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Get up and Go

Posted on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 @ 11:35pm by Division Admiral Celeste Yamaguchi-Hobbs & Colonel Brianna Hobbs
Edited on on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 @ 11:35pm

Mission: Mission 70: Children and the Workplace do Not Mix
Location: Various Locations - USS Dreamcrusher
Timeline: 1430Hrs - March 16th, 2392

Commander Celeste Yamaguchi often spent time with her fiancee at her place but she also maintained her own quarters on the USS Dreamcrusher which she found to be very nice.

She missed the company of Pava and Pasha, but her Andorian children were now adults in the real sense as well as the technical sense, when they found out they were getting Caitian children in addition to Jackson as siblings, both were overjoyed and said they would support their mother as needed.

Celeste had brought her two children home with her as they had been released from sickbay, she had orders to make sure the three of them got plenty of sleep and lots to eat and drink. Celeste had no issues with any of that as she had called Brianna earlier to inform her about Kaleen maybe catching the measles that was apparently loose in the camps planetside.

Celeste had sat down on the sofa after slipping off her boots and uniform jacket, Charon had nodded off while sitting on her lap, his head rested against her belly, within Jackson slept as he grew, soon the bulge of flesh at her midsection would be her son and he would grow up as a much loved child. Her son.

Celeste felt the second child climb into her arms as she herself closed her eyes, with the second child asleep in her arms. What seemed like moments later the door opened and in came Brianna Hobbs with a small child in her arms.

Celeste smiled. "Shh.." she regarded the two arrivals. "They are sleeping.. and wouldn't sleep in their room so... I'm sitting here for the duration. I've been dozing lightly myself..." she explained quietly as she gave Kaleen a hug, this had the effect of waking her siblings.

Celeste simply smiled as she let the three of them catch up on her lap.
"Guys... the claws.." she said gently. "your hurting me."

Charon hopped off of her lap, landing on the floor but he over compensated and ended up on his face, his sisters landing next to him as Celeste regarded the imprints into her legs that Charon had left. "Nope, didn't break the skin.." she regarded Hobbs. "So... What did you do today?" she inquired of her wife, a smile on her lips.

Brianna repressed a growl but before she could reply Kaleen responded. "It was awesome!" She shouted. "I got to use grenades and assault phasers and I didn't even know flamethrowers existed!"

Celeste raised an eyebrow as she regarded her wife in silence, she indicated the bedroom as she was getting the hint that Brianna needed to talk. "Kits, talk among yourselves. Brianna and I need to chat kay?.."

Celeste gently took Hobbs's hand as she gently led the other woman into the bedroom. "What's wrong Bri?" she asked, clearly she was concerned. "I caught that look in your eye... What happened today?"

"It's not Kaleen's fault." Brianna told Celeste. "It's that idiot daughter of Werner. She must have shown the kit every weapon system on the Argonne. Now Kaleen is infatuated with weapons."

Celeste raised an eyebrow. "Children will be children... I hope it isn't permanent... You remember what I did to Werner?" Yamaguchi gave the other woman a malicious smile. "I'm not assigned here, alas."

"Well, it isn't Werner. It's his daughter. How can those two be so different?" Brianna asked.

"Thats simple... She wasn't raised by him so she acts out near him.. trying to make up for lost time." Celeste explained as she sat down on the bed, while she looked up at her fiancee. She gently patted the bed in front of her. "I won't bite.." she added in a soft tone, a teasing smile on her face. "I promise to be a good girl.." it was something that both women knew was complete and utter rubbish.

Brianna sat down beside Celeste. "How are Charon and Shandra"

Celeste smiled as she climbed in behind her wife-to be as she gently placed her hands on the marine's shoulders. "They are tired but they will recover from that measles bug.." she explained while she gently began massaging Brianna's shoulders. "Mmm.. your muscles are like rock.." as she smiled.

"There is a lot going on." Brianna replied. "I still have that Captain snooping around and now I have a spoiled son of a bureaucrat causing issues with the new APCs. On top of that, Daisy is leaving to produce offspring."

"Daisy Rohr will make a fine mom... Its a shame she's leaving.." Celeste sighed softly as she rubbed her hands over the other woman's shoulders. "Don't sweat it."

"I'm not stressed about her replacement." Brianna replied. "I'm stressed out with us. Your pregnant and we are adding three more to the family."

Celeste shared her mates concerns. "I know.." she explained before she gently kissed her wife on the side of her neck. "I'm pregnant and this has not been an easy time for any of us present." she added. "But I'm doing better now then I was and I'm doing alright... really." as she pressed her fingers into the other womans muscles, still feeling like she was kneading rock. "I just have to remember to take it easy... my medical staff however... are a bunch of tyrannical martinets, always relieving me of my work... at times I feel pampered and all I do is sit on a chair and shine it with my ass.." it was clear from her tone that she was actually enjoying the attention. "Think I can get away with sticking them in for commendations for.... whatever I can dream up?" before she gently kissed the other woman.

"Don't worry about it. I'll submit the paperwork and get the Exec to sign off on it." she grinned at Brianna. "It'll be fine." she paused. "I know we're having issues... But I'm coping and I'm doing alright." Celeste gently reached down as she gently helped Brianna remove her uniform jacket then her shirt. "Besides... I just wanna enjoy your company for a little while."


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