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Operation: Downfall - Part Two

Posted on Sun Jul 31st, 2022 @ 8:00am by Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 115: The Pale-Fac'd Moon looks Bloody on the Earth
Location: Various Locations - Federation Battlegroup / New Halana
Timeline: 1745Hrs - November 13th, 2393

General John McEntee regarded the display before him, he knew that Generals did not go to war, but this would not stop him from participating in the battle that was presently unfolding around him.

McEntee smiled as he regarded the display. "First Battalion. Proceed with the plan to press into the Capital city. Stop for nothing. Reinforcements are on the way to support you." he quickly gave his orders. The second wave was securing the main landing site and the first wave was regrouping, but some units were pressing ahead with the invasion plans, well ahead of schedule. This did not bother McEntee in the slightest.

"Copy, we're moving now. Out." came the response.

Amid the transports that were presently flying into the Capital city. There was no flack to greet their arrival, there was no sign that anyone was objecting to their presence. It almost seemed like everyone was content to remain at home for the duration.

First Lieutenant Ivan Antilles was sitting in his chair, he was surrounded by many of the marines he had trained with and many under his command were present as well. "Let's go easy guys," he commented over the com. "Nice and subtle," Antilles commented, a note of unease in his tone.

"Hey skipper, where's the welcoming committee?" came the voice of one of his troopers.

Antilles simply shrugged, treating it as a rather unusual sign of developments to come. "Who knows. Maybe they are waiting for us to get closer."

"Skipper, we're inside the Captial city. How much closer do they want us to get?" came the response.

"Pipe down guys." came the voice of William Frost, Alpha Company's sergeant major. The man that Ivan himself relied upon to make Alpha Company work. "This chatter is only making everyone nervous," he added. "Pilot. Time to the destination?" Frost asked over the com system.

"One minute." came the response. Frost nodded to Antilles who nodded back. "Marines. Prepare for drop." Antilles commented. The marines all rose to their feet en mass and knew this would be a rough drop. Combat landings were always fun. "Coming in hot. I wanna be on the desk for as short a time as possible guys." the pilot reminded everyone present.

Antilles went over to the hatch. He then tapped the large 'open' button, the wind began to howl as anything that was not tied down suddenly became airborne. "Go Go go!" the pilot called. Antilles then went out first, dropping three feet to the ground as the Transport moved forward, so the marines could be deployed quickly. Within moments the entire company was deployed and the Transport was climbing for space, its engines howling under the strain of atmospheric flight.

Ivan looked around as the entire regiment was on the planet now. He smiled. "Press forward," he ordered his own men. Other officers were doing likewise as they began attacking the government complex. Within seconds, the lead marines were through the doors. The complex stood like a silent statue to the mockery of a few, and the legacy of many.

Ivan nodded. "Spread out, secure this facility," he commented as he pointed towards a hallway. "Remember, these guys are psionic. Stun everyone you see, we'll sort it out later," he commented to his own company of marines that were advancing behind him. He had no desire to hurt anyone, he knew his marines felt likewise but this was war. To make matters worse was that he had no idea how the locals felt about matters. So he opted to keep things simple. Stun them if encountered, then have them relocated to a place of safety.

Antilles pushed forward, as his guys began their sweep. He heard phaser fire around him. Multiple contacts were reported. Mostly civilians who were being stunned and then were being beamed up to the Pashenadale, for medical care and for their own safety. They would be released after the end of hostilities.

Antilles heard the reports as they came in. Within minutes. Almost all of the exits had been captured. The Government was located here and it was now time to deal with them.

Antilles and several of his marines pressed ahead to the set of double doors where the government was located. Antilles then tapped his combadge. "Strike Six Sixteen to Homeplate. Tell the Admiral that the area is clear. She's free to beam down now." he commented.

"Copy." came the only response. A moment later, the shimmer of a transporter appeared as Division Admiral Yamaguchi smiled. "Hey, guys."
Torilla addressed the marines. "Thank you for letting me do this. I appreciate the respect," she commented.

"No worries ma'am. It's all yours." Antilles indicated the doors.

Yamaguchi turned as she then calmly, pushed the doors open. She had waited for this day for many years.


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