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Two Betrayals - Part Two

Posted on Fri Mar 20th, 2020 @ 3:49pm by Lieutenant Martin 'Pharma Bro' Shkreli & Lieutenant Megan Delgado

Mission: Mission 103: The Rumblings of Discontent
Location: Various Locations - USS Solemn Penance
Timeline: 1000Hrs - August 22nd 2393

Lieutenant Martin Shkreli smiled to himself, he had removed the ships Chief Counselor as a threat to his plans, now he needed to go and remove a few of the others, it would be better if he could recruit them to his cause but he had already decided to rely upon his moles that he already controlled. However, he decided to make the attempt and see what he could shake loose from the effort.

Shkreli regarded the display on his office wall, it was a full three dimensional model of the USS Solemn Penance as requested by Skherli a few minutes earlier, he wished to know the locations of various members of the senior staff as he was putting forward his plans to take over the ship as he would let the other members of the human defense league figure out how the ship design worked and so forth. To this end, he decided to see about meeting a few more of the senior staff under the guise of meeting them, to get to know them as their temporary acting Chief Medical Officer. He slowly smiled as he saw all of the plans he had laid down starting to bear fruit.

He called up the service record of the next person he wished to deal with, he noted that she was overdue for a physical, as a smile slowly bloomed on his face, that someone on the senior staff would let this lapse, it would give him an opening that he could exploit ruthlessly and exploit it, he would.

Shkreli tapped the display once, turning it off as he rose to his feet and departed his office, his next move was clear, as was the next part of his plan.

He reached his destination several minutes later, he entered the science labs. "Hello. I'm looking for Lieutenant Delgado?" he inquired off of the first person he laid eyes on.

The Ensign regarded the Doctor. "She's in lab three." she then indicated the door in question. "It's right over there sir."

"Thank you, Ensign," Shkreli answered with a smile, he moved over towards his destination and was permitted access, which indicated that nothing critical was presently taking place. He looked at the two people present. "Lieutenant Delgado?" he asked of them both.

A large-limbed tall female nodded, as she pushed her hair back out of her piercing brown eyes. "You want me?"

"I do," Skherli commented. "I'm Doctor Martin Shkreli and I'd like a moment of your time if you do not mind..." he decided to be direct with his request and hope she doesn't make this harder then it needed to be.

She raised an eyebrow. "Ensign, give us a moment please?"

"Yessir." the young man replied, he rose to his feet and he departed leaving the Doctor alone with his superior. "Thank you, Lieutenant, you know what this is in regards to, right?"

"I have a few ideas, how about you come out and tell me?" the tall female inquired. "Save us both a lot of aggravation and time," she added a moment later.

"You are overdue for your physical. I figured that rather than call you and be overly demanding of you on the subject, I thought I'd save us both the effort and the time in fencing with you on the subject and deal with it now while you are at your post." Shkreli explained his presence standing before her.

"Oh." the tall woman paused as she didn't really have an option. "Okay, proceed then," she commented in a light tone of voice.

Shkreli opened his medkit as he produced his tricorder. "They won't take long... So you're from Ballast. I hear the Betrakken falls are nice this time of year?"

The tall woman regarded Skherli with a look of surprise, Solin had never bothered to try to connect with the crew on this level and her reaction to the human male before her was an indication of that detail, she found herself agreeing with Skherli. "I miss home, it's been too long since I last looked upon the snows of Ballast's northern plains." she let out a wistful sigh. "I heard they had to start making their own defense force..."

"Yeah. Because Starfleet stopped protecting their own colonies." Skherlki answered. "All because the colonies no longer are worth protecting..."

"That's not what they said..." Delgado answered quickly. "They said it was because of the various threats facing the Federation."

"Yes, I know..." Shkreli answered with a smile.

"But you don't believe it?" Delgado answered with a look of surprise on her face. "No. I don't" he answered as he nodded. "Your physical indicates that you are malnourished and about five to ten pounds underweight, an extra helping with your meals will help that." he then smiled at her. "I can update your paperwork and clear you off of my list of people to see." he paused. "Why your last Chief Medical Officer had permitted this to go unaddressed is honestly beyond me," he added.

"I dunno. I never asked."

"Fair enough. Anyway, I'll get outta your hair and leave you to it." Shkreli answered with a nod. "Thanks for your time Lieutenant." and with that, he turned and departed in silence.


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