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Eye check up

Posted on Mon Feb 24th, 2020 @ 3:08pm by Division Admiral Celeste Yamaguchi-Hobbs

Mission: Mission 13: The Space Between
Location: Various Locations - USS Shadow
Timeline: 1000Hrs - March 1st, 2390

Aabrak had been having a bad few nights. He'd gotten so use to having to wake up to recharge his old eyes he'd stoped notching it and now for the last few nights he'd been slightly panicked when they didn't come out with a good wack on the back of his head. The new orbs would take some getting use to but right now he had another check up with the doctor.

The familiar door of the medbay slid open as he gave the secretary a smile as he sat down in the waiting area. Now just to wait to see how long it was until the doctor was free.

A few minutes later, over came the Chief Medical Officer. "Okay, Dora, who's my next victim-err paitent.?"

Dora, the Bolian woman smiled at the joke. "Lieutenant Duka is here for his checkup and Ensign Raleigh is in for her checkup as well."

Dula had eye surgery recently and the Ensign was in for a follow up. "Alright. I'll take them both, one at a time in order of severity." she turned to Duka. "Which means... you're up first."

The Cardassian gave a smile as he stood up and followed the doctor over to one of the more quite area's of the Sickbay. " Well doc hope every things okay with these things. " He said with a smile as he sat down on the free biobed.

Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow as she plucked the tricorder from her medkit. "Lets see..." she mused aloud as she gave him a quick check over with the tricorder in her hand. "Well... everything looks good on this end." she smiled. "I'm going to give you a quick eye exam."

"Your the doctor." Duka replied giving her a smile as he looked straight ahead with his white eyes.

Yamaguchi smiled. "Alright, follow me." and with that she led him into another room, one where various models and equipment meant it was all designed around the ocular organ of most species. "Okay... read the chart on the wall. stop when you have gotten as far as you can go." she indicated the chart which activated when she touched it.

Aabrak nodded and proceed to read the chart which was extremely clear. Even better than his artificial ones. After reading all but the fourth line he turned to face the doctor giving her a reassuring smile. " Look's like you've done a good job doctor."

"Excellent." Celeste commented. "I have one of the Engineers giving me technical assistance."

"Well there doing a good job. I'm rather surprised when I don't have to recharge them at night though. I guess old habits die hard." The Cardassian replied before continuing through the next couple of charts.

Yamaguchi took notes as he did so, running her own set of checks. "You have twenty, eight vision. You see eight times better then I do." Celeste grinned at him. "Things will appear a little more colorful than normal as your system adjusts to it." she explained. "it'll go back for normal over a few days.... you might experience the odd headache here and there... but... in the meantime, enjoy the show."

" I had been wondering why everything seemed slightly off. " Aabrak said as he returned to the screen which was now showing a blue and red screen with letters on them which he began reading off to the doctor.

"Just your system adapting to your new eyes...." and observed him. "I think you can be discharged after this exam... you seem to have no further issues... but you may experience headaches and the like because of eye strain, if so then come back and see the doctors as soon as you can..." she commented. "I'm going to certify you fit for light-duty... so you can go back to work..."

"Good. As nice as it been I'll be glad to get back to work. All this sitting around been driving me crazy. " Came his reply.

Yamaguchi smiled. "Well... I'm certifying you as fit for duty... so I'm setting you free from my Loony bin." she indicated the door. "Your eyes should not trouble you but if you experience headaches, please let myself or one of the nurses know... but I will not keep you any longer.."

A smile was Aabrak's reply. " Thank you, doctor. If there nothing else I'll get out of your hair."

Yamaguchi indicated the door with her thumb. "Nope, just take it easy for the next little while, let your eyes adjust... and other then that.... you can depart anytime you like."


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