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Echos of the Past

Posted on Sun Feb 23rd, 2020 @ 8:40pm by Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 4: Flashover
Location: Main Bridge - USS Vanguard
Timeline: 1200Hrs - August 30th, 2388

Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi smiled as she checked the
ships weapons systems as she wanted to be ready for anything,
if the Romulans started shooting at them she wanted to answer
in-kind and with extreme prejudice.

She was checking the torpedo launchers one at a time as a smile
spread across her lips she was enjoying her work as she
believed in doing the job right the first time.

"Quantum torpedo launchers online.. checking Photon torpedo
launchers." she commented aloud which was often considered
a sign of insanity but she looked down on people who frowned
on people who talked to themselves.

"Launchers three and four are online and ready for anything...
rechecking one and two.." her lovely dark eyes narrowed in
irritation as she caught then flagged the two errors that seemed
to be in the tracking software for torpedo launcher number one
and the fire control software for the second launcher.

She was less than amused as she passed off the errors to Operations
for their personnel to deal with, her guys would assist Operations
as needed for the ship's weapon system.

She then turned her attention to the fifth torpedo launcher and
thankfully it was free of issues and bugs, she sighed softly as
she switched her attention to the phaser arrays as she started
a fresh set of bench tests for the mission, she wanted to be sure
that when the Admiral called 'Fire Phasers', Torilla could deliver
the requested ordinance to the target as needed.

She checked off the arrays one by one until they were all finished
and she was satisfied with the results, she then went over to the
tactical systems as she ran her eyes over the systems, she wanted
to ensure the systems were working at a hundred percent.

A notice came over her station that Tactical Team Two had repaired
the issues with the second Torpedo launcher, she smiled despite her
the mood which was one of determination but it was something that a lot
mistook for irritation or being downright angry.

She picked up the PADD which was sitting on the main master display
before her, as she tapped notes on it, she narrowed her eyes as she
looked at the tactical display as she finished with the sensors.

She then rechecked the repaired torpedo launcher and she found it
now measured up to code, the ship was almost ready to save the issue
with the fire control software in the forward ventral launcher.

While she waited, her thoughts turned to her youngest child who was
alone on Starbase 400, she considered sending Rachael away to live
with her father on the USS Courageous which last she heard was
assigned to a patrol assignment but she knew that could change, her
the husband was commanding one of the older Galaxy-class starships in
the fleet and thus was considered part of the fleets main battle line.

She hoped Rachael would be okay with Paul Harrison, and staying with
a civilian named Vincent Hainey, the husband of the Admiral who had
just left the bridge to attend the briefing.

Satisfied that all was well, she turned her attention back to her


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