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Fears and Challenges

Posted on Sun Feb 23rd, 2020 @ 8:03pm by Lieutenant JG Rachael "Ripcord" Yamaguchi-Cullen

Mission: Mission 3: Quantum of Solace
Location: Various Locations - Starbase 400
Timeline: 0300Hrs - July 30th, 2388

Racheal Yamaguchi's eyes flashed open as she gasped, it was the middle of the night and she was exhausted, yet she could not sleep on the sofa that she was currently racked out on, the climate in here was different from what she was used to and it was showing but then this house was now rather crowded with the Admirals two children who looked nothing alike, Paul and herself.

Racheal recalled meeting the Admirals husband who she had assumed was a civilian named Vincent Hainey, he seemed pleasant enough but she didn't know him at all, she only had Paul's word to go on but what had been truly terrifying was meeting Earl the white tiger.

She sighed softly as she recalled the massive Tiger who with one swipe from his massive paw could smash bones and feast on her should he have the intention, yet he seemed almost peaceful as he mewled at her, she stood there frozen in fear as Paul had gently reassured her that everything was fine but needless to say the meeting had a lasting effect on her.

Deela opened her eyes and sat up. She got up to check on the kids. She thought that maybe one of them was having trouble sleeping. She walked out of her bedroom and checked the kids but they were sleeping soundly. It meant that the only other person there was Racheal. She called out to her, "Racheal, are you okay?"

Racheal's dark chocolate eyes missed nothing in the near-total darkness, her night vision was far better than most but T'Lar was part Vulcan and hers was also rumored to be excellent. "I'm okay ma'am... just nightmares..." and with that she paused. "Where is that Tiger of yours anyway.... that was just scary."

Racheal had been told by Paul earlier that Deela T'Lar was telepathic and could sense one's thoughts so there was no point in lying to her as she would instantly catch it, so Racheal decided to come right out with it. "I don't know why he scares me..." she admitted. "Though... its probably because I've never encountered something like him before," she added.

"Let me put you at ease a little. My former husband raised him from a cub. He knows the difference between friends and enemies. If I believed that he could hurt anyone out of the blue, I would not let him roam around the place. We have a connection, one that I initiated. I can tell when he is agitated, upset, and even when he is unhappy. When he is like that, he usually stays in his part of my quarters here. But he's rarely like that. Now, if he makes you feel uncomfortable, I can make arrangements for him to sleep at Paul's."

Racheal looked at the Vulcanish woman who had sat down on the sofa next to her. "No... I'll manage... I just don't understand him..." she paused. "How does one feed him?" she inquired. "I need to make nice with the big guy... I'll start there.. besides... I'm not about to turf him out of his home... that would be wrong.... it'll be like turfing my fathers three dogs out of his home...and I couldn't do that, besides.. your guys would never forgive me.... neither would my parents if they ever heard about it."

"Well, to feed him, there is fresh meat in the fridge and you just put it in a bowl. He loves a good raw steak once in a while and that we usually hand feed him. But don't worry, he won't bite your hand. Oh yeah, he loves ice cream. That should about cover it."

"Alright.," Racheal commented. "Hand-feeding a massive tiger... this should be interesting..." she mused. "Paul mentioned that Earl is harmless.. he also mentioned you were a telepath."

"Yes, I am. I am also an empath. Being Vulcan has enhanced those abilities as well."

"Lovely," Yamaguchi responded. "I've never encountered someone who has such a large pet before... it's intimidating... I'll feed Earl in the morning, I might as well face it quickly."

"I think that will be good for you. He's usually in a good mood in the morning."

She raised an eyebrow. "I hope so," she responded. "Well..." she then smiled. "I'd better get some sleep... I need to be sharp tomorrow..."

"As do I. See you in the morning." Deela got up.

Racheal watched the older woman walk away as she considered how best to feed a hulking beast of an animal then she smiled as she recalled something her father had once said, as his image rose in her mind she heard him say. "Racheal, fear reminds us of our limits and our weaknesses. You should try to overcome your fears, not through brute strength but with wisdom and courage... sometimes it takes courage to try and that... daughter of mine is never a weakness... it is only weak if you fail to try..."

Deela stopped, "Whoever told you that has given you very good advice."

"My father," Racheal said with a smile. "I know Alex met him not too long ago," she added. "What she thinks of him... I have no idea as she's not told me and... I never asked."

"There aren't many people that she doesn't like. I'm sure she did."

Racheal smiled. "I like Alex... she's great... not what I was expecting..." she paused. "I was expecting someone who was downright impossible to get along with, overbearing and very sure of herself... but Alex doesn't do that... its nice.."

"Don't let her fool you. She can be when she wants to be. When she was my Chief of Security, she could kick butt. She didn't ever back down from a fight but I think that Paul and Pike have been good for her."

"Well... I've yet to see her angry." Racheal looked up at the Vulcan woman. "seeing a fight between her and my mother would be fascinating." she mused. "It wouldn't be pretty or quick.." she then smiled up at Deela. "I like Paul, he doesn't hide things or walks on eggshells around me. He's honest and doesn't play games... "

"I know he is good to Brandon and Brandon adores him. He's a good kid. Alex is very proud of him." She could sense it from Alex when she's with her son.

"Paul is awesome," she responded. "Brandon seems to not like me." she chuckled softly. "But then I've not met him..." she added.

Deela shrugged, "It takes a while for Brandon to warm up to people. Ever since his father was killed, he has become shy."

Racheal's thoughts turned to what she would do and how she would react if she received news that one of her siblings had died or that her mother had been killed or if her father had been lost, she quickly realized that losing any one of them would devastate her but losing two would cripple her. "Fair enough... I don't know how I'd react to losing any of my family..." she admitted. "I won't keep you up any longer Deela... I know you have a lot to deal with these days..."

"Yes, I do. Good night Racheal." Deela went back to her room.

Rachael made herself comfortable on the sofa as she found herself staring out into the firmament as she knew she would get no more sleep this night.


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