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Perhaps Love to Some is Like a Cloud - Part Three

Posted on Sat Mar 21st, 2020 @ 8:25am by Commander Tienn Iteela & Lieutenant Colonel Tienn Nerra

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Marine Complex - Planet Utgarde IV
Timeline: 0930Hrs - September 14th, 2393

Commander Tienn Iteela had gone home, she had taken the time to eat a meal, change and have a shower, she knew that the final battle with Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar was only delayed and not prevented, she knew she would need to deal with the other woman at some point between now and the twentieth. Now she wanted to see family and she knew the best place to handle matters was with her twin sister, Tienn Nerra who was assigned to the marine base in the Central Mountain range of Utgarde IV.

Now wearing a pair of black hiking boots, a pair of jeans, a heavy winters jacket, gloves, and a scarf, she had beamed down to the marine base with her identification ready for use, the marines had challenged her on various matters and at various locations. Iteela had known of all of this and she had come prepared, now she was walking into the large marine compound, most of which was deep underground.

Iteela wore her identification on a lanyard which she wore around her neck. She had a marine guard with her at all times, it was partly for her safety but it was also in case she did or said anything stupid. "Level ninety-eight" the tall Bajoran commented. "I believe the Colonel's offices are located down here."

"Yes, ma'am." the marine answered diplomatically as they entered the lift, the marine noted that this woman next to him was a looker, much like the Colonel but this woman seemed to say very little. The lift started on its journey down to the main base as Tienn held her silence, her eyes taking in everything around her as she looked at the marine without moving her head. The doors slid open a moment later as the marine stepped out first as was protocol, Tienn followed a moment later.

Meanwhile sitting in her office, as she regarded the display before her as she had no windows. Tienn Nerra had decorated it with some Klingon aesthetics as it suited her to embrace her husband's styles in addition to her own. Tienn knew that K'taro would need to return to what was left of the empire and deal with matters of his own family, it was mostly that at the present time, he was serving as an exchange officer and she knew he was considering getting a Starfleet commission but Tienn had left the matter for him to deal with as he saw fit.

The com system beeped once as Nerra raised an eyebrow. "Colonel. You have a visitor. It's your sister and she does not have an appointment." came the voice of her yeoman.

"It's okay, I'll see her now." Tienn regarded the door as it opened and in walked her twin, Iteela. Nerra knew her twin as intimately as she knew herself, the mysteries of twins were always being investigated but this subject was stubborn in the release of its secrets as she guarded them like a jealous mistress. "Iteela, whats going on?" Nerra came over to her sibling, she was still pregnant and was now starting to show as she was about nine weeks along.

"I am well, as best as I can be," Iteela answered diplomatically. "My request came through."

"Ahh, you cited that you didn't find what you wanted here so you want to go out among the stars," Nerra commented. "When do you leave?"

"In six days," Iteela commented sigh a soft sigh. "My assignment was confirmed as well. The second officer on the USS Cassini. Serving on a carrier should be interesting." she added with a smile. "Maybe the path ahead will bring me clarity."

"Does Benice know?" Nerra inquired of her twin, she suspected she already knew her answer but she wished to be sure before she made any assumptions.

"No, I only found out when I went off watch ninety-minutes ago," Iteela answered with a soft sigh, she knew what her twin was asking. "I'll go talk to her shortly," she added.

Nerra regarded her sibling in silence for a moment. "Okay, so it's official. you're heading out back into the field..." she paused. "You're not taking your children with you... Are you?" as she regarded her twin.

"No," Iteela answered. "Benice and mom have already told me that they will handle matters for them," she explained to her twin. "There is nothing left for me to look after with them... Except to say goodbye to them... Which I will do the night before I go... I won't wake them or tell them goodbye that morning... It'll upset them and that's not something I need to depart thinking about."

"Fair enough," Nerra answered with a soft sigh. "I'm Sorry Iteela."

"For what?" Iteela answered in a flat tone of voice.

"For everything." Nerra paused as Iteela added. "Nerra, you have your mate, do not ever let him go... I lost mine because he was lost and I was unsure." Iteela explained to her twin. "You have yours... I don't as Nebris went back to being Lasarra and I'm here with two children who will never know their father. Because Nebris went back to being female... You have yours... I don't..."

Nerra regarded her twin in silence as she processed that little bit of data. "Alright. go on home, take your wife to bed and make her whimper. It'll help you... Trust me, it'll help with your issues."

Iteela paused, as she considered it. "Alright... I will leave you to it." and with that, the two women shared a quick hug before Iteela departed in silence.


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