzerin. "Its my favorite Kurokuri. Guys... whats up?, help yourself to the replicator."

Aerin put his hand up," Nah, I'm good, don't need anything." He then sat down at one of the chairs, saying, "Yeah, Roanoke needs a lot of work."

Yamaguchi had read the reports submitted by her sister-in-law. "Give me the unvarnished version.... warts and all..."

Aerin didn't leave out details on this one, "I Have been around the crew for a while now, and the senior staff, yeah, they have their flaws, but they are decent individuals. Captain Tane has her vices, but she does care about her people, and is a decent, if not very by the book officer. The CMO is a rage case, but is competent. The Chief Engineer is a bit of a loon, but really knows his shit, I'd say he is in the top 5% of engineers in starfleet. Chief tactical officer is a dick, but knows his job, the CAG, as you know, is the top gun of the fleet. Overall, the senior guys are all pretty good people, but some fuckhead keeps giving them the shaft by sending them the bottom feeders of starfleet for their crew, and is sending them substandard and recycled equipment."

"For example, they had their fighter strength increased, by 36 valkyries and 12 scorpions. the scorpions are all right, But some dickhead pulled Valkyries that must have been in a junkyard for a decade to the ship. Six where complete write offs, and the rest needed extensive reconstruction just to be made barely functional, on top of all the animals that was in them, which amounted to who knows how many hornets nests, six cats, seven birds, a raccoon, a fox and a dog. And that is just the beginning. Both main power couplings that they had where rebuilt 20 year old pieces of scrap metal, the saucer section has major cracks in the primary structural supports, that are irreparable, and much of their maintenance equipment barely works. And they are getting all this shit from starfleet supply. I could give you a full list," Aerin pulled out a PADD.

April accepted the PADD. She gave it the once over. "Well... so you're telling me that someone is shafting a ship that's under my overall command." April picked up her drink as she polished it all off. "Roanoke is part of Independent Fleet Operations. That's unless I forgot something.... sounds like I need to have a little chat with Mr Brooks."

Aerin Ranval leaned back into his chair, saying," Yeah, I got my AI to do a little digging through the supply logs, these supply orders all have his thumprint on them. Apparently, he has been giving extra supplies to admirals' flagships and whatnot, while giving the ships that he doesn't like, nothing more than dressed up trash, and a little creative book keeping. You should see it, one of the power couplings that Roanoke got, was completely worn out, someone just painted over the thing to make it look new."

April saw red as she crushed the empty glass in her hand. While she did this she let out a growl. "This shit is going to end..... Now.." as a dark, evil look came over her face. "So... Mr. Brooks and I are going to have a little chat..." as she suddenly smiled with that sinister gleam in her eye. "Is this list all of it?" she indicated the PADD in her left hand.

Aerin nodded," Pretty much, though I warn you, its an extensive list."

"Fair enough." April looked at her right hand, it was covered in minor scratches from where the glass had sliced into her but she was used to such wounds as she looked at Aerin. "Alright... I'll have a thousand man engineering detail report to the Roanoke with whatever she needs to make her state of the art..." she paused. "This Commander Ra'Vak... how do you think he will handle this help?"

Aerin shrugged, "He might corrupt them. That guy is something else, he is a Romulan with an amazingly potent sense of humor. Tane is convinced that he is crazy, but he just jokes around a lot. He does things like wear afro's and sings songs to the warp core with his engineering staff."

April snorted in amusement. "Sing songs to the warp core?." he then shook her head. "Thats something else..." she sighed as her anger went to war with her sense of humor. "Alright... then I'll let Mr Brooks know that I will be dealing with him....." there was something in her voice when she said it.

Aerin spoke his mind on the matter," The idiot should just be relieved of his job and sent to retire, these useless admirals that plague starfleet have got to go."

April regarded Aerin with a look akin to affection. "Mmm... in this case.. that can be arranged." as she tapped her combadge. "Yamaguchi to Ops, contact Admiral Brooks for me, secure the transmission on our end and as soon as you have him, route the call in here.... I want to see him."

The voice of Lt Commander James Tillman came back. "On it Admiral...." as April turned back to Aerin. "You two guys go take a couple of days off... I'm going to talk to Captain Tane.. give her another week of leave time while we pimp out her ride." April commented. "Did we miss anything we needed to talk about before I tear this loser two new ones?"

Aerin shook his head," Not really, other than the fact that I am going to be on the Roanoke longer than I had anticipated."

"Fair enough... Go on you two.." April commented as the com system beeped. "Admiral, I have Mr Brooks for you."

April smiled evilly. "In here please Mr Tillman."

"Something I can do for you, Admiral?" Brooks asked. Very genuine. April would not be the first brass seeking his flare for pimping out a flagship ride.

"Yeah.." April responded. "Pack your bags... I'm relieving you of your post, considering you've been there for far too long.." she commented. "You're replacement is already on his way.."

"I look forward to my next assignment," Brooks spoke eagerly. "I'll have a full report ready for IFO's next CO, Ma'am."

April narrowed her dark eyes, she wanted to crucify the man talking to her. "You better..... if IFO's next skipper comes to me about anything then to tell me that IFO is in great shape. I will have your head... Do you understand me?"

"I have no doubt that you will take the appropriate measures," Brooks spoke with a smile.

April looked at him. "I want all of your records for your replacement.." she slowly narrowed her eyes. "Do not give me cause to ask you again.." she said quietly. "and stop provoking me..."

"I'm not provoking you, Admiral." Brooks blinked in honest bafflement. "I will, however, send you the records within the hour."

"Very well." she answered. "Within the hour." and with that, she terminated the call. "I am really starting to hate that man..." she growled.

Aerin sighed, saying," Well, unfortunately, all the engineers in the world won't be able to save Roanoke at this point, the ships main internal structure is no longer repairable, unfortunately, the ship only has a few years of life left where it reaches the point where we might as well scrap the ship and build a new one. Even now I am not really sure if it's worth its weight in scrap."

April was grateful that she was sitting down in her office as a strangled cry escaped her lips as she looked up. "Roanoke was a good ship... my first assignment.. my mom served on her as her first chief medical officer when she was commissioned.." she sighed. "Why is this ship falling apart?"

Aerin rolled his eyes," Well, aside from the lack of decent parts, previous engineers before Ra'Vak where drunken fat stupid lazy morons."

April wanted to scream as she pushed the thought away. "Can anything be done to save her?"

Aerin shook his head, "Nothing... Other that deconstructing the entire ship and replacing all the internal structural supports, which at that point, work like that costs more than just building a new ship all together. Starfleet budget oversight would never approve of that."

"Fantastic.." April growled as she regarded Ranval, he was merely the bringer of bad news. "Do you got any good news for me per chance?"

Aerin shook his head, "Regarding the Roanoke, not really, other than the fact that they finally have decent department heads for once."

"Nice.." April responded. "Allah be praised." she sighed softly. "What other business do we have?" a sigh escaped her lips before she could stop it.


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