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Echos of the Peasants Revolt - Part One

Posted on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 @ 5:28pm by Fleet Admiral Dominique Jes-Tereth

Mission: Mission 65: And Death Rained Down
Location: House Tethi Compound - Kronos
Timeline: 1230Hrs - February 24th, 2392

M'Rella, eldest daughter of Tethi watched as the troops advanced up the road towards their stronghold and she knew what they were here for. "To arms men!" she screamed. "To Arms!" she added a moment later.

The house forces had been called out to fight and come they did.

"The Chancellor means to have the army come in and kill us all, she'd rather use them then her own house troops.. What an honorless To'Pah!" responded her biological brother who was a year younger then she herself was, he carried a large projectile launcher. "the lads are ready... you got any last words.?"

"Fight and die an honorable death. Do NOT let them take you alive.." she turned to her husband. "Is it prepared?"

"Yes.. All one of us has to do is hit the switch. Its armed and has been all morning."

"Good." M'Rella responded. "We had best go to our posts brother.." and with that they kissed one final time before he went to the battlements and she went to the command center.

M'Rella entered moments later before she sealed the large door behind her. "Status?"

"There are a battalion of some six hundred troops moving up the road to us."

"Is the Vengeance ready for departure.?" M'Rella inquired. "Load all of the non-combatants aboard and prepare it to slip away." she sighed as she loathed sending people away but she had no choice, as the message simply demanded her efforts, her hand had been forced and now she was going to attempt to send away whatever she could be saved.

"It is." came the response she had expected.

"Good.." she turned. "You will command her, you will escape and not engage the enemy.. You will survive at any cost... Wohavi must pay for this treachery and you will carry out this mission... Do you accept this mission?" M'Rella inquired.

The Klingon regarded her. His name was Poktarl and he was M'Rella's mate and father to her children. "Vengeance will be ours for this."

"Good... Go then..." as the man turned to leave. M'Rella paused before she turned back to the display, the troops were still advancing in formation and it was clear they did not expect resistance from anyone.

"Play the tape back one more time... So I can be sure I'm not making a mistake.." M'Rella ordered. Her order was carried out moments later as the face of Wohavi appeared on the screen before her. it was hard and unyielding with her angry red eyes that blazed hatred, malice and cruelty. "I am Chancellor Wohavi and you have committed treason against the Empire. The various other crimes are relevant however and you have taken up arms against your rightful chancellor and your people, for this, there can be no recourse other than to terminate all of you. You're houses will be expunged, your property confiscated and lands seized and you will all be put to the sword without hesitation or mercy. Know that I will collect the heads of every single last man, woman, and child in these houses. Enjoy your last moments of peace for I will have my vengeance upon you all." With that the screen went black.

Meanwhile outside, the various Klingon on the ramparts were the first to start shooting, as the warfare on the ground began to spread, people began to scatter as shots went wild and began falling short or going long.

The Klingons who had been advancing simply scattered as a sniper team began picking off the house troops on the ramparts, some with headshots and others with various other shots, usually leaving the same results. All dead.

M'Rella's brother fired off an isomagnetic round before he was sniped through the chest by a sniper, however his round avenged him as the only snipers nest suddenly exploded in a truly massive explosion.

The troops on the ground were forced to do this the old fashioned way as they began advancing and before long they were up to the walls of the compound. "Alright. once inside. we stun people and capture them for execution later." the squad leader said.

"We should grant them a warrior's death... They are Klingons.."

"Yes. we should." the Squad leader responded. "However.. I have my orders.. and there will be no honor from this field or any other field this day.."

The klingons around him nodded before someone brought up breaching charges which they then set, the troops then scattered as someone opened up on them from above with a rapid firing slugthrower with six barrels, the noise was like a loud saw moving rapidly as all but two of the Klingons were cut down by the fusillade of bullets.

The dying squad leader cursed Wohavi for this turn of events as he activated the charges, blowing a hole in the defenses, with that the Klingon attackers began swarming inside, with that they began stunning people, denying then an honorable death and taking prisoners.

M'Rella watched all of this happen with a clinical dispassion as she rose to her feet. "Vengeance?"

Pokatarls voice came back. "Go ahead"?

"Launch now... Our position is lost... Die well my mate."

"Die well M'Rella... I will avenge you and our house for this treachery."
and with that she response was cut, she watched as the secret hanger suddenly opened and out flew a modified Bird of Prey which quickly cloaked as it flew away.

M'Rella watched as the fighting died down and her people were being led away, into captivity before they would be put to the sword en-mass, she could not change their fate but she could change the time of their death.

M'Rella closed her eyes as she breathed in and then out before she pushed her fist into the large detonation switch before her 'burn in hell for my vengeance is nigh' and with that she knew nothing more as the world went white around her.

The panel was connected to a truly massive hydrogen bomb, it was an old style Nuclear warhead but it was a two hundred and fifty megaton warhead, and as it detonated, it eradicated everyone in range, the compound, her own people, the attacking troops and the ships that supported the attack. In short everyone within ten miles of the point of detonation, died from the effects of it.


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