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Under a Shroud - Part Five

Posted on Thu Mar 31st, 2022 @ 3:34am by Commander Victoria 'Enyo' Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 114: Be All My Sins Remember'd
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1400Hrs - October 29th, 2393

Commander Victoria 'Enyo' Yamaguchi knew what her next step was to be. She was assigned to take the USS Pembo, a newly commissioned Lafayette class starship, she was an evolved version of the older New Orleans class frigate. The Pembo was outfitted for warfare and while she had the usual retinue of science and medical capabilities. The Lafayette class was designed for warfare and this suited Victoria just fine.

Yamaguchi approached the airlock for the USS Pembo. She went through the usual security checks while she went aboard. She then went up to the bridge where she was able to assume command for this operation. Yamaguchi liked the fact that none of the senior staff was assigned so she retreated into the ready room. She slid her lithe form into the chair behind the desk as she went to work, she had ideas of who and what she wanted for the senior staff for this assignment. Admiral Lasky had informed her that she had the right to select whom she wanted for this assignment and thus. Victoria would use this right for whoever she wanted for this assignment.

Yamaguchi picked up a PADD that was blank before she called up the senior staff roster for the USS Pembo. Which was empty. This suited Yamaguchi fine as she needed to fill this. Yamaguchi ordered a drink for herself before she called up the roster of Starbase Vanguard, by department name. She decided to start in tactical. She regarded the lists of officers only, enlisted and warrants would not have the skillsets she was looking for.

Yamaguchi tapped out the specific requirements for what she wanted as three names in Tactical came up. One of them was Lieutenant Ilea Rohr, the second was Commander K'Taro and the last was Commander Moni Nasao. Yamaguchi narrowed her eyes as she sent a quick request to Ilea Rohr via her email rather than contacting her. Yamaguchi needed to keep this off the net and keep this quiet.

The request was designed to be as boilerplate as possible. "Come see me on USS Pembo. Whenever you get this if you are interested in this request." But the response came back almost a minute later. "I am on my way... Rohr."

Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow as she thought that this was rather fast but she wasn't going to complain. Yamaguchi moved onto security and selecting Fred Noonan, she then went through the various departments before sending off her various requests. Many came back saying yes, I will come and see you or various words to that effect.

Yamaguchi smiled as the doorbell beeped at her. "It's open!" and the door opened, in walked a handsome woman with Klingon features. She came over to where Yamaguchi was sitting. "Lieutenant Penthesilea "Ilea" Rohr, reporting as ordered sir."

"Have a seat Lieutenant. I will explain and the drama around why I am acting as I am."

Rohr slid her lithe form in silence into a chair. She nodded once.

Yamaguchi gently placed her fingers on a PADD, she slid the PADD over to Rohr. "The assignment I am asking for your help with... is black." she indicated the PADD with her head. "That has all of our infomation on it, as well as a video conference between Starfleet's commander in chief and a Halanan official. If you want in then... I'm going to have you commanding my tactical department... But if not then that's fine... I'll ask you to not speak of this matter to anyone..."

Rohr regarded the other woman before her in silence. She tapped the display once. The video played as Rohr watched it in silence, she then played it a second time. "It seems... the more things change... The more they stay the same... I'm in."

"Excellent. For the record... These guys are holding the fate of a species in their hands... We have the cure and they won't accept our cure, they say they have their own... But that's doubted."

"Then we shall cure this issue at the root," Rohr answered quietly. "When do we leave?"

"Tomorrow morning," Yamaguchi answered.

"Alright." Rohr nodded. "I'll go get my quarters assignment and then I'll go to work..." she explained. "I assume my commanding officer will be informed.?"

"She already knows. Admiral Lasky said that I can recruit anyone I want for this assignment. This includes you." Yamaguchi then smiled.

"I won't let you down then," Rohr answered with a nod of her head.

"I know. On your way Lieutenant." Yamaguchi answered, their meeting was at an end.

Rohr rose to her feet as the door beeped. Rohr departed as Lieutenant Kadian Paris entered. "You wanted to see me sir?" she asked of Yamaguchi, she was struck by how much this woman resembled the Commodore.

"Yes, Doctor. Take a seat." Yamaguchi answered with a gentle smile. "Can I get you anything to drink?"

"Please. Its been a long day and I didn't get much time to myself before your request came in." Paris explained. "I'll have a glass of coke-cola please?"

"Done." and with that, Yamaguchi ordered the drink in a large pint glass which she handed off to the other woman. She drained a third of the glass in one go. "Mmm... Okay, so what did you want to see me about?"

Yamaguchi slid a PADD across to the Doctor. "First... I want you to review this and watch that video."

Paris did as she was asked in silence. While she did so, her thoughts turned to Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar and what she had endured at the hands of this government, then she considered Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi and her own issues. "I'll do it," Paris answered hotly. "Thes basterds will pay for this," she added softly.

"Justice is blind Kadian, we need to be careful about this... Lest we lose our way..." Yamaguchi gently cautioned the young woman before her.

"Yessir," Paris answered softly.


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