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Big family now

Posted on Mon Mar 9th, 2020 @ 12:01am by Fleet Captain Vrr'Srhann'rr 'Siranna' & Command Master Chief Petty Officer Sam Swifthoof

Mission: Mission 70: Children and the Workplace do Not Mix
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 0830Hrs - April 7th, 2392

Teval looked around at the remodeled rooms that they had just finished. He was fortunate that his quarters and Karryn and Aerin's Quarters where right across from each other in the hallway and that both of their quarters where at the end of the hallway, and that a third set of quarters next to theirs was occupied only by Seykai and no one else. So in order to accommodate the five additional Ferasian children and two M'dok children he was about to receive, they had put a door controlling access to the three sets of quarters and turned all three into a single very large set of quarters, with one of them converted into being practically nothing more than a large bedroom. It helped that their quarters wasn't one of the ones near the outer hull but rather was one within the internal sections of the saucer, well away from the external hull.

The Door chime alerted him to the arrival of the reviewing officer, whom was coming with the various children.

Captain Siranna led her charges down the hallway to their destination. Lieutenant Sam Swifthoof was with her. "Here we are." Siranna tapped the door chime before she turned to the seven Caitian children. "Here we are kits... With a little fortune, this will be your new home."

Siranna turned back to Teval. "Hello Teval. I have come with your seven adoptions. Are you ready?"

Teval nodded. "Yeah, just finish my rebuilding project."

Meanwhile Nuyari and Takov peeked out of their room, looking at the new arrivals.

Siranna regarded the PADD that she held in her left hand. "Well.. according to the protocol I'm supposed to ask you a pile of questions about your culture, your allergies and all sorts of other little details.." she paused. "but ummmm I think its safe to say.. I do not need to ask... so... I can leave these kits with you?" she inquired.

Swifthoof turned to Siranna. "I think this one is open and shut.."

"Yeah.. Lets have a look at the accommodations anyway... Just so I can mark it down that I actually bothered with it." as she gave Teval a look. "But you answered all my-err our questions okay and the like."

Teval looked around at the now extremely extended Quarters. "Yeah I basically had to expand my quarters, merging it with Aerin and Karryn's as well as Seykai. All Five of us are going to work together to raise these kids though.

Silversnow was the first one to get curious, her tail brushed up against Siranna's leg as she wandered over to investigate the new arrivals.

Siranna felt something brush up against her, she looked down to find a large housecat who was clearly curious. "Hello Kitty... I forgot about her." she admitted. "How is she doing these days?"

Teval called Silversnow over, whom promptly came to him, and he then picked her up," Oh, she is doing fine these days. Has become quite the pampered feline. Of her seven kitten's we still have four of them, and they have calmed down a bit."

Nuyari finally got curious enough to approach the various Ferasian children. "Hi I'm Nuyari."

Some of the Children were still quite shy, none of them having seen a Kurokuri before, but one, the Siberian male, was less shy," Um' hello. are you Caitian, you look kind of different."

Nuyari shook her head," No I'm a Kurokuri."

Teval observed then turned back to Sirrana, well if you like I can show you their bedroom first, its a bit Akurian but it should work just fine."

"Thats fine. After you." Siranna responded as the two Caitian females followed in silence as Teval began the walk through.

Teval showed them the bedrooms first, which in classic Akurian fashion, the original mattress had been removed and the bed frames greatly expanded to hold the mass of pillows which usually served as a typical Akurian bed. The whole thing took up most of the room. " Yeah, This should be big enough to accommodate all the children, and the occasional cat," Teval commented, as he noticed one of the larger pillows was already occupied by Speed demon and Firehawk.

Teval then continued, "The Closets are still in place but I don't expect them to see much use, all the sonic showers have been replaced with actual bathtubs or showers and I have made just about every other change that I have needed to."

Siranna peered into most of the rooms while Swifthoof peered into other ones. "Yep. Looks like this one is open and shut.." she turned to her companion. "You?"

"Mmm... Oh this one is good to me." Swifthoof agreed.

Teval nodded then asked. "So do you two want anything to drink or something, I know you both have had a rather busy last couple of days dealing with this situation. Also have the kids eaten yet today."

Swifthoof smiled. "Sure.. Some refreshments would be great." while Siranna nodded. "The kits had their breakfast before they came over here.. about an hour or so ago." she added. "what do you got to eat?"

Teval led them over to the kitchen area, which had been enlarged, with additional cooking area's. "Well, I have stocked up on food, I have recently been able to get ahold of those Akurian meat fruits as well and stocked up on those."

Swifthoof padded into the kitchen, followed by Silversnow the cat as she was curious about the new arrivals. Siranna gently reached down as the picked up the housecat in her arms. "Hello kitty."

The cat peered at her as she blinked her large eyes once. Siranna gently ran her fingers over kittys's face, head and her coat once before she gently set her down on the nearby chair. The cat meowed once as her tail moved to curl around her.

Siranna then continued her walk into the kitchen. "Meat fruits?" Swifthoof was asking. "Never heard of them." Siranna regarded Teval. "Yeah I think we've seen all we need to see... This one I'm going to approve."

Teval decided to give a short explanation. " Well needless to say, Akurians have not developed food replicator technology, so on Akurian vessels they have to either store food or grow it on the ship. Now Since Akurians are generally more carnivorous than normal, this can present a problem for long range trips, as it is a major hassle to store farm animals on a starship. So Akurian genetic engineers managed to produce multiple types of plants and tree's that grows various types of fruits that very closely mimic's meat in terms of nutritional value, taste and composition. And over the many centuries that the technology has been available, there has been a great variety of these tree's and plants created. But the fruits closely mimic meat enough that even a fully carnivorous being can survive and get full nutrition purely by just eating these various types of fruits."

Swifthoof and Siranna traded a look. "Sure. We'll try one of these meat flavored fruits... Could be a market there for those.."

Teval pulled out a plate of leftovers from last nights dinner, which was a dish of steaks, made from one of the beef flavored fruits. He then had the dish reheated and then within a minute it was ready and he set it out on the table, "Here you go."

The two women began to dig into the plate of food before them. "Mmmm steak..." Swifthoof smiled as Siranna simply swallowed the mouthfull of food she had been eating. Within moments the plate had been cleared. "This is good. You should have been a chef."

Teval shrugged. "Eh, Me and Hakaya just prefer to cook our own meals since neither of us like replicated food really."

Swifthoof was eating a mouthful of the food as she simply listened. Siranna nodded. "My mate likes to cook his own food, which he does often... He;'s stuck in his retirement papers so soon, he will be bringing our children out here to join me on whatever assignment I'm on." she smiled as she helped herself to a mouthful of the food.

Takov meanwhile walked by, holding his pet red squirrel in his hands to show it to the new arrivals, whom started making their way in the room. Savo, Kiyuo and Yavi also came out and introduced themselves to the kits. Teval looked over at the kids, commenting," Well at least they are all getting along quite well." As the Caitian kits showed a fair amount of interest both in Takov's Squirrel, and two of silversnow's kittens whom came it investigate the new arrivals.

Siranna watched the various people and animals begin to get along and know each other as she ate her food in silence. "Nice.. they are getting along." Swifthoof commented.

Teval put away the remaining food. "Yeah, that's always a good thing."

Swifthoof finished her food with one last bite. "Mmm... well Teval. you should have been a Chef.."

Teval didnt really comment on the matter, so he instead asked," So you need anything else from me on the matter of adoption or am I good."

Swifthoof and Siranna shared a look. "No.. this is an open and shut case.. you are approved." Siranna responded.

Swifthoof added. "I was going to approve you about a minute after we arrived." she paused. "Do you got any questions before we head off to our next victim?"

Teval shook his head, then walked over to one of the younger caitian kits, a M'dok snow leopard girl named Junhro and hugged her. Junhro looked up at Teval. "So your my dad now."

Teval nodded, Yep."

Junhro smiled and hugged him back, then said," You are so pretty."

Siranna nodded. "Well.. that settles that." she responded. "Come on.. Lets go torment some other poor soul and leave these guys to get to know each other."

Swifthoof rose to her feet, err paws before the two Caitian females took their leave and departed in silence.

Meanwhile Teval got pounced on by two of the Ferasian children, promptly starting a wrestling match. After 10 minutes of making a mess of the living room Teval found himself laying on his back on the floor, his head leaning on the couch. Next to him he had Junhro under his arm, feeling very cozy next to her newfound father. So Teval decided to get used to all their names.


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