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A Late Nights Walk

Posted on Sat Mar 21st, 2020 @ 8:35am by Lieutenant Samantha "Sammy" Yeager

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 0300Hrs - September 15th, 2393

Ian Yamaguchi looked up at the ceiling, he had gotten only about four hours of sleep as he was now wide awake, something had woken him up and while he had been woken up, his spouse slept on as Ian slowly and gently slipped out of bed, he quickly donned a pair of jeans, a shirt, and a sweatshirt before slipping out the door. It was the sound of the door opening and closing which had awoken Chesna. She slowly permitted her eyes to flicker open as she turned her head. "Ian?" she asked softly to the now empty room. It was then she noticed that the bed beside her was empty.

Silence greeted her as she slowly sat up, the covers spilling from her torso and chest, she looked very female as she yawned gently. "Computer, locate Ian Yamaguchi?" she asked the system in a soft tone of voice.

"Ian Yamaguchi is located on level sixty-one, section ten, hallway four jay." came the response from the ship's computer.

"That tells me nothing," Chesna answered quietly. "What speed is he moving at and what is his destination?" she added.

"He is moving at zero point two kilometers an hour and the destination is unknown." came the response, she tapped the display next to the bed. "Yamaguchi-Tienn to..." she paused before recalling she needed to be specific. "Ian Yamaguchi.?" she asked, suddenly remembering that there were over a dozen Yamaguchi's all assigned to the Starbase. Not being specific to which Yamaguchi she was calling would open a comline to all of them and she would roust over a dozen people out of bed only because she didn't remember to be specific.

"Yeah... What's up Chesna?" came her husband's voice.

"You okay honey?" Tienn asked softly. She was concerned and it came through in her tone of voice.

"I... I can't sleep... I thought I'd go for a walk to clear my head..." Yamaguchi admitted.

Tienn knew exactly what her husband was talking about. "I know how that goes... Do you want company or do you want to walk it off?" she inquired of him.

"No. I'll walk it off... I need to figure out what's bothering me first and... I should handle things alone... Sorry, Chesna." he knew his spouse wished to assist him but there was some battles he needed to fight alone. Now was one of those times.

"Its okay Jay...Ian." she corrected herself in the middle of saying his last name as she thought it would come easily but it didn't. She let out a sigh. "When you come back, I'll be here, okay?" she commented to her husband.

"Sounds good hon... Yamaguchi out." as Chesna pondered exactly what her husband's issue was when it suddenly dawned on her that she was the cause of his issues, more specifically, she had called him back to the colors and he didn't wish to serve. But then all of this was simply one theory among many others. She was unsure and thus, she would wait until Ian figured it out for himself rather than rush off to make assumptions that may or may not be unfounded as she closed her eyes and promptly went back to sleep.

Meanwhile, Yamaguchi moved slowly down the hallway towards wherever it was that his legs seemed to be taking him. He found himself passing a mess hall and as he peered through the window to see what was going on within, he noticed several large reptilian beings, all feeding and being quite messy at the same time, they all looked like they were fighting with their food, tearing off great chunks of meat and feasting on said food. Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow as he watched in silence for a moment. He frowned as he proceeded down the hallway in silence, resuming his trek to nowhere.

Yamaguchi went around a corner as he crossed paths with a Klingon-looking female who wore civilian clothing, the two very nearly collided as she caught him in her arms, she gently steered him. "My apologies Admiral. I did not see you," she commented in a soft tone.

"I'm not an Admiral. Ma'am." Yamaguchi answered. "You have me confused for my twin," Yamaguchi explained, he was only expecting more confusion but he found she quickly understood, a welcome change from what he was used to dealing with.

"Oh... My apologies Master Chief. Mom explained who you were to me... I did not expect to ever meet you." the young woman explained with a smile.

"Who are you, Lieutenant?" Yamaguchi inquired of her.

"I am Lieutenant Samantha Yeager." the young woman introduced herself as she shook hands with the man who was now, for all intents and purposes, her uncle.

Yamaguchi blinked as he quickly recalled something he had been told earlier. "Wait. Your Talon's daughter..." he paused. "This makes you my niece..."

"I wish she had been my mother... She is the closest thing I have to a mother... So I call her mom, even if she did not give birth to me as she did with Melody. I would not mind... maybe my life would have been more stable and consistent."

"Well, In my original universe, Talon died during the war with the Dominion and she had no children," Yamaguchi explained. "It's... sad really."

"Indeed it is..." Yeager answered with a nod of her head. "Even though I have no DNA in common with her, it makes little difference, Talon Yeager is my mother and that is how it shall be..."

"She must have impressed you, Sammy." Yamaguchi paused. "Mind if I call you Sammy?"

"If I get to call you uncle Ian...?." The younger woman answered evenly.

"I went from having almost no family to have so many. I can't keep track of them all..." Yamaguchi admitted. "It's intimidating," he admitted, he had no idea why he was sharing al of this with the strange woman before him who was kin, but he figured that trust had to start somewhere.

"Oh. I can understand where you're coming from... I'm in the same starship as you... it was me and dad for years... now mom shows up and she brings a small army of relatives." Yeager grinned at him. "Mom is... Well, she's great," she added for lack of anything better to say.

"That's Talon's normal stock in trade, she cares... You are kin because your dad is married to her." Yamaguchi answered. "Seeing Talon alive... That's something I had never expected... Though its good to see all of my siblings alive and well."

Yeager's grin answered his statement with one of her own.


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