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Calling Home

Posted on Fri Mar 20th, 2020 @ 5:15pm by Colonel Hadar "Jem" J'Herim

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Various Locations - USS Massachusetts / Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1900Hrs - August 30th, 2393

Lt Commander Hadar Alkolis emerged from her bedroom, wearing a slinky tank top and a pair of jean shorts, she had always preferred the minimalist approach to her choices in clothing, much like her siblings, she smiled happily as she moved over to the replicator, she quickly ordered a drink for herself as she lightly tapped the combadge that the small framed Bajoran woman had affixed to her chest earlier. "Hadar to Operations, could I open a channel to Vanguard?" she inquired.

The answer came back. "You can Commander, we're at war, not at slipstream." came the answer from the bridge. It was a female voice, one whom Hadar knew well, it was Commander T'Paro.

"Oh... Right." Hadar answered softly, as she suddenly felt stupid.

"It's fine, I'll open a subspace channel for you, marked as personal... I assume?" came the response from T'Paro. The Vulcan woman seemed to almost be enjoying herself if the sound of her voice was of any indication.

"Please Commander." came the answer from Hadar who was turning a shade of red with embarrassment even though the Vulcan woman didn't care about it and it was also an easy mistake to make. "Mark it for Hadar "Gem" J'Herim please," she added.

"Very well Commander, placing your call now. T'Para out." and with that, the com system went silent which for Hadar was something of a mercy, she moved into the den she maintained, she set the drink down at her desk as she tapped the display once, the system came alive at her touch as she smiled. The system was so much easier then it used to be even several years earlier. "Message coming in now." came the voice of the computer as the screen suddenly activated. It was her sibling. "Alkolis... What's wrong sweetie?"

"I was about to ask if I had caught you at a bad time... I am accused of not being social enough."

"Okay, so nothing is wrong then..." J'Herim inquired as she sighed. "You left Vanguard about three weeks ago. I wondered..." she simply shook her head. "I should stop doing that..."

"Yes, you should...Alkolis answered with a deadpan grin. "Besides... Do I need a reason to call?"

"You could be wanting to give me a heart attack... My Husband does that well enough thanks..."

"Oh, you and Garron having problems?" Alkolis inquired in a flat tone of voice, she had a good idea of where this chat was suddenly going and she didn't like it in the least. The look on her face said as much too.

"Garron hates being parted with me, he wants our children to know their mother." came the unexpected response from J'Herim.
"In truth, I do not blame him ion the least, I miss him too... It's not the same you know... Having to handle the issues that come when you are used to getting nailed fifteen times in one day." the other Bajoran suddenly grinned as she regarded her sibling whom she knew was single. "What?. I am not prepared to take some random dude to bed as I greatly prefer the company of my husband thank you." as she gave her sibling a rather impish smile.

"I know... I just never had your kind of luck with men of any species... I gave up looking... Maybe I'll find me a nice girl to take to bed instead." Alkolis answered with a smile.

"Nothing wrong with having a choice. Some people don't respect the choice." JH'Herim answered with a nod. "You do you, sweetie, fuck what everyone else in this world thinks..." she answered. "Now I have it on good authority that Katlin misses you..." she commented with a gentle smile. "She's assigned to the Cassini these days, helping to shake down some new technology. I don't know what it is, she won't tell me."

"That's probably because she's not permitted to do so, while the new tech is undergoing testing," Alkolis answered with an easy smile. "I wouldn't worry too much about it, she'll tell us when she's able to.

"Fair enough," J'Herim answered. "It could be worse.. right?" she asked her sibling.

"Oh, it indeed could be worse," J'Herim answered with a nod, as she turned her head. "I'm expecting a subspace call shortly... Garron is supposed to be calling me back, sometime shortly, about a civilian assignment wherever I am based. Maybe as a bartender or a teacher, he's good at teaching."

Alkolis suddenly grinned. "Then you get nailed by him, ten times a day."

"It'll be liberating at the very least." the younger sibling agreed. "Alright. I'll get outta here and let you deal with him. Try not to have too much fun now honey... Byebye." and with that, Alkolis hung up on her older sibling, she sat back slowly in her chair as a wide grin crossed her face.


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