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Posted on Sun Feb 23rd, 2020 @ 8:36pm by Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 4: Flashover
Location: Various Locations - Starbase 400
Timeline: 1030Hrs - August 17th, 2388

Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi had heard what had happened to
Rachael, upon her return to the station and had been angered by
what had happened but then she knew Rachael would fully bloom
as her psionic abilities manifested themselves as was normal for
Hallanan people, except Rachael, was far stronger than both of her
older siblings.

Rachael had explained to her what had happened and why it had
happened and that the younger child bore Captain Pike no malice
whatsoever, Torilla was not nearly as forgiving and anyone who
knew her, knew why. She was an overly protective mother, coming
to the aid of her young which was why she was here today, off to
see the man.

She looked at the Ensign seated behind the desk. "Oh.," she admitted
in surprise because apparently, he had been expecting her and that
she was supposed to be admitted in to see him, no matter
what time it was.

"Yessir." the young woman said evenly. "The Captain is indeed in
his office and will see you now."

"I see.." Yamaguchi responded. "Thank you Ensign.." and with that
Torilla went into the Captain's office as she regarded him, she had
not met him before this point but Rachael spoke well of him.

She took a moment to calm down before addressing him. "Good
morning sir. Thank you for seeing me on such short notice but
Rachael passed along your message." as she came to attention.
The protocol was protocol and losing control would not help anything
or anyone.

Lee looked up from a datapad then stood up."Good morning
Commander, please have a seat."

Yamaguchi relaxed as she stood easy. "I just want to hear in your own words... What happened..?" she inquired. "Rachael is still very
shaken up by what you did to her.... she compared your telepathic stun to being caught in the flashover from a Neutron Star and...
Rachael has seen what a Neutron star looks like while she and I were
on the she knows what she's talking about." Yamaguchi explained because most tended to dismiss a child's explanation as rambling, what was worse was that she did not know Captain Pike and nor had she met him before now.

Lee sat back down in his chair: "Well since I hadn't met her or you
yet. I had felt her reach out to Captain Harrison telepathically and
since I know that Captain Harrison couldn't respond or know what
was going on, I assumed it to be an attack and I sent back a
temporary telepathic block to her."

Yamaguchi said nothing for a moment as she thought an explanation
of what was going on with Rachael would be the best place to start
"She's just come into full bloom and I honestly don't know-how
badly she got hurt from what happened..." she sighed softly. "Her
human ancestry complicates the picture somewhat."

Lee nodded as he listened to her: "I do feel bad now bout what had happened. I admit that I jumped the gun. I should have first sought out the person beforehand. I do hope that she'll be ok."

Yamaguchi smiled for the first time in several hours, the Captain standing before her was different then what she had been expecting but then she could feel his psionic power, it dwarfed anything she had felt in good long time.
"She should be fine... once she gets past what happened..."

"Would you care for some coffee Commander?" He rose to refill his cup.

"Please sir... it been a rough night... not being able to sleep..." she admitted.
"Rachael spent the night trying to overcome the block... with limited success..." she sighed softly as she added. "Jamaican blend, double strong, double sweat with three creams, please... Sorry," she added a moment later.

He nodded: "Sure thing" He then brought back a cup and handed it to her then set back down with his cup.

"Despite what happened... Rachael still speaks highly of you." Yamaguchi admitted as she watched him carefully, his telepathic power felt like a fire
to her.

"Am glad to think that she does. Like said do feel bad but like I told her she needs to be more careful from now on. There are some out there that wouldn't hesitate to kill her."

Yamaguchi nodded. "I know... and I appreciate you're restraint.." she paused. "I will need to let Rachael's father know what happened and... I can only guess as to what Jake will say or so about it. " she drained half the coffee in one go.

Lee leaned back a little in his chair and sipped his coffee: "Is there anything else you would like to discuss Commander?"

"No that about covers it. " Yamaguchi responded evenly as she finished her coffee. "Thank you for making time to see me, sir."

Lee nodded: "Your quite welcome Commander. And remember my office is always open if you need to talk."

Yamaguchi nodded as she rose to her feet. "One thing sir.... have you ever had children?" she inquired, it was an honest question as she had not read his service record.

Lee rose to his feet as well: "No I don't have any children, but Alex and I have talked about having at least one."

"I understand," she responded with a soft smile. "Well... if you require assistance... Let me know okay?"

He nodded: "Ok will do Commander if I do."

Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow but she knew that questions about children would arise but she would not push the matter, if he sought her assistance then she would offer it to him at that time and not before. "Very well. Then I'll leave it be.." she responded.

Lee gave a small smile: "Will see you around then Commander, was nice meeting you."

Yamaguchi rose to her feet. "Indeed sir... I wish we had met under better circumstances.." she commented and with that, she departed.


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