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Even more cute little Kurokuri

Posted on Thu Mar 12th, 2020 @ 7:37am by Commander Sokanon It'kla & Commander Watseka It'ka

Mission: Mission 88: We Must have Bloody Noses and Crack'd Crowns
Location: B kayor hospital facility
Timeline: June 6th 2392

Hakaya walked into the medical facility where Sokanon and North Sun where located, knowing that it was time. Teval followed her soon after, with a small army of twelve Kurokuri, Caitian and M'dok children. Karryn, Aerin, and Seykai also made themselves present. Hakaya walked in first, holding her swollen belly.

Sokanon was wearing her normal duty uniform, around which she was wearing a large sling for her children which went everywhere that she herself did. Right now the three of them were asleep which suited mommy just fine as she shifted her attention from them to Hakaya. "Hey, you in for-" she stopped. "It's time, isn't it?"

Hakaya nodded as she moved to a nearby bed. Teval mentioned flatly," Yeah, this will make seventeen little fuzzballs now."

Watseka chuckled softly. "Well I'm on litter number two now and I adopted three Ferasian children," she commented. "I am also considering litter three after all this is done." she suddenly grinned. "What?. My mate loves children and so do I."

Sokanon sighed softly. "You make it look easy."

"No. I work at it with my mate beside me." Watseka responded.

Teval took a seat in the chair next to his sibling, while saying to one of his ferasian children. "OK Serikaw, come here, I haven't brushed you yet."

The Somali cat patterned 10-year-old ferasian came over to Teval, and he brushed her long, thick fur. He remembered how dingy the ferasian and M'dok children were when they came to them, but now all seven of them had nice, shiny well-groomed fur coats. Serikaw couldn't help but purr as Teval brushed her fur.

Hakaya smiled as she waited for a check. "You have become quite the stylist, Teval."

North Sun chuckled as she watched them hanging out as Sokanon meanwhile was tending to Hakaya. "How are you feeling?" she inquired of Hakaya.

Hakaya purred when Soakanon touched her, "Eh like I'm ready to pop, five kits is a lot."

"Well. you are ready to pop." Sokanon commented with a smile.

Hakaya nodded as she shifted to try and find a comfortable position.

At the same time, Lykarr, curious as ever, looked inside the sling that Sokanon was carrying, and saw a baby cheetah like caitian. The small child reached out with a paw and let out a small mewling sound at Lykarr. Lykarr gently rubbed the baby Caitian's ear, and she purred in response.

Sokanon noticed the small Caitian petting her child so she made no move to stop it, her little one seemed to not mind the attention as Sokanon gently assisted Hakaya. "Almost there," she commented as she checked her tricorder. Suddenly moments later the first young child emerged from her mother as Hakaya gave birth.

Moments later it was all over as Hakaya had her children and Sokanon was left to tend to the aftermath of the birthing process which she did in silence.

Teval enlisted the help of Serikaw, Yassru and Keeshaw to help clean off the newborns. Once they were done, Hakaya was nursing five tiny mewing newborn Kurokuri next to her, with her tail curled around them.

Sokanon peered at the small army of children as they clustered around their mother, she ran her tricorder over them but she did it some distance away from Hakaya so as not to be an intrusive force. "Well, your children are in excellent health. How many is that for you guys now?" she inquired.

"Including the adopted ones," Teval commented as he gently rubbed a purring Hakaya, " Seventeen."

"Wow. That's more than a full house. I wish you luck with it." she paused. "My sibling has something like twelve and she makes it look easy. I got these three and I'm having issues." Sokanon sighed softly.

Teval resumed his grooming of his various caitian children. "Well, I get help from Karryn and Aerin as well, so it isn't just me and Hakaya doing all the work.

"Well, that's a plus," Sokanon responded quietly. "You make it look easy, so does North Sun."

"Well, one thing that makes it easier," Teval explained, "Is having the older kids help with the younger ones, rather than trying to do all the work yourself."

"Once she settles in. I can ask my child for a little help." Sokanon answered, a smile appearing on her face.

Teval nodded, then mentioned. "Well, unfortunately, I am going to have to be separated from them for about two months."

Sokanon raised an eyebrow. "Why is that?" she inquired.

"Well two days ago Roanoke was completely destroyed," Teval explained, "However Starfleet has been working on getting us a replacement ship for about a week now, and in July, I am scheduled to go to our new ship."

Sokanon paused. "Roanoke has been... destroyed?" she paused. "When?. How?" she inquired.

"Destroyed when Lasky threw the ship in front of some missiles aimed at Goronar. So the ship died saving millions of people."

"Well. I didn't see that coming.." Sokanon responded. "I bet Lasky just became famous to the Gorn?" she then chuckled softly. "I'll bet he's loving that."

Teval didn't comment on the matter. Moments later Wukari came in, carrying both of her children. She also had two twelve-year-old caitian children with her that she was looking after, and the two kids were carrying Brightspot and Pufftail

Sokanon watched Wukari enter before she let out a huff. "So everyone has their pets back now." she tapped the display once before she turned back to Hakaya. "You're children are all in excellent health. I will update your records accordingly." the Caitian explained. "Is there anything else you require from me?"

Hakaya shook her head while Pufftail, curious as ever, jumped onto the biobed to investigate. Wukari then explained," Yeah, I'm just bringing my little ones in for a checkup."

"Come on over here and I can handle it for you," Sokanon responded in a light tone. "Let's see."

Wukari set both of her children down on the biobed, while the two Caitian kids set down Brightspot and Pufftail. Pufftail stayed put, purring as Wukari gently petted the feline. However, Brightspot wanted to investigate things and jumped off the biobed to go investigate Teval.

R'Messa followed Sokanon as she gently held onto her new young sibling as she regarded the two cats. "What are those?"

Sokanon turned as she regarded her new daughter. "What is who?" she inquired.

"Those two... are they Caitian kits?" she indicated Brightspot.

"Oh." Sokanon paused. "No, those are Terran house cats and they are not sentient, however, I have heard some consider them more intelligent than people but I myself am inclined to agree."

R'Messa regarded the two cats as the second move moved quietly towards Teval, however, a nurse was approaching and she wasn't looking down. "Watch the cat!"

The Nurse jumped as she very nearly stood on Brightspots tail, the commotion startled the cat who fled away from the scene. R'Messa meanwhile moved after the startled cat. "Here, kitty, kitty kitty!"

Sokanon sighed. "This will end badly," she commented quietly, more to herself than anyone else.

Let me handle it," Wukari said in an exacerbated tone. It didn't take her long to retrieve Brightspot and comfort the startled feline.

R'Messa sighed softly before she came back over to Sokanon. "I didn't catch the kitty."

"Your approach was way too aggressive. Felines don't respond well to it." Sokanon explained. "Put yourself in the cat's paws. How would you feel if someone twenty times your size came after you?." the female Caitian looked at the child as she gave M'Ressa a pointed look.

"You're right."

"I know.. See Pufftail over there?." Sokanon indicated the second cat. "See how he's just sitting there?" she commented. "He's not moving because he's good there, he can see everything including any threats."

"Can I pet him?"

"He's not mine. You'll need to see Wukari for her blessing." Sokanon explained. "Go on, ask her?"

M'Ressa went over to Wukari. "Hey. Mind if I pet him.?" she indicated the cat nearby.

Wukari nodded while she cradled Brightspot. "Yeah, you're fine, he is friendly."

The young Caitian gently touched the cat. "I've never seen one of these before. Are they common?" she inquired as before she gently began petting the cat.

Pufftail responded to M'ressa by purring while Teval mentioned," Yeah they are quite common."

M'Ressa paused as she regarded the cat. "Do Caitians have pets like these?" she inquired. "The Klingons never let us have anything to call our own." she paused. "They are a truly Vile people."

Sokanon thought the matter over, the tall Caitian let out a soft sigh. "Well, do not worry about it, you are not going back there. Not if I have anything to do with it."


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