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The Dreams of Songs Gone Past - Part Fourteen

Posted on Tue Mar 17th, 2020 @ 7:36am by Post Captain Harmon 'Hammer' Rabb Junior. & Colonel Jack "Dirty Jack" Hassel

Mission: Mission 99: The Dreams of Songs Gone Past
Location: JAG Offices - Starbase Vanguard (47) / 33rd Starfighter Wing's Base - Utgarde IV
Timeline: 1330Hrs - June 13th, 2393

Captain Rabb sighed softly as he sat back down in his office chair, he was exhausted and today was a busy day as he was seeing various people. He knew that Starfleet had gone out of its way to shaft and screw around with certain people and Rabb was one of a select group that had been handpicked by Admiral Chegwidden to clean up this mess. He had been given Carte blanche to do whatever was needed.

Rabb inhaled softly before he tapped the display. "Rabb to Com center. I'd like to speak with the Commander of the 33rd Starfighter Tactical Wing," he commented

"Right away sir, placing your call now." came the response.

Rabb nodded, as he settled in to wait.

"This is Captain Hassel. How can I help you, Captain?" Jack replied.

"Its what I can do for you actually Captain," Rabb answered. "Admiral Nechayev orders are being looked into, she effectively abandoned you and your personnel on .." Rabb paused. "The planets name escapes me at this present point in time. She left you no equipment, no supplies and a third of your allotted personnel," he explained. "Starfleet JAG was recently made aware of various details in your situation and they are prepared to offer you a full apology with a commendation for every person who served with you for said assignment. Also, you and many of the personnel assigned to said base for the duration are owed promotions too." Rabb explained. "Also a lot of your people are severely overdue for some serious leave time as well."

"I'm glad to hear that," Jack replied. Although his answer was positive there was still skepticism in his voice. "The people stuck on that rock deserved better. I'm sure a lot of the pilots and ground crew stuck there will enjoy the promotions and extra leave. I assume this will also cover the Remans that joined up with us?"

"It covers everyone who was there. Regardless of where they came from." Rabb answered. "Also, you'll be pleased to know that I looked at the records submitted by your personnel officer and the Remans have been made full Federation citizens and they will have full pay and benefits, the same as all of your other personnel. We looked into their records, that we could find and they are just refugees with no criminal records."

"Excellent. I can't wait to tell them." Jack said enthusiastically. "That should stoke the pilots and crew."

"Sounds good. I'll leave that in your hands." Rabb answered. "Also be sure to tell them that while Nechayev has forgotten them, JAG and I remembered them."

"I will. Not to sound paranoid but this sounds too good to be true. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop." Jack admitted.

"I don't blame you. I assume you still wish to fly so I'll offer you a commendation instead." Rabb answered with a nod. "I understand your hesitation however but no. There is no other shoe to drop, so to speak." Rabb added. "If there were, then I would tell you outright."

"You might but for the last several years we were under Nechayev's command. She has a way of eroding trust." Jack told Rabb.

Rabb nodded his head, partly in understanding and partly because he knew this himself. "Fair enough. Your wing will remain assigned to the Starbase and the planet for the present time as part of General Montgomery's command. She has been made aware of the particulars and I'm sure you two will get along well."

"As long as she isn't another Nechayev I think we will," Jack replied. "Thank you for this good news."

"Your welcome Colonel." Rabb answered with a smile. "good day. Rabb out." and with the coming of the black screen, with the image of the federation wreath appeared.

"Dirty Jack to Squeegee." Jack tapped on his com badge.

The comm badge came on and a loud audible sigh could be heard. "You know I don't like that handle, Captain."

"Yah, anyways Squeegee, I have some great news for the guys." Jack was oblivious to Shrader's complaint. "They guys will be getting a lot of leave. Get them together and I'll fill them in on the details."


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