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I Hate Last Minute Assignments

Posted on Wed Feb 26th, 2020 @ 4:36pm by Commander Moni Nasao PhD & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 15: Old Ghosts
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1030Hrs, December 10th, 2390

Aerin Ranval did not particularly like last minute assignments, but after a personal request from the fleet Admiral, there was little he could do to refuse. Plus he couldn't really do much in the way of any more tests for the new weapons without a ship at this point, and Roanoke seemed like the sensible choice, after him and his crew of close to 50 R&D specialists entered the ship, and both him and Karryn earned some strange stares he went to the ships bridge to talk to the captain. As soon as Aerin and Karryn entered the bridge, they went to a Caitian bridge officer and Aerin asked, "Lieutenant, Do you know where the ships captain and first officer are."

Lieutenant Moni Nasao blinked her large green eyes as she regarded the two smaller beings before her. "I believe they are discussing matters of the ships morale over lunch." she explained before she tapped her combadge "Nasao to Tane and Yamaguchi, Ladies, you are wanted on the bridge.

The response was prompt. "Understood Lieutenant, we'll be up shortly.."

Zara ran her fingers through Torilla's freshly clean hair as they laid relaxed in the bed. "Well I'm glad you're more relaxed now. But sadly, duty calls."

Torilla was lying on her side as she faced Tane. "Tell me about it." Yamaguchi responded with a smile. "It was... fun." she then smiled. "Come on... we'd best go." and with that she slowly hauled herself out of the bed, she located her clothing as she started to dress.

A few minutes later, she looked over her uniform a she was now fully dressed as she tugged on her boots before she gave Tane a look.

Zara gave Torilla a humored nod as she pulled her tactical vest over her shirt and zipped her boots. "We'll have to do this again, when your itch gets to be too much to cope with."

Torilla chuckled softly. "I have no problem with that." the larger woman responded evenly. "You are such a horn dog Zara.... "

"I'm not the only one," Zara teased as she left her quarters with what she hoped would become a best friend to her. "Did they say who we're meeting anyway?"

Torilla walked beside the smaller woman, she had found herself misjudging her when she first met but she was now putting that behind her. "Well... I feel so much better now... thank you." to answer Zaras first question. "April said she'd look into it for me... she never said who or what she'd send.." Torilla added. "we'll find out in a minute." with that both women walked into the turbolift and a minute or so later they were up on the bridge.

Torilla Yamaguchi was the first out of the lift as she found herself regarding two smaller beings on the bridge. "Commander, welcome aboard... what can we do for you?" she addressed the one with the light brown and dark brown stripes, something she thought was irresistibly cute. "You look a lot like our Air Boss.... I thought he and his sibling were the only ones of their species in Starfleet.."

Aerin's ear twitched in curiosity,"There is another Akurian kurokuri on the ship."

"Two actually. Yes." Torilla responded with a smile. "Funny thing was... he said to me that he and his sibling... were the only ones of their kind in Starfleet..." she mused aloud. "His name is Teval and her name is Hakaya."

Aerin had no idea that they where here, He figured that other Akurians had arrived in this galaxy at some point, and he knew about the colony ship that ended up over here. The colony ship had several thousand Akurians on board, mostly Kurokuri, but some others as well, that had settled on a federation colony. But these two couldn't have come with that ship, they wouldn't say that they are the only ones in starfleet, but then it occurred to him. Close to 60 years ago, an Akurian battlecruiser fell to an unstable wormhole, the crew was recovered, but four crew members and the ship was lost. Maybe that's where they came from. But then another worry crossed Aerin's mind, that ship could still be out there, and Aerin knew fully that that battlecruiser was far more powerful than anything that the federation had.

However he decided not to mention anything of the matter, instead simply saying, "Well, they certainly aren't the only ones of their kind around, but I'll have a chat with them later."

"That for them will be wonderful news.. I know they've been having issues with their isolation recently." Torilla explained. "In any case...

I mean no disrespect to you or your guys Commander but your timing is honestly terrible... we're about to get underway in a couple of hours... " she paused. "Whats your assignment aboard the Roanoke?" she inquired.

Aerin gave a simple response, "The Fleet Admiral, April Yamaguchi, requested that us and our R&D crew come aboard to test out new weapons and defenses, using the Roanoke as our testbed ship."

"Well it's not that I'm not appreciative, but I do have reservations about untested tech that could possibly short out engines," Zara spoke in a diplomatic tone. "As long as you can assure me such tests wont issue during mission-critical times, I'm open to your ideas."

Torilla raised an eyebrow. "Sounds like April and her style." he commented. "When you speak with the Admiral next... give her my regards please." she commented.

Aerin looked at Tane, slightly annoyed, "With the condition of the engines, they'd short out without my help, I don't know what your so worried about, its all weapons and shielding tech."

"I was never fully briefed on what your team would be doing," Zara spoke, holding her hand out in resignation. "I apologize for the offense. We were just told to expect help in upgrading the ship."

Aerin pulled out a PADD and listed off the potential upgrade, "Now keep in mind, these upgrades will depend upon compatibility, but the intent is for them to be retrofitted onto any of the older ships of the fleet, there will also be upgrades for the fighters. Mainly the upgrades are focused on increasing starship defenses against fighter strikes, and will include the installation of the standard Anti fighter Quantum missile, which is a new type of long range anti fighter weapon, installation of heavy quantum torpedo's, upgraded fire control, transphasic shielding, regenerative ablative armor, and several other more minor modifications."

"Well if your crew needs anything, let me know." Zara meant it. The engineer in her longed to watch, or even help out in those upgrades.

Aerin simply nodded and left with Karryn off the bridge.


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