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Going to Work

Posted on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 @ 11:56pm by Lieutenant JG Sarah Ashley

Mission: Mission 67: In The Service of Life and the Living
Location: Various Locations - USS Manticore
Timeline: 0800Hrs - March 18th, 2392

Sarah was having a bad hair day. Nothing she did seemed to be working out, curls, tucks, braiding, she even tried a bun! Unfortunately she was headed to Sickbay for her shift, so she couldn’t wear a hat. She stuck her tongue out at her image in the mirror, “fine, be that way.” She laughed and pulled her chocolate colored hair into a ponytail. “You can’t beat me!” she declared at her reflection, laughing again.

Leaving the bathroom, she grabbed a uniform out of the closet and got
dressed. Sarah always tried to give herself plenty of time and a glance at the chronometer indicated she had plenty of time to go grab a mocha cappuccino, extra chocolate, extra foam, with whipped cream on top. “MMMhhmmm” she murmured in anticipation. She practically skipped out of her quarters headed for the lounge and her cup of super sweet coffee.

Sarah smiled at everyone she saw. She loved people. That was the reason she had become a medical office. She was also aware that her smile was somewhat infectious and she liked to make others smile. She wiggled her fingers in hello at some small children as she passed.
The proprietor was used to seeing Sarah and had her mocha started before she arrived. She preferred the hand-made to a replicated mocha, not that she hadn't drank her fair share of those also! and stopped several times in a week.

Finally, with coffee and a bagel in hand, she headed for Sickbay to see what the day would bring. The bagel had been a last minute addition to her order and it was delicious. She ate one half of the cream cheese laden bread before she even made it to the turbolift. She knew she would have to work out more today to get rid of the extra calories but right now they were so worth it! With her bagel devoured and her coffee cup in hand she entered office and went to her desk, she sat down as she checked over her schedule to see who she would be helping today.


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