Going on Vacation - Part Four
Posted on Tue Dec 31st, 2024 @ 4:20pm by Commander Xaelah Di'Tomasso
Mission 120: All Along the Watchtowers - Part Two
Location: Various Locations - USS Vanguard
Timeline: 1635Hrs - February 1st, 2394
Fifteen minutes later, as promised, Drevas was waiting for her in the bar. He'd changed out of gym clothing and into a simple red and white striped polo shirt and jeans, simple but not too casual.
The doors opened and in walked DiTomasso. She was now wearing a grey sweatshirt and a pair of black slacks. A pair of white and grey sneakers completed her look. She glanced around before slowly making her way over to her destination. "Hey. Sorry, I'm late. I thought this place would be easy to find... I lost my way, twice."
Drevas smiled kindly at her. "I have no issues about that - I got lost the first time myself. May I order for the two of us?"
"Sure." Di'Tomasso paused. "I'm allergic to shellfish and to Klingon food, we mutually agreed it would be best if we stopped seeing each other."
"Of course. Is there anything you'd like in particular tonight?" It felt only polite to ask. 'It would be best if we stopped seeing each other'. What a way to describe having an allergy to food, he thought with amusement.
DiTomasso shook her head. "No. Nothing really special." she then smiled. "Impress me."
'Impress me'. She wanted him to make a good impression. Did she think they were on a date of sorts, he wondered with amusement - not that he would have minded if that were the case. Regardless, Drevas was not the kind of person who put on fanciful displays and such to impress another - he aimed to do so with himself, and only himself. His style was simple but of quality.
"I hope you like steak. The bar has excellent steak frites." He said, turning back to the bartender. "What kind of meat would you like, and how cooked?"
"Medium Well, please," Di'Tomasso answered, a rather amused look on her face. "It's been a while since I've had a steak of any kind," she added
"Two beef steaks, one medium rare and one medium well, please." The bartender nodded and bustled off to the galley, at which point Drevas turned to Xaelah with a gentle smile. "They do excellent mashed potatoes as well - they come on the side with vegetables and the like." He explained. "You'll enjoy it, I promise. Would you like me to order drinks for us?"
"Sure," Di'Tomasso commented. "Go ahead. Nothing alcoholic for me please," she added.
Drevas nods, and orders an iced fredalia tea for each of them. "You'll like this. It's popular among many off-worlders who visit Kaminar." He says, sliding one glass over to her.
DiTomasso accepted the drink, she raised an eyebrow before taking a sip. "Interesting," she commented. "A little tart for my liking but all in all, it's not bad."
Drevas smiled and took a sip from his own cup. "I do like this very much." He commented. "It reminds me of home whenever I have it. It is a shame you're not staying long - I would love to introduce you to some Kelpien dishes." He sat slightly closer to her. "Well. Why don't we talk about something more lighthearted? Anything at all..."
DiTomasso sipped her drink. "It grows on you, after a while." she mused. "Besides." as she looked down at the drink in her hand.
"Besides?" Drevas raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"
Di'Tomasso seemed to pull herself back together. "I mostly eat human food. Most of it comes from being raised in a human household." she then finished the rest of her drink. "I guess I'm not good at light conversation."
"You can always get better. I was like you once." Drevas said with a light smile. "It took me years before I got used to casual conversation and social nuance. The change will not happen overnight. You'll see..."
Di'Tomasso smiled. "Fair enough. Mostly I tend to prefer my own peace and quiet... I never really fit in..."
"And that's alright, in my opinion. Everyone has their place - even if that place is not their current place in life." Drevas responded with a warm smile. "Is this, where I am now, my true and final place in life? I do not know - but I hold out hope that it is. Do you enjoy your career with Starfleet?"
Di'Tomasso paused. "My career has me sitting in an office, doing administration work for a hospital facility on a Starbase. It's not bad work." she paused. "But it doesn't challenge me," she admitted after a moment. "My job is not required to challenge me, it's meant to be done so others can do their job," she added.
"Do you wish to be challenged in your duties?' He asked.
"Sometimes I like a challenge. But most of the time..." she then sighed softly while she shook her head.