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Knee Deep

Posted on Thu Feb 27th, 2020 @ 12:36pm by Commander Sokanon It'kla & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 19: Taking out the Garbage
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 0900Hrs - December 22nd, 2390

It had been a few days since they had started collecting the space trash, and Teval was thankful, that since he found out he was a father, no other major incidents had popped up. Though He knew it wasn't going to last. Today though he and Hakaya where going to greet Wukari, as she was being released from sickbay today, and they where carrying a present for her. Teval had brightspot, Wukari's somali kitten in his arms, they had been taking care of the little guy since she was incapacitated, and it kinda had been a handful, as Silversnow had also had her kittens two weeks ago.

But Teval knew that was nothing compared to what was coming in just over 2 months. Though he had finally come to terms with the situation, and since then Karryn had moved in with him. It want difficult, since Karryn and Aerin where both in the Quarters just across from his and his sister own anyway.

On their way to sickbay, Teval and Hakaya walked by Torilla's quarters, and thats when Hakaya suggested," Hey, you think we should pay Torilla a visit as well."

"Sure," Teval shrugged, and he hit the door chime."

Torilla raised an eyebrow as a sigh escaped her lips. "Come in..." she smiled as she ever so gently kissed the tip of Pufftail's nose as he meowed at her, as she gently ran her hands through his soft fur. "Ahh.. Teval, whats on your mind?"

Torilla sat up as the cat escaped her clutches before he sat down next to his mistress.

Teval walked in, Hakaya behind him, while he was carrying Brightspot in his arms," Well, we was on my way to visit Wukari, she is to be released from sickbay today, but we decided to check to see how you are doing as well."

Torilla smiled. "Well I'm still stuck in here with Pufftail... is that his sibling?" she inquired. "Since you're visiting... why not let them spent time together."

Teval nodded as he sat down next to Torilla and released Brightspot, though the kitten was reluctant to leave Teval's lap. "So, how are you doing."

Puftail looked over at the other kitten as the two seemed to reconnect, as Torilla regarded the smaller being. "I'm doing alright... catching up on sleep and paperwork.... if anything else.. its been nice to have my daughter looking after me for a change.." she paused. "How are you coping... I heard you're gonna be a Daddy?"

Teval shrugged," Yeah in little more than two months, though I have come to terms with it now, I still have a hard time believing it happened. I can thank the captains hooch for that one."

Torilla chuckled softly. "The Captains Hooch certainly helped a few people.. poor Siaxx..." she commented. "heard she got stoned out of her mind.... being stoned does funny things to Bolians.." as a smile graced her lips. "I'd like to join you in seeing Wukari.... but the guard at the door means I'm not allowed to go anywhere... I think Commander Saint needs to get his head out of his ass.." she then smiled. "Did I say that aloud?"

Teval looked around," Security guard, I didn't see one."

Torilla raised an eyebrow. "Oh..." she shrugged. "Alright.. lets go."

It was then that Karry looked through the open door, saying," Oh there you are Teval." Karryn was starting to get a noticeable bump on her belly.

"Hey Karryn whats up," teval asked.

"Uh, yeah i was about to ask," Karryn replied in a puzzled manner. "I found a knocked out fat guy around the corner, he's huge. And there are several klingon cigars around him."

Teval put his hand to his face," Oh, crap."

Torilla raised an eyebrow. "I will deal with him." she commented with a soft growl. "Where is this worthless asshole?"

Karryn replied," Follow me."

"Lets go.." and with that Torilla let Karryn lead her and everyone else out of her quarters until they came across the beached whale of a person.

Torilla raised an eyebrow. "Well... its Michael Bremer..." she commented. "Wanna deal with this worthless slob now?"

Teval looked at the completely baked Bremer, saying," Ah fuck it, leave his ass there, I'll tell John Sheridan about it later."

Torilla smiled. "Sounds good." she responded. "We have better things to do anyway... shall we?"

Teval went to go retrieve Brightspot while the four of them went to sickbay. Karryn commented," Well I have to get my checkup done anyway."

A few minutes later they were all in sickbay as Lieutenant Sokanon smiled. "Well Wukari... you're in good enough shape to go on home...
But I want you to take it easy for the next two weeks... I don't want you to do any flying for the next week at least.... so come see me then and we'll give you the once over."

Wukari tried moving her hands about, as they where now cast free, though she could still feel some pain and shakiness," Well, I wouldn't be able to fly with my hands so shaky anyway."

She was then alerted to a loud meow that she easily recognized. Looking over, she saw Torilla, Teval, Hakaya, and another Kurokuri she didn't recognize, but she particularly noticed, Brightspot, whom Teval was holding," Oh, you guys brought Bright spot for me," She said as Teval handed her the purring kitten.

Torilla smiled. "Indeed... How do you feel?" she inquired. "On a side note. you won't need to worry about a repeat... Gonad is... dealt with.." she commented hesitantly.

Wukari was a bit distracted as she cuddled her kitten, while Teval noticed Torilla's unease," Hey, lets go ahead and head back to your quarters before dipshit throws a fit."

Torilla raised an eyebrow. "I almost want him to try throwing a fit... I'll put him through a wall.." she commented with a sigh, as she said those words another officer came around the corner, this one was massively tall, built much like the commander except a little larger. "Well well... I always suspected I'd find you here.."

"Beth..." Torilla commented with a smile.

"Hey... Heard you were under house arrest... who did you hit this time?" the Ensign responded as she stood motionless.

"Its a long story.." Yamaguchi answered her daughter.

"It frequently is.. with you. Mom." Elizabeth commented.

Meanwhile Karryn asked Sokanon," hey you think you can do my checkup now.

Sokanon nodded. "Of course." the Caitian responded. "Right this way.."

Teval noticed the resemblance, and judging by the tone of voice, he figured that they where related. However he chose not to pry.

"Beth... seriously... must you?"

"Mom... seriously.. I heard you were assigned to the ship of the damned." she commented. "How are the twins doing?, when is your next prenatal checkup?"

"I have no idea..." Torilla admitted. "Siaxx hasn't gotten back to me yet."

"Well. come along then. I'll handle it for her." Beth came over before she slid her arms around the older woman's torso. "Its good to see you though Mom."

"You too Beth.." Torilla hugged her daughter back. "I wish it were under better circumstances."

Meanwhile Sokanon was giving Karryn the once over. "Your babies are developing at a considerable pace... but they are healthy.." she commented. "you're about two months along..."

Karryn looked at her," Its only been three weeks, you really aren't used to our species are you."

Sokanon shook her head. "No... I am sorry... Chief.. but no.. I am not."

Karryn shrugged," Oh well, and she got off the bed and went back to Teval, that's when he said," Hey Torilla, lets head back, I don't feel like dealing with another argument from Jacen today, if you don't mind."

Elizabeth Yamaguchi regarded the smaller being who was addressing her mother. "I'll walk her home when I finish.," she commented. "Commander Saint can't overrule me on the matter." she paused as she ran her tricorder over her mothers abdomen. "Well. you're children are in good health but... I want you to take it easy for the next while... your stress levels are too high..." she commented evenly.

Torilla nodded her head. "I'll do that... if you'll drop by for dinner tonight."

"Alright... I'll do that." Elizabeth commented. "Will Rachael be there.?"

"Yes.. you two must face your issues sooner or later... Now is a good time for it.."

"Alright.." Beth commented. "I'll try..." she sighed. "In any case. you're free to go." she indicted the door. "Just... don't hurry back."

"Fair enough." and with that Torilla hauled herself off of the bed and back onto her feet. "Alright.. lets go put me back in my cage."

Teval, Hakaya, Karryn and Wukari all followed Torilla back to her quarters, when Teval suggested, "Well it is about lunch time, we could all simply have lunch together."

Torilla simply smiled. "I'd like that.." she commented. "I'm sure I can out out a decent spread.... anyone got any allergies I should know about?"

Teval shrugged, while Hakaya and Karryn shook their heads. Wukari was still cuddling with Brightspot, whom was starting to protest. Upon reentering Torilla's quarters Wukari finally released Brightspot.

Teval sat down at the couch, while Karryn plopped right next to him on one side, Hakaya on the other. Teval then looked at Torilla, saying," So whats going to happen with you."

The two cats slowly emerged. Pufftail and Silversides both peered at the guests as they both zeroed in on the new cat, before long they both ventured out from hiding.

Torilla meanwhile sat down in the one person loveseat. "Well... We'll see if he can get me an acquittal, I doubt it though.." she shrugged. "if it goes to trial and I get convicted. my career goes into the incinerator... one year jail time and an honorable discharge from Starfleet.."

Teval leaned back in the couch," So at the very least, you are going to be down for a while then."

"Yeah.." Torilla responded. "Keep my chair warm would ya?" she inquired with a smile. "I'm gonna want it back when I got this issue dealt with... assuming he is competent and qualified."

Teval hesitated for a moment, then said," Yeah, Jacen, he does confuse me. He tires to come of as this straight laced asshole, but I saw his service record, even the sections under the black ink, he is anything but. In fact, what I see, is he is a very loose cannon waiting to come out."

Torilla nodded her head. "I know... that's what terrifies me." she admitted. "I think he is dangerous... to me and to my children, both living and unborn.."

Teval shrugged," Well I'm with Zara on this one, If it was up to me I would have made all evidence of this just disappear."

Torilla smiled warmly at him. "Zara has been saying that there would have been a line up to kill this guy.. had it not been me. it would have been any number of people..." she sighed. "I'm neglecting my duties as hostess... can I get you guys anything?"

"Nah, no need, Ill get something for myself."


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