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Delta Five

Posted on Mon Feb 24th, 2020 @ 2:35am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Commander Tressa Brislan-Antilles

Mission: Mission 11: Red VS Blue
Location: Various Locations - Starbase 400
Timeline: 0900Hrs - January 18th, 2390

Fives walked beside one of the fellow pilots after he posted his transfer request and now he was getting to know his fellow pilots. "wow.. now she has some serious TNA mate" Gearbox commented.

"Doctor Brislan... yes she is a hot little thing ain't she?"

"Buddy. I hope whoever is seeing her appreciates her looks.... she has some serious TNA...." Gearshift commented with a smile.

"Yep... " the two men approached Tressa as Fives greeted her. "Tressa, whats new?"

"Same as always, Tom," she said with a warm smile. "Good to see you."

"Gearshift, Meet Tressa Brislan." he turned to the shorter woman. "Tressa this is Lieutenant Jamin Packer, better known as Gearshift."

"Hello, ah, Gearshift?" she said, extending her hand. "Interesting name."

Gearshift smiled at her. "Well I'm a good mechanic." he explained as Fives smiled. "So Tressa... you up for lunch?" Fives inquired.

"Yes, that sounds lovely," she replied. "I have an errand to run first, though."

Gearshift smiled. "I'd best head on over to the Holosuite's... I got extra training to look after."

Fives nodeed as Gearshift turned and departed but not before giving Tressa the once over with his eyes. "Mmm... very nice man..." as Fives groaned. "Gearshift. would you get lost already.."

The doctor shook her head. "Your friend is quite the character," she said with a chuckle.

"Yes... he also wants you..." Fives responded with a smile. "Your body I mean." he added for clarification. "I've always been more subtle and more patient... so... where you off to for your errand and why is Lieutenant Dvald walking around with a right beauty of a shiner anyway?"

"I have to take this to class for Xavier, it has his project on it and he forgot it today," she said, holding up the boy's PADD. "As for Siaxx, well, that's her story to tell," she added with a shrug.

"Ahh... may I walk with you then?" he inquired as he regarded her.

"Certainly," she said with a smile. "The classrooms aren't far. Xav worked all week on his Gliese system model then left it in his room." She shook her head and chuckled.

Fives raised an eyebrow. "Gliese Five Eighty One?" he inquired with a smile. "I've vacationed there.... its a lovely place."

"Yes, he had to choose a multi-planet system and draw it, then write a sentence about each planet. He did a very good job, actually," she said with a proud smile.

"He didn't pick one of the boring and dull ones." Fives responded evenly. "Very nice." he commented as he walked beside the smaller woman.

"There's never a dull moment with Xavier," Tressa said with a laugh. "That boy keeps me hopping."

"Sounds like he's a good kid." Fives responded with a smile. "Tell me about them.... if you don't mind?"

Tressa smiled. "They are twins, and as different as two kids could ever be. You can put Kaylee on a chair with a book and she'll be fine for hours; turn your back on Xavier for a moment and he'll have the place torn apart," she said, laughing. "They bring so much light and happiness to my life, they're everything to me."

Fives regarded her with a smile. "If they both behaved all the time... then they would be boring and dull."

"True, true," she said with a smile. She looked thoughtful for a moment. "It's amazing what you learn about yourself when someone unexpected comes into your life. Or two someones in my case."

Fives nodded. "It was like that when I wandered off into the Kun'Lai Plateau and the Highland Mountains." he regarded her. "That's how I met Lei Shen and the rest of my order."

"You weren't looking for them?"

"No." he admitted. "I wanted to go find somewhere where I could face my personal demons alone.... Kun'Lai is a beautiful land, rich and rugged." he smiled down at her. "Very much like the Tibetan plateau on Earth."

"It sounds so exotic, but so cold," she said, an involuntary shiver running up her spine. They turned towards the Learning Center.

"Its cold but... its also a rich place in peace and spirituality." he explained.
"The Tushui order believes in living a venerable life through meditation, rigorous training, and moral conviction." he explained "For one to follow the way of Tushui is to defend what is right above all else, that success in any endeavor never justifies dishonorable deeds in whatever form they may take." he added as he smiled at her. "One day... you should visit."

"Maybe I will," she answered. "Here we are."

They walked into the Learning Center, Tressa leading the way to the correct room. Xavier jumped out of his chair when he saw her at the door.

"I forgot it!" he said a little too loudly. The doctor grinned as she handed him the PADD.

Fives regarded the small child who actually looked somewhat like the Doctor before glancing around the room, he spotted another child, this one a female who looked like Xavier, he turned his attention to Tressa who was in the process of departing.

He fell into step beside her. "So,... that's Xavier." he smiled.

"That's the boy," she answered with a grin. "Spitting image of his dad Aiden. I never met their mother but I've seen pictures, and Kaylee looks like a blend of the two of them," she said as the left the Learning Center.

Fives walked beside her as a smile came across his face. "Ahh... tell me about your brother?.... I can tell you still miss him a great deal.." it was the Tushui Monk in him speaking now and if one had noticed, they would see that his walking pattern had changed, his footsteps were now closer together and he was more calm, relaxed.

"I'll always miss him, he was the wild card. 'Take the road less traveled, Tres' he would tell me," she said with a smile that didn't touch her eyes. "We were alike in some ways and complete opposites in others. I really wish I had gotten to meet his wife but it just never happened, that's a part of his life that I'll never know."

"Sounds like he was quite the guy to have around." Fives commented as he regarded the woman next to him.,

"When they died and the children came to live with me it was the first time we met; before that I had only seen pictures of them. They were just five," she said softly as the memory came back. "I was actually scared to meet them, scared that they wouldn't like me. Initially it was supposed to be temporary until someone in their mother's family came for them but that never happened."

"So you filed paperwork and now you're raising them as your own." he smiled at her. "That's commendable Tressa, never question that for a moment."

"Family takes care of family," she replied. She was quiet for a moment, reflecting. She looked over at the tall man and smiled. "The first two days they were with me I didn't have to work, the third day I came home after my shift and saw the sitter out. Xav and Kaylee both snuggled next to me on the couch and fell asleep; I was exhausted but didn't want to wake them to go to bed!" The doctor laughed, shaking her head. "We woke up that way a few hours later, that's when I knew I could never let them go away. We were a family."

"Now they regard you as Mom." he commented. "How do you plan to address their Betazoid aspects?" he added. "There is always... Torilla's daughter... I forget her name..."

"Racheal? Yes, she has babysat them several times in the last year. I think they communicate telepathically when they are together. I don't know if she is training them formally, I really need to employ a tutor."

Lasky regarded her as he raised an eyebrow. "You could ask her exactly what she does with your two." he commented. "make sure she's on the level, so to speak."

"She's so good with them, but she's a teenager. I don't want to weigh her down with the responsibility of teaching two seven-years. Actually it's really helped Kaylee to have Racheal around; she doesn't have as many friends as Xavier does since he's more outgoing. She's the shy one."

"That's not what I meant.... I meant you should ask her how she teaches them to use their gifts... if she does at all." Fives explained.

"I'm only human, Tom, I don't know about these things! That's why I need a tutor," she said.

"Rachael could help you with that... The kids look up to her anyway..."


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