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New Mission for Roanoke-A

Posted on Thu Aug 31st, 2023 @ 8:59am by Commander Daniel Yamaguchi & Captain Rykar Julani

Mission: Mission 127: Old Friends and New Enemies
Location: Various Locations - Starbase 371 / Roanoke-A
Timeline: 0830Hrs - January 16th, 2394

Rykar Julani sat on the ready room of her ship, Roanoke-A, waiting for the Admiral's arrival. They had just arrived at Starbase 371 a few hours ago, having just got home from a year long mission in the OISU's galaxy. And now she waited for the ships next orders.

She looked over the personnel transfer lists. She knew she was getting a new XO, as her previous XO just transferred off an hour earlier with a promotion to a new command.

At that moment Commodore Teyo Kemoke walked into the ready room, catching the attention of Rykar's sensitive furry ears. "Any word yet."

Teyo shook his furry head. "No, Admiral Odakin will be coming to brief us directly in a few minutes. Also your new Temp XO should be here in a minute as well.

"Temp XO," Rykar asked curiously.

Teyo nodded and sat own. "Yeah, you won't be getting a permanent XO for a bit. Also, Odakin wants to brief all the passengers we took back from the OISU as well."

"Right," Rykar acknowledged. It had been a long assignment and she was tired. She hadn't been entirely prepared for this command after Teval left so suddenly just before the mission had started. She still hadn't quite forgiven him for that.

The beep of the doorbell beeped indicated the arrival of Yamaguchi. A moment later he was in the room as he was handing the being behind the desk, a PADD containing his orders. "Daniel Yamaguchi, reporting for duty," he explained who he was.

Rykar nodded in Daniel's direction, "Welcome to the Roanoke A Mr. Yamaguchi. Go ahead and sit down, the Admiral will be here shortly."

Yamaguchi did as he was bade. He took moment and made himself comfortable.

A moment later, Admiral Odakin Marinn arrived in the office in a cherry mood, "Captain Rykar, Commodore Teyo, Comander Yamaguchi, how are you three doing today."

Rykar shrugged," Tired, its been a long mission."

Teyo nodded, "Yeah, same here."

Odakin nodded, dropping the smile, "Well, i do have some good news for you on that one. Roanoke will be going on a three-month maintenance cycle. But the bad news is, it won't be here."

Teyo's ears perked up in curiosity, "Oh."

Odakin set a padd down on the desk," Yeah, you will be heading off to the Taurus reach, once your done offloading the passengers you picked up from the OISU's galaxy and taking on supplies, you will be heading for Starbase Vanguard, offload these supplies, then you will undergo maintenance there." He then turned his attention to Daniel Yamaguchi, "Daniel, your XO assignment here is only temporary, once Roanoke reaches the Taurus reach you will be transferred to a new command of your own, the USS Tribal."

Yamaguchi nodded his head. "Understood Admiral," he responded while he considered the notion that he was about to not only become someone else's Executive Officer but that he was about to become the Commander of his own ship. this wasn't something he had considered.

Teyo then asked," so, why the Taurus Reach, that's pretty far."

"Deterrence," Odakin replied, "The Tholians are showing an interest in the region and have been getting more hostile with us by the day. By stationing an Odin there, we hope it will make the Tholians less likely to start something. And if they do, and Taurus reach needs reinforcements, the rest of the 65th fleet will be the first sent in as backup."

"Great, another war. Don't we have enough going on in the quadrant as is," Rykar replied dryly.

Odakin shrugged, "Well I guess not, it seems."

"Why do I get the feeling we are missing something here," Teyo mused.

Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" he inquired. He had a confused look on his face. "Is it my lack of Exec time?" he inquired.

"About what," Odakin asked teyo.

Teyo took a moment to think, "I dunno, this Tholian mess seems a little out of the blue. And it seems like lately near everyone has been either wanting a piece of the Federation or a potential ally has fallen to pieces. I dunno, maybe I'm just overthinking."

Odakin nodded, "Your not the only one with those concerns." He then turned to address everyone, "Anyway the PADD has the details of the mission. I know, its not much, but its what we have for now. I'll also be hitching a ride on Roanoke to Starbase vanguard for a few days."

Rykar and Teyo nodded, then Odakin turned and left.

Yamaguchi smiled. "No. You're not overthinking it. The Federation now stands alone, with lots of hostile nation-states who would like revenge for slights. Real and imagined." he then shrugged. "In any case. It matters not as we have our own issues to deal with, rather then dealing with them."

"Maybe," Rykar mentioned. "Maybe not, though. The OISU looks like they may be more promising as an ally than any one we have ever dealt with yet. But in any case, we do have other things to deal with right now. I know you just got here, but we do have the next mission to prepare for."

Yamaguchi nodded. "You need me to go to work right away?" he inquired. "I do need to see the Doctor for the coming aboard check and I need to go see the quatermaster about a set of guest quarters. Both of those shouldn't take me too long." he added.

Ryukar nodded, "yeah you can go get your quarters and doctor checkup sorted out, it will be a few hours before they start loading the ship up. But I would like you to supervise the situation."

Yamaguchi nodded. "Okay." he answered. "I'll see to it."


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