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The Fall of the Abel System

Posted on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 @ 4:19pm by Fleet Admiral Dominique Jes-Tereth

Mission: Mission 65: And Death Rained Down
Location: The Abel System
Timeline: 1630Hrs - February 20th, 2392

As Torlek retreated behind his cloak, leaving behind a mess of a battle space, the main force of Wohovi came out of warp and into the melee, also a second fleet under the command of Tethi emerged from cloak and began shooting at the enemy.

Tethi sat in her command chair. "Finish these freaks... Concentrate your fire on one ship at a time." she ordered, while she watched a Bird of Prey explode due to weapons fire.

L'gran had barely escaped the destruction of his battlestation, he had gone over to a Warrior's Anger class ship that had escaped the destruction of his fleet and now he was fighting with what little was left of his forces.

L'gran turned to his weapons officer. "Open fire on everything, all tubes and disruptor banks."

"Yessir." came the response.

Tethi noticed the small band of L'gran flagged ships when one of them took a salvo of torpedoes and was turned into an expanding ball of molten fire. She smiled but she focused her efforts against her primary target. Wohavi who she considered to be the greater threat.

"Target Wohovi's ship. end her misery." Tethi turned her attention back to the battle before her.

"Right away sir."

A half dozen Birds of Prey began harrying the larger Vorcha class cruiser that Wohavi had selected for her flagship, one of them was shattered from a disruptor hit from a Negh'var which itself fell due to ordnance from other ships in Tethi's fleet.

Tethi smiled as she directed all of her ships like a music conductor directs his orchestra as she had her larger ships working over Wohavi's fleet, two cruisers exploded almost at the same time as a Bird of prey clearly misjudged the distance and took a glancing blow from a piece of debris and ended up careening into another Klingon warship in a fiery conflagration that ended up destroying both ships.

Meanwhile on the damaged but still functional Vorcha class warship. Captain Torlek sighed softly. "Tell our remaining escorts to break and attack any hostile ships and we will do the same." he commented. "Order them to focus their efforts on L'gran first."

L'gran noticed the three decloaking Vorcha's as he redirected his ships to attack those first, as all three began taking hits, one of them took too much fire and exploded. The second rammed another warship and both of them were shattered by forces outside anyone's control while the last targeted him. "Destroy him!" L'gran demanded.

Torlek smiled. "Today is indeed a good day to die... Give me ramming speed.." as his ship made a slow turn to starboard, he clipped a bird of prey belonging to Tethi's forces, it suddenly began spinning to port as its bow connected with the Vorcha, crushing it as a random disruptor hit simply gutted the vessel like a grenade landing inside an armored vehicle before it ignited.

Torlek's ship almost hit its mark, only just narrowly missing but before he could regain the initiative, several ships from Tethi's forces seemed to notice him for the first time, before he was set upon and destroyed.

L'gran sighed softly as his ship's crew tried to fight over what was inevitable but they couldn't as they themselves all died moments later.
"I will see you in sto'vo'kor." L'gran muttered as he died at his post, the last thing he saw was his vision going white as the ship's warp core ignored in his face, adding another sun to the battlefield that was full of them.

The space battle ended more or less a short time later as ships, exhausted from the fighting withdrew behind their cloaks or attempted with withdrew but were picked off by ships from the other side. L'gran's last warship however did not escape as it suicide-rammed a large Negh'var, shattering both ships and just like that, almost as fast as it had begin, the battle for the Abel system was over and the winners and losers from the battle limped away to lick their wounds.


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