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Medical Checkup

Posted on Sun Feb 23rd, 2020 @ 11:23pm by Commander Tressa Brislan-Antilles & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 6: Q-ualty Time
Location: Various Locations - Starbase 400
Timeline: 1000Hrs - February 11th, 2389

Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi knew fully well that today was Tressa's last day before she would be going on leave and needless to say, Torilla was enraged because when she found out what happened, she crushed a vase with her mind and when that didn't sate her rage as she smashed a sphere of water down into a block of ice seven which exhausted her as she felt one then two then three muscles tear in her body.

She growled as she brought herself to the infirmary as she asked a nurse to go pester the attending doctor and for her luck, it was Tressa.

"Tressa..." Torilla greeted her friend.

"Commander, how are you?" the doctor asked with a smile.

"I pulled a few muscles." she looked at the Doctor. "Lets just say a little birdie whispered something in my ear and my control melted down." Torilla commented "As I crushed about thirty litres of water down into ice seven.... Rachael was impressed, Jake was intimidated." she commented. "I pulled some muscles though..." she explained. "I wanted to see if I could do it... "

"Oh my goodness," Tressa replied, leading the woman into an exam room. The door slid shut as Torilla sat on the biobed. "Something made you angry? Full osteo and muscular scans please."

Torilla raised an eyebrow. "Oh yes.... why didn't you tell me about your altercation with Phoenix?" she commented. "asides from the usual patient and doctor confidentiality, I could see something was bothering you and then there's what happened between you and Rachael." she commented. "At first she thought she'd upset you but then she realized it was something else entirely."

"Doctor/patient privilege is something I take very seriously, and the... incident is not something I am proud of," Tressa said. "I didn't think anyone would know without my telling."

"Tressa, you were highly agitated at the time and you were broadcasting that information... every telepath on the station could hear you... I know I did but all I heard was black rage, Rachael however could discern only one word.
'Phoenix'. So when she told me about it, I was able to assume that Phoenix pissed you off to such a degree that you lost it."

"That isn't exactly what happened, but there is never a good excuse to lose control." Tressa's eyes held Torilla's for a long moment; she didn't want anyone to vilify Phoenix for what had happened. How many people knew? She felt a blush rise to her cheeks.

Torilla's large dark eyes held the other woman's embrace for a long moment. "Yes Tressa, I know what its like to loose it on people.. hell wit my abilities, I can be on the other side of the room as I strangle someone and I've killed using my abilities as well.... during the war.." she raised an eyebrow.
"Using a chunk of masonry to crush a half dozen Cardassian's... and oh, I enjoyed it, the sounds of the bones breaking and the silenced screams."
Torilla had no idea why she was saying this. "But.... I know how good it feels to give in to one's own rage.."

"I'm a doctor, Torilla. I took an oath to protect the ill from harm." She lowered her head as the shame returned. "There is no excuse for what I did save the injury done to my own pride."

"You did what you felt you had to do to help someone else, despite the fact they didn't wish your help." Yamaguchi replied quietly. "But... the question was... what did you learn and how would you apply it elsewhere?" Torilla asked quietly.

"That is the right question, I just haven't found the answer yet," she said softly. She watched the scans appear on the monitor and prepped a hypo. "I've never reacted that way before and it felt awful."

"The situation must have warranted such extreme measures from you otherwise you wouldn't have done what you did." Torilla commented.
"Phoenix felt such measures were not necessary but you disagreed."
Torilla paused as she blinked her large dark eyes. "The question you're
asking.... did the end justify what I did." she added softly.

"Is that for me to answer, or my patient?"

"You..." Torilla commented. "Did you feel that you did good... or no?"

"I helped her physically, but probably traumatized her emotionally. I'm not sure the end justifies the means."

"I doubt you did more harm to her then she's already endured.." Torilla
commented. "I have a sneaking feeling that Phoenix needs to spend some quality time with Anandra." Torilla commented.

"I could do with some of that myself," Tressa said as she prepped a hypo.

Torilla sighed as she instantly felt better. "Probably... Anan is quite a woman." she smiled.

"You didn't damage your muscles but you should take it easy for a few days," the doctor said, then she cocked her head at the tall woman. "I'm due for an appointment with the Counselor anyway."

Torilla nodded. "Alright.... Well.. I'd best get out of here and go visit my grandson." she then smiled.

"He's a handsome boy, very healthy. Enjoy your time with him."

"I will... if I can pry him from his mom and dad." Torilla chuckled softly. "I never realized that Celeste has a singing voice.... " Torilla chuckled. "I visited
her before going on duty and she was gently serenading her son with a song... Song of the Lonely Mountain..... do you know it?" she inquired.

"I'm not familiar with it," Tressa said. "My mother used to sing Oh Little Child, it's a Sicilian lullaby. My brother hated bedtime," she said with a laugh.

"Its from one of the Lord of the Rings movies from a few hundred years ago on Earth..." she smiled as she gently began to sing a few bars.. "Far over.... the Misty Mountains cold.... two dungeon's deep.... and caverns old..." she smiled. "Sorry.." she smiled sheepishly.

"That sounds lovely," the doctor said with a smile.


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