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Operation: Downfall - Part Three

Posted on Sun Jul 31st, 2022 @ 8:00am by Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 115: The Pale-Fac'd Moon looks Bloody on the Earth
Location: Various Locations - New Halana
Timeline: 1800Hrs - November 13th, 2393

Yamaguchi stepped forward into a place that had dominated her dreams and haunted her nightmares for many years. "Ladies and Gentlemen." she addressed the Halanan government directly. "I hereby declare that this government is rescinded and their graces are arrested." Yamaguchi took a moment to savour the victory she had desired and wanted for so long. "Now, you can either come in peace or in pieces... The choice is yours," she added. "Our people will be free of your insanity," she added. When her smile suddenly faded. "You will answer for what you have done, to the Federation but more importantly. To our people."

The leader of the Council rose to his feet. Thedris Sanderson addressed Yamaguchi directly. "Thats a noble sentiment, coming from an exile. You have no power here," he commented. "All of us are far stronger than you. We can take you all and then we will drive you back into the fields, from whence you came." he mocked her as he addressed her, a tone of derision about him.

"Wrong." Yamaguchi grinned as she regarded him. "An admirable notion but it's misplaced," she answered. "I will show you where I have made my home, then I will break you," Yamaguchi answered, with a wide grin on her lips. "If needed. I will have my flagship reduce this entire city to ashes and glass, with you in it. You will all die, screaming my name... You tried to forget me but if I am forced to do this, then I can assure you my name will become a curse, and I'll be remembered forever." Yamaguchi explained.

"You wouldn't dare!" Sanderson answered in a rather hot and defiant tone of voice.

Yamaguchi looked around at the assembled gathering before her. "You can surrender to me, now... Or when word of what you have done to the Halanan people. The Halanan military and the near-total sundering of our relations with the Federation. I assume the people will want to thank you all... By killing you all, in various brutal and extreamly violent ways, then hanging you from a street lamp each."

Sanderson regarded her in silence for a moment. "Or?"

"Or you can surrender and we will ensure you get a fair trial, where you can, at least, try to answer for your various crimes," Yamaguchi answered in a flat tone of voice. "Considering that this government was the one that introduced the policy of exile in place of a death sentence. That alone means I should have you all shot by firing squad."

Sanderson knew he was beaten. The Federations' invasion force was here and he sighed but otherwise, he said nothing.

Yamaguchi's smile widened again. "I believe that was an old sentence... Or if you want to go even older, there was poison." she then sighed. "I am not fit to judge you. I will leave that to better people. Other people." she commented. "Last chance guys... Either you come peacefully, or in pieces," she added.

"We surrender." A second counsellor said. This woman regarded Yamaguchi with a curious look. "We are not-" Sanderson started but was shouted down. "Look at us, we're beaten. You want to die in a blaze of glory... The Fleet is broken. The troops assigned to protect the city have all quit en mass and gone home. What would you have us do now?" the woman commented. "No, we are beaten..." she then let out a long sigh. "We surrender."

"Very well," Yamaguchi answered. "Please do not resist. In fact, don't move at all. This will be a lot easier if you do not move." she commented before she nodded to the marines. "Take them away guys," she commented.

The Marines began moving forward to begin their work. As true to the second counsellor's word, nobody resisted as they were all arrested and then beamed away. Up to the Pashenadale for processing and then they would be secured in the high-value prisoner stockade.

"Ivan?" Yamaguchi commented. She addressed the leader of the marines. "I want you to contact the resistance. I know there is one. Tell them that New Halana needs a working government and that I need their help to make it so." she commented with a soft sigh.

"It'll be done, Admiral. By your leave?" Antilles asked of Yamaguchi.

"Go." Yamaguchi watched as he turned and departed. Yamaguchi went over to the lead counsellor's chair. She took a moment, as a sudden smile graced her lips. She took a moment to make the arrangements to take a selfie with the chair. Yamaguchi grinned as the tricorder beeped once at her, indicating the selfie was on file. She wanted this for the scrapbook, as well as for the grandkids.

Yamaguchi tapped the display as the selfie was displayed. "Oh, Jake is going to go green with envy," she commented.

An older man slowly moved into the council chambers. He smiled. "Ms Unal. I recognize the girl I knew, in the woman before me." as Mikael Jameson approached her. "Shaman!" Yamaguchi grinned as she hugged her old friend. "I yield the council to you. I am still an exile."

"That will be addressed, my old friend." Jameson answered with a grin. "Welcome home, Torilla. Welcome home!."


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