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Posted on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 @ 5:31pm by Cadet Sophomore Grade Pasha Ch'Yamaguchi & Cadet Sophomore Grade Pava Sh'Yamaguchi & Division Admiral Celeste Yamaguchi-Hobbs & Colonel Brianna Hobbs
Edited on on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 @ 5:32pm

Mission: Mission 63: Second Nature
Location: Planet surface - Niven Colony
Timeline: 1300Hrs Local Time - Febuary 24th, 2392

Commander Celeste Yamaguchi was now about six months pregnant with her biological son and yet if one found her here, they would have no idea whatsoever that anything was out of the ordinary with her or her rather unusual family. The Andorian twins were home and she had greatly missed their company.

Pasha was busy swimming in the ocean nearby while Celeste herself was lying on a large beach towel, lying on her back wearing a black one piece suit, a surfboard was embedded into the sand nearby, it was black with a large batman logo in gold painted into the board itself.

Celeste also had a large umbrella blocking out most of the sunlight from her eyes, before she opened her eyes and slowly sat up as Pava who was wearing almost identical attire to her mother, except her suit was a dark red rather then black, approached her from out of the nearby surf which Celeste guesstimated to be about 20 yards off. "Mom... you coming?"

"Yeah... I was just resting." Celeste responded as Pava knelt before her. "You need to go surfing.." as Pava gently grasped her mothers hands and gently hauled her to her feet. "Come on mom..."

Celeste turned her head as she regarded another figure approaching. This one was Brianna Hobbs. "Brianna.." Pava addressed her. "What are you doing here?" the Andorian Shen inquired of the second human female wearing a dark green one piece suit.

"Hello Pava, I am here the reason you are." She answered a little indirectly.

"You are?" Pava inquired. "I mean you are..." the Shen added a moment later, a soft grin gracing her lips.

Celeste stood with her drink in hand, before she took a mouthful. "Mmmm.." she sighed. "Did my gallant and disloyal crew mutiny again?" Yamaguchi inquired. "I keep meaning to write the lot up for that but.... I can't work up the energy.." she joked as she shrugged her shoulders. "Besides... I like the location... Lots of sand and massive rocks and palm trees....."

Pasha emerged from the surf nearby as he came over. "Ladies... Whats up?" he inquired once he got within reach.

"Just enjoying the beach." Brianna replied.

Celeste moved over three feet before she gingerly sat down on a large rock. "I almost want to take this place with me when we leave.." she admitted while she took a moment to adjust her suit.

"Good." Brianna replied.

"I feel fat." Yamaguchi sighed softly as she looked down. "I can't see my feet anymore.." she added.

"You have to remember there are two of you know." Brianna smiled at Celeste.

"Yeah yeah... I know." Celeste responded with a sigh. "I'll get over it."

"You should be enjoying this." Brianna told Celeste. "A little piece of you is growing inside your body and will soon become his own person."

Yamaguchi slowly nodded her head. "I can..." she paused. "Once I figure out how... to enjoy this..."

Brianna sighed. "Celeste Honey, your thinking too hard. Let yourself go and enjoy your kids."

Yamaguchi regarded her girlfriend. "Alright.." as she finished her drink before she slipped the empty glass back into her carry-case. "You're right..." she added as she shifted her attention, now looking out to sea. "Pava... Didn't you have some news to share with us?" Celeste suddenly grinned at her adopted daughter.

Pava blinked her large eyes as she regarded her mom. "Mm...Oh yes.. I'm being considered for the academy swim team." she explained. "Mom, how did you know?."

"Because an old friend of mine is the coach of the team. She was with me on the Academy team when I was a cadet. Prepare yourself for a grueling test of your stamina, patience and energy. Also be prepared for every single male on campus to want your body."

Pava chuckled. "I am prepared.." she responded.

Pasha regarded his twin before he shifted his attention back to the women both Andorians called mother. "I hope so." he rumbled. "Mom. You coming?."

"Yeah." Celeste then began walking forward into the surf, as it splashed around her feet and lower legs. "Bri... you coming too?"

"Of course." She replied.

Pasha followed his mother into the surf as Celeste dove into the sea, Pava was more or less right behind her.

Celeste breathed out, a large stream of bubbles passed her face before she emerged moments later, she looked around as she spotted Pava nearby. Brianna was not to be seen and neither was Pasha.

Brianna looked around and could not find Celeste. "Hello!" she cried out.

Pasha popped up. "Ahh.." he sighed. "Wait ..... where is mom and Pava?"

"I don't know." Brianna told Pasha with a little concern.

Meanwhile Celeste got the attention of Pava. "Swim for shore sweetie." and with that the two women charged for shore, Pava was much stronger then her mother was and she landed first, she came back out to help Celeste who wasn't as strong.

The two emerged from the roaring surf a few minutes later. Pava looked around. "Which way?" as she took a moment to adjust her suit.

Celeste looked left then right while she did the same with her own suit.. "We can't have gone far.." she responded evenly. "Lets go that way..." she indicated back north, towards the sun.

The two started walking in silence, clad in naught but their suits.

"Celeste! Pava! Where are you?" Brianna called out.

Celeste raised an eyebrow as she heard something. "WE'RE HERE!" Pava screamed at the top of her lungs.

The four of them were reunited moments later. Pasha regarded his twin. "Do not scare me like that." before the two embraced.

"It was not our fault... We were caught in a riptide." The Andorian explained as Celeste took a moment to sit down on a rock. "Well.. the seating was comfy." she explained. "The view was decent.."

"Mom, why do you do this job?" Pasha inquired. "What a wonderful world you live in.."

"Well the rent is cheap, the pay is decent and I get to make my own hours." Yamaguchi responded. "Besides the scenery changes and they let me use explosives.."

Pasha smiled. "Its nice to see your sense of humor is still present.."

"Life changing experiences are never funny... Besides since that event six months ago. I'm sure the sun will rise tomorrow and I know that if it does... that I'm going to be there..." Yamaguchi regarded her audience. "Lets face it, we never know when its over... and as long as we've got today and you got a choice... Why would you choose to make it a bad day?"

Brianna smiled at Celeste. After the living hell the woman had suffered it at least seemed as if her self imposed purgatory would be at an end.

Pasha smiled at his mother but he kept his silence. Pava gently gave Celeste a hug. "Its good to be home mom." what they left unsaid was that it would be far too short.


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