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Finals - Part Three

Posted on Thu Feb 27th, 2020 @ 12:05pm by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Lieutenant Commander Kthaara 'Leadfoot' Taavoro & Jillian "Phoenix" Sullivan

Mission: Mission 18: Aces High
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1430Hrs - December 22nd, 2390

Finals part 3
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Posted on Thu Jan 22nd, 2015 @ 3:16pm by Lieutenant Commander Thomas "Boomer" Lasky & Commander Teval Vakar & Lieutenant Commander Wukari 'Desert Fox' Kalina & Lieutenant Colonel Jillian "Phoenix" Sullivan

Mission: Season 1: Virus
Location: Roanoke Sim center
Timeline: After Finals part 2

Wukari looked at the command console, as 1st squadron of second wing got ready.

Boomer sipped his drink as he continued to eat his meal. "This I suspect ... will be highly entertaining."

"Oh I'm anxious to see it myself," Phoenix smiled brightly.

Wukari hit the comm channel, "Hey Sideswipe, you ready."

Sideswipe responded with, "Yeah we are all ready."


Sideswipe was quick with his commands, "Alright Squadron form up, lets meet them before they get within range. 1st flight with me, We will run distraction, 2nd flight, Attack the one on the left once in range, 3rd flight, back them up.

Sideswipe had his three best flyers in 1st flight, Kureek-Swai 'Spooky', Keal 'Flash' Virin and Ka'Vao 'Skydive' J'Kiro, and they began to use the trick that they used in the simulator against the noble, constantly weaving in and out with each other, and occasionally firing torpedoes to confuse their sensors and make their target lock difficult. It was helpful, that one of the pilots was 2nd wings most skilled pilot, Kureek-Swai, also known as spooky.

By constantly applying pressure with steady but controlled torpedo fire, the jem'hadar ships tried firing on his flight first, but constantly flying erratically and interweaving with each other, the Jem'hadar had a lot of difficulty getting a target lock. The downside of the weave, was very few of the torpedoes could actually gain a sufficient target lock to hit.

2nd flight, led by Johan 'Breakaway' McKay, once they achieved a good target lock, signaled sideswipe, and first flight split off, allowing 2nd and 3rd flight a clear shot. Both flights opened up on two of the Jem'Hadar fighters, destroying them before they could effectively react. The third fighter, realizing the danger, attacked 2nd flight, managing to shoot down one of 2nd flights fighters. Then the whole squadron concentrated fire on the remaining fighter, destroying it with some damaged fighters, but no further losses.

Boomer smiled. "Nice flying guys.." he toasted them with his glass which was still half full.

"That really was fantastic stuff, guys," Phoenix added.

Teval commented, "Well they did pretty good"

Wukari nodded, as first squadron left, and 2nd squadron arrived shortly after. Wicked witch was in command.

2nd Squadron started off like first squadron, deciding to meet the Jem'Hadar, rather than let them close on the freighter. Wicked witch then commanded, O.K. 1st flgiht, 2nd flight we will concentrate on each fighter individually, take them out one by one, 3rd flight, lay down covering fire on the other two. Lets go."

At first the attack seemed to go well, but Hurd, leader of 3rd flight, carelessly fired off a full spread of torpedoes, unfortunately, he didn't even wait for a good target lock, the missiles ended up targeting, 2nd and 1st flights fighters, taking out both Wicked witch and her wingman.

"Hurd you fucking idiot," Wicked witch shouted over the comm system. "3rd flight, kill his ass."

Hurd didnt quite register the order, until his own wingmate opened up on him with phasers, taking him out. Unfortunately, the squadron quickly fell apart. The surviving members of the squadron managed to destroy one Jem Hadar fighter, but losing four of their own. The only surviving officer, Crosshairs, maneuvered wildly, getting behind and above the second Jem hadar fighter, firing his torpedoe's and phasers at the bugships hard to hit weakspot, taking the fighter out with precise fire.

Unfortunately crosshairs neglected to realize he was now in command, and squadron coordination fell apart, costing two more fighters. The last bugship opened fire on the freighters, destroying one, while crosshairs and the last two survivors attempted to take down the last bugship. Crosshairs cursed as the bugships fire grazed his port nacelle, sending his fighter into an uncontrollable spin. a second shot finished him off. The last two second wing survivors desperately tried to kill the bugship, but with their ordinance spent, all they had was phasers. another pilot went down, and the last used a desperate tactic and rammed to bugship, killing both him and the bugship.

Teval shook his head," Wow, that one guy managed to ruin it for the entire squadron, what an idiot."

Boomer shook his head. "Do you want me to start the Chapter Paperwork for Hurd?"

Teval nodded, "No not yet, bedside's he is not in your wing. But that idiot will not fly off my flight deck anytime soon."

Boomer nodded his head. "Sounds good to me.." he commented evenly.

"I think I'd rather fly with Hurd instead of Berg," Phoenix grimaced.

Third squadron began with better luck than 2nd squadron, until 3rd wing attempted the same maneuver as 1st sqadron. Unfortunately their weaving was a lot clumsier, and two pilots collided, just as 2nd flight fired their torpedo spread. The explosion confused the targeting sensors on several torpedoes and caused them to lock on to the now confused 3rd flight leader, taking him out, and reducing the number of torpedoes that hit the first bugship, taking out its shields but not killing it. The last member of 3rd flight got taken out by fire from the jem hadar.

Fortunately in the distraction, 2nd fight took out one bugship, while 1st flight, finished off the weakened bugship with phaser fire. Unfortunately with their ordinance spent, they had to resort to phaser fire to kill the last bugship. They eventually killed the bugship, but lost three of their own in the process.

Boomer winced. "Oww... bloody hell..." he muttered. "that was..painfull." he sighed. "Looks like we got a lot of work to do with these guys."

"At least it ain't friendly fire they gotta worry about," Phoenix spoke darkly.

Wukri watched as Leadfoot and his squadron readied themselves. They where facing much more difficult opposition, six bughsips instead of three, but at least they where flying scorpions. Like bomber pilots, they preferred standoff tactics rather than close in, and Leadfoot had two of his fighters fire off spreads from extreme range. While it didn't kill anything, it forced the bugships to try and evade, buying time for the remaining 10 to get a better target lock. 4 bugships died to long range torpedo volleys at the cost of one scorpion.

Their ordinance spent, 4th squadron had to rely on phaser fire to finish off the remaining two bugships, but their heavier phaser cannons made short work of the last two bugships. one bugship managed to damage a freighter, and another scorpion pilot died before both remaining bugships died themselves.

Soon after the 2nd wing finished their tests, the Squadron commanders did their debriefing.

Sideswipe looked at his squadron with pride," Well guy's you did great today, though i think we may need a little refinement in our tactics, I am proud to tell you, that of all the valkyrie squadrons, we had the best performance today." The rest of the squadron cheered loudly. Sideswipe the was about to continue, but then suddenly he heard wicked witch yelling in the next room over."

"I cannot believe you Hurd, You fucking idiot, this is twice now that you have done this fucking shit. Check your fucking targets you fuckin stupid bastard." Wicked witch then yanked his wings off his uniform, threw them on the ground, and crushed them with her foot. She then yanked the rank off his collar," saying, you don't fuckin deserve this shit."

Hurd, now red faced, made the mistake of taking a swing at Wicked witch, whom dodged the blow and landed a strong kick to the balls, causing him to collapse in a heap on the ground. putting her foot on his head, she then asdded," You will be lucky if you ever fly again."

Mirage mean while had the two pilots whom ruined her own attack, down in the pushup position, each with a fifty pound weight on their back. "Now, before you two ever attempt to make a maneuver like that again, Practice your situational awareness, now give me another ten."

Both pilots, already having done nearly fifty before, where exhausted. One lowered himself down, but failed to get back up, the other managed one shaky pushup, before collapsing. Mirage bent over and looked at them, saying calmly," Whats the matter guys, you tired already,"

Leadfoot had nothing but positive things to say to his squadron."well guys, we beat the odds, and I think you guys are right where I want you two to be. but next up is our wing vs wing match up, and I am confident that we will perform quite well."


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