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Home is in Kun'Lai

Posted on Mon Feb 24th, 2020 @ 12:49am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky

Mission: Mission 8: Hope Found and then Lost
Location: Chief Engineer's Office - USS Yorktown
Timeline: 0930Hrs - April 16th, 2389

Lieutenant Tom 'Fives' Lasky sighed softly as he thought for the umpteenth time today that the ship was far too hot even though that the environmental controls were set for human normal.

Fives scowled as he was suddenly tempted to reset the levels to what he considered normal, from the Highland Mountains, temperatures that would be far too cold for his cremates to endure for long, a smile crossed his face as he walked out into Engineering. "Alright guys. keep your eyes peeled for anything unusual from the ships computer."

"Yessir." one of the four Engineers assigned to the watch responded, Fives was now satisfied that all was well, he took his leave and departed Engineering as he was going off duty.

"Computer?" he commented as he moved down the hallway towards his final destination.

"Yes?" came the response, he raised an eyebrow as it was different from the usual 'Working' or the beeping sound.

"Could you reset my quarters to feel like the Kun'Lai Plateau... I miss home..." he admitted.

"Understood." the response came quick. "Also... I want all news from home routed to my personal database, also all letters too." Fives added, a smile on his lips.


Fives then walked into his quarters, he felt a wave of cold air reach out and smack him across the face as the doors opened at his approach, he slipped off his uniform jacket as he went over to his duty station. "Computer play messages."

Shockingly it was the voice of the last person in his life who began speaking to him, Lei Shen's voice echoed through his quarters as he spoke the news to Fives who sat there, listening to his sensei speak to him.

A soft smile graced his lips as he felt more human then he had in a very long time, he missed home and the people he had come to consider his kin, the Tushui Monks back in Kun'Lai

Tom 'Fives' Lasky is a follower of the path of Tushui who believes in living a venerable life through meditation, rigorous training, and moral conviction. To Fives, to follow the way of Tushui is to defend what is right above all else, he believes that success in any endeavor never justifies dishonorable deeds and that's something he'll avoid at almost any cost as he regarded the Bostaff on the top bunk, it was festooned with dings and pits, signs it had seen usage in his time with Starfleet.

"Computer, compose message for Lei Shen.." he smiled as he began the letter.


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